
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

CHAPTER 7 : Unveiled

In the realm where darkness whispers, and nightmares take form,

A figure emerged, a harbinger of the storm.

"Magic's a labyrinth, a riddle to decipher,

In the chambers of your mind, where fears slither."

"Each spell is a tapestry, woven with threads,

A promise of might, where mystery treads.

But remember, brave seeker, as threads intertwine,

Even the bravest can fall to the design."

"From abyss to abyss, the arcane takes hold,

A symphony of shadows, a story untold.

Remember, young seeker, as you venture through fright,

The price that's concealed in magic's dark light."

"In mirrors and riddles, in twilight's cold grasp,

Magic's a phantom, a secret that clasp.

Seek it in the echoes, where truths may unfold,

For wisdom's a treasure in stories untold."

"Let your eyes pierce the void, let your mind seek the truth,

In the tapestry woven from hopes and from ruth.

Magic is timeless, a dance of the wise,

From chaos to clarity, where power relies."

The figure grew closer, an enigma so grand,as Persian awoke, breathless in fear's hand.

His gaze met a jar, distant yet near, And with eyes gripped by dread, he shattered it clear.

In the grasp of that moment, he quivered and shook.The verses held him, like an ominous book.

With rhymes that were haunting, and secrets that leer, he was bound to the magic, a prisoner of fear.

Persian sat on the bed still confused. He walked over to the shattered glass and picked a piece up.....

"happy birth.....son, what happened here" worried the queen.

"i...i....i" "that is broken glass, let go of it...it will hurt you....Elyss Please come clean this place" ordered the queen....

"yes your majesty"...

The queen sat her son down " what happened "

Persian wanted to answer but he didn't understand what had happened too and the shock of his thought being true paralysed him"

"you know what...you don't need to explain. I am pretty sure it was the wind so just an accident" assured the queen.

Persian faked a smile "yes"

"you need to cheer up, for it's your bir.....th....da....yyyyy. you are finally fit to rule.

kastron barged in " oh my queen, let's not get ahead of ourselves".

"erh...you can come in " said Persian sarcastically.....

"I am your king, I don't need to knock" laughed kastron.

"Anyways, happy birthday son....your mother is getting ahead of herself but you will SOON be king.....soon"

The queen rolled his eyes. "you have the royal jester and a party waiting for you out in the fields" said the king.

persian's eyes widened with shock "a party!!!!"....

He quickly put on Chris garment and went downstairs.....

" you might want to bathe first" said the queen.

kastron smiled "he can't hear you, he's gone. And give the boy a break from bathing, would you".

" no, I will not let him be like you who has germs and filth dancing on his shoulders" mocked the queen. The queen smirked and left.

The king shouted "I love you, God I love her"

The prince ran to the fields to see the people of ENCHANCIA drinking and dancing.

When the people saw him ,they cheered him on and made a toast in his name.

He was given beer and a turkey leg. he was about to sip the beer when his father, the king, took it from him said "slow down champ, beer is made for those who have problems that excludes you".

Persian smiled " but I don't get it, is it a bribe for something you want me to do later" . "No, why do you say that" asked the king.

"well as a royal, a ball should be thrown on my birthday with people wearing stupid long clothes and listening to boring music" answered persian.

"I know , but, you have been saying for the past three years how you'd love a party like this one. so your mother and I threw it for you".

Persian hugged his father " thanks dad". "you're welcome son. Also since you brought it up, yeah it is kinda like a bribe. You have to go visit your grandmother Queen shani at her palace....she said she's got gifts for you" said the king.

"won't be a problem" smirked persian.

Persian sung and danced his heart out...he was still confused about what happened in the morning but for now, joy was his utmost objection.

***AT NOON****

"Are you sure you do not want me to come with you" asked the queen.

"mother, I am seventeen now plus I will be in the safe company of Eric and the palace guards" replied persian.

"Okay, yeah my baby is growing. but hurry back immediately, do not let the sunset okay. The path in the wilderness becomes very dangerous and creepy

Tell ma, I send my regards" suggested the queen.

Persian nodded in agreement.

"My prince, your carriage is ready" said Eric

"bye, mother" kissing his mother goodbye. The queen held Eric "please take care of him like you took care of me, I do not want him to back with even a scratch".

Eric smiled " with my life" and made his way down to the palace.

Soon, the carriage was trotting in the thick wilderness of ENCHANCIA.

Prince persian started the conversation " you know Eric, I have never seen your lady" . Eric hummed " really, well I didn't know that. she usually comes around ".

" no, so do show her to me. I want to see the kind of women you're interested in"

Eric rolled his eyes "you turn seventeen and you think you have right to take interest in a type of lady. well, I have a daughter too actually I have two. Ciara and Eliza, they are so adorable".

" what about you, when I was your age ok maybe a little younger, I had a lover. Have you seen any that interests you" asked Eric.

Persian sighed "no, not that I haven't been looking but no one catches the eye. Not that they are not pretty....they really are but I just don't know"

"Ahhh, take your time then. one thing I know is that love takes time. so take your time, there is no need to rush" said Eric.

The carriage was almost in one of the towns when Eric saw something.

it was a carriage being attacked. "Eric, look they are being attacked. stop the carriage, stop the carriage!" commanded the prince.

The prince wanted to get out but was held back by Eric "your royal highness, this is no business of ours. we do not want trouble".

The prince snatched himself away from Eric " really, you of all people should know that I am the crown prince of the KINGDOM OF ENCHANCIA and I cannot watch as my subjects die".

"Technically, we are no more in your Kingdom so....."

"then I am a person who cannot just stand there and watch others get attacked and die when I could have done something".

He opened the door and told the guard to get rid of the attackers.

The palace guards rushed to the scene. The prince followed along .

" The queen is gonna kill me when she hears about this" sighed Eric.

The palace guards fought of the attackers whiles Persian opened to see an unconscious woman. He couldn't carry the woman so he helped the woman up and put her arms around his shoulders and dragged her to the carriage.

They were about to make it when one of the attackers jumped in front of them and hit persian in the stomach causing him to fall with the woman.

"You fool, now you will die instead of her". The attacker removed a dagger but before he could strike, Eric held his hand " you clearly have no shame threatening a seventeen year old and on his birthday.

The attacker charged toward eric who dodged and held the attacker by the dress and slammed him to the ground "get up, honour the teachings of your master".

The attacker lunged again, eric deliver a kick to his stomach and a kick to the back of his head.

And then interlocking his fingers with the attackers' , he slammed him to the ground with his leg behind his right arm ready to break it.

Persian shouted " no eric, let him go" "you see the innocent little butterfly you wanted to kill, he has the dignity you will never get. Okay, let's make a deal. Tell him happy birthday and I will let you go".

The attacker felt reluctant " well isn't someone the sin of pride, if you don't, not only will I break you arm but I will make sure your body is not found"

"okay, okay, okay!!!. Happy birthday "....." louder" ordered Eric. "happy birthday!!!!" .

Eric let go of the attacker who took to his heels not looking back. The guard were able to swat off the attackers and helped the woman into the carriage.

The journey continued...

"I never knew you could fight Eric" said Persian.....

Eric smiled "I also never thought I had it in me"...

Persian plunged the water out of the towel and used it to clean the wounds at least.

" what are we gonna do about her" asked eric. "we have to take her to the palace and look after her" suggested persian.

As he cleaned her mouth wounds.....the eyes of the unconscious woman flicked open "where.....where...am i?" "you are safe now, ma. Nobody will ever hurt you"

For a woman who was unconscious and not aware of what was happening or where they were going or who it may be. Confusion was a plague in her mind but there was this lingering feeling that made her feel like she was with the good guys, out of danger and safe....The voice of persian made her feel even safer....And she could feel the pure heart of Persian beating....

"thank you" said the woman as she ruffled her hand through persian's hair depicting her appreciation. "you're welcome"

"Take me home" her eyes sewn shut again....."ma, take you home where?" asked desperate persian but she was too weak to even move a muscle .

A map fell out of her garment.....persian took it and examined it.

"this map has everything including all the three kingdoms"

"so do you know where her home is?" asked eric.

Persian was trying to it but nothing....suddenly Persian's eyes gave away a soft glow and a new kingdom was revealed to him.

Unfolding before him was a vision of unconscious woman's kingdom —a breathtaking landscape where magic cascaded like waterfalls and the very air thrummed with enchantment. Floating islands adorned with vibrant flora and crystalline structures dotted the sky, while rivers of shimmering light wound through the land like veins of magic itself. The map was guiding him to the mouth of this kingdom....

"I see it....she has a lovely home" said persian in awe.

persian gave directions and the carriage took them there before heading to the palace.

"Are you sure this is the place you saw in the map" asked eric.

persian replied "why, do you doubt me?"

"No, but this clearly a vast land that has not been touched by rain for ages" mocked Eric.

persian sighed "but this was the place I saw...".

one guard suggested " let's leave her here then....for all you know she might not be human...she might be a celestial goddess or a creature of divination. And if this is really her home, her kind will come for her"

"that makes more sense" said eric.....

Persian was reluctant to leave the unconscious woman but he was far behind time and he didn't want his mother to get mad.

And soon they reached his grandma's palace