
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

CHAPTER 25 : What Is The Truth

"Don't you dare lie to me"

The tension in the room hung heavy, suffocating the air as Persian faced his parents, the king and queen, his eyes burning with betrayal and hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me about the war?" he demanded, his voice sharp with raw emotion. "I thought we were supposed to trust each other. Why keep such a vital secret from me?"

The queen, her eyes filled with regret, reached out a trembling hand, her voice gentle yet laden with sorrow. "Persian, we didn't mean to hurt you. We thought we were protecting you from the burden of this knowledge.

We never wanted you to bear the weight of the kingdom's worries on your shoulders."Persian's anger wavered, replaced by a profound sense of disappointment.

"But I'm not a child anymore. I'm the prince of this kingdom. I should be involved in matters that concern its safety. How can I protect our people if I'm kept in the dark?"

The queen's voice trembled as she attempted to explain, "We didn't want to burden you, Persian. We wanted to shield you from the darkness of the world, to preserve your innocence."

Persian's eyes, once warm and trusting, were now ablaze with a mixture of betrayal and anger.

"I had to come to terms with my abilities on my own," Persian continued, his voice cracking with emotion. "Do you have any idea how difficult that was...how scared I was just having the thought of telling you knowing not how you would react.

I mean I am the prince of a kingdom that sees magic as a sin. You have no idea how guilty and wrong I felt within..

But I mustered the courage to confide in you, to share my deepest secret, and yet, you kept yours from me. Why? How can I trust you now?"

The queen, despite her heartache, reached out to touch Persian's arm in a comforting gesture, but the moment her fingers brushed his skin, his eyes glowed even darker. "Stay away from me," he repeated, his tone chilling, his trust shattered beyond repair.

The queen withdrew her hand, aching from the distance that had grown between them.

But suddenly, the sound of frantic footsteps echoed through the palace corridors as the bells of the kingdom rang urgently, signaling the impending danger.

The guards raced through the palace corridors. Their urgent cries filled the air as they hurried towards the throne room.

"The king and queen are being attacked! Hurry!" one guard shouted, fear and determination etched on his face.

With hearts pounding, the guards sprinted towards the throne room, their hands tightly gripping their weapons. The sense of urgency hung heavy in the air as they prepared themselves to confront the threat and protect their beloved rulers from the impending danger.

As the distant sounds of hurried footsteps grew louder, Persian's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and determination. The betrayal he felt from his parents was still raw, and his trust in them had been shattered.

In that moment, he decided to take matters into his own hands and he wasn't ready for any disturbances.

With a swift, commanding motion, Persian raised his hand, and a surge of magical energy enveloped the heavy doors leading to the throne room.

The doors groaned under the force of his power, locking shut with an echoing thud. Outside, the guards collided with the barrier, realizing they were unable to enter.

Inside the room, Persian stood tall, his gaze fixed on the closed doors. His parents, the king and queen, looked at him with a mix of concern and surprise.

The atmosphere in the room crackled with tension as Persian's anger and resolve hung palpably in the air.

Persian then turns to the king....

"Why are you quiet...why cat's got your tongue or do you have more to hide"

The King sighed....

Persian continued "you just don't know how it hurts to find out your own parents don't even trust you"

The king snapped and shouted at persian "stop it,just, stop it!!!"

Persian was a little taken aback by the sudden outburst of anger.

Meanwhile, the guards were still trying to break down the door.

"have you for a second, stopped to ask yourself how we feel?

Do you think you are the only one facing hardships?

We cannot make decisions based on our emotions or feelings because we have a whole kingdom to take care of.

We didn't want to tell you because you are young, lively and cheerful and this information would only be a bother"

Persian stood tall, his eyes blazing with a mixture of hurt and anger. "A bother?" he repeated, his voice quivering with intensity.

"This isn't about being a bother, Father. This is about trust, about being a family. If we can't trust and confide in each other, how can we face the challenges that come our way?

How can I ever become the king you want me to be?"The king's face contorted with frustration, his own emotions reaching a breaking point. "You have no idea what it's like to carry the weight of an entire kingdom on your shoulders," he shot back, his voice rising.

"We kept this from you to shield you from the harsh realities of ruling. We didn't want you to bear the burden before your time."

Persian groaned rolling his eyes in the process "again with the burden and bother"

Persian stood tall, his eyes burning with frustration. "You shouldn't forget that I am the crown prince of this kingdom," he declared, his voice echoing through the throne room.

The king, however, cut him off with a firm tone. "Exactly," he said, his gaze unwavering. "As the crown prince, your duties lie within the palace and the matters of the royal court. The grand council and the affairs of war do not concern you."

Persian clenched his fists, feeling a mix of anger and helplessness. "I see how it is"

The king's expression softened, his eyes reflecting a sense of concern. "Persian, there will be a time when you will have your responsibilities, but now is not that time. Your safety is paramount to us, and we cannot risk you being involved in the dangers of war."

Persian's shoulders slumped as he realized the weight of his father's words. He turned away, his eyes still burning with defiance. "I am not a dog that you can put a leash on," he muttered under his breath, his words carrying a mix of rebellion and sorrow.

As Persian reached the doors of the throne room, his anger began to subside, replaced by a profound sadness and resignation. His eyes, once burning with intensity, returned to their usual state. With a deep breath, he released the powerful magic that had held the doors shut. The grand doors swung open, revealing the chaos within.

As the doors opened, the floating furniture slowly descended back to the ground, each piece finding its rightful place with a soft, silent thud. The room, once filled with tension and fury, seemed to regain its composure, as if acknowledging the passing storm.

The guards watched persian pass before storming the throne room.

"My king,we heard you were under attack".

The king sighed " umm, yeah, it was a false alarm".

The guards thoroughly searched the room just to be certain.

The king and the queen stood there, the queen hid her tears as she cried into her husband's arms...And king just stood there with mixed feelings of anger and disappoinment.

They were losing their son.


Eleanor was meditating under a tree...when he heard the dry leaves on the ground rustling.

"Whoever you are,go away, I'm busy"

"Busy even for me"

Eleanor's eyes flinched open, she knew that voice too well.

She turned around losing her balance....


Eleanor hugged Amon with great impact making him fall..

"Awh,Awh, you've really grown stronger"

"So what brings you home" asked eleanor.

Amon smiled "well, I just wanted to come see ma, she hasn't seen me for quite a while.

So I thought I'd pay her a visit"

Eleanor nodded "yeah, at least to assure her that you are okay"

Amon nodded in agreement....

"But I'm too tired to go home tonight, can I crash at your place"

Eleanor replied "sure....sure" taking Amon's cute bag and leading the way.

Amon got home and thesis welcomed him with open hands.....


The room was dimly lit, the fading sunlight casting long shadows across the walls. Persian lay motionless on the bed, his face buried in his hands.

Tears stained his cheeks, a testament to the sorrow that consumed him. Since the afternoon, he had been drowning in a sea of despair, unable to find solace in anything around him.

All he wanted was to be left alone, to escape the world and its relentless demands.As the evening wore on, a mysterious figure emerged from the darkness.

A shadow, seemingly alive, moved silently towards the bed where Persian lay. The shadow observed Persian's anguish, sensing the depth of his pain.

There was a profound sadness in Persian's eyes, a heaviness that weighed down his soul.The shadow hesitated for a moment before speaking, its voice echoing in the quiet room. "Just like you... I wish I was wrong too," it whispered, the words hanging heavy in the air.

There was a strange empathy in the shadow's tone, as if it could understand Persian's suffering in ways no one else could.Persian looked up, startled by the unexpected voice.

His eyes met the shadow's, and for a brief moment, a glimmer of recognition flickered between them.

Persian sat in the dim light of the room, contemplating the shadow's words. After a moment of silence, he looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of understanding and acceptance. "You were right," he said softly, his voice carrying the weight of newfound insight.

The shadow hissed "Humans, they do come in promising forms, trying to put leashes on the monsters within. But it's only a matter of time until the leashes breaks."

He paused, reflecting on the truth of those words. "I've seen it happen, in others and in myself," Persian continued, his gaze steady. "We try to control our demons, our fears and desires, but eventually, they resurface. No amount of restraint can keep them at bay forever."

The shadow nodded in acknowledgment, its form flickering slightly in the fading light. "Indeed," it replied, its voice echoing in the quiet room. "The human spirit is resilient, but it is also fragile. We all have our breaking points, our moments of weakness when the monsters we try to suppress break free."

Persian sighed, a mixture of resignation and acceptance in his eyes. "So, what do we do then?" he asked, searching for guidance. "How do we face the monsters within us when we know they might escape our control?"

The shadow's silhouette seemed to waver, as if deep in thought. "We acknowledge their existence," it said, its voice steady and calming. "We accept that we are not perfect, that we all have our flaws and vulnerabilities.

Instead of trying to suppress the monsters, we learn to coexist with them. We find ways to channel their energy into something positive, something that helps us grow and heal."

A question popped into persian's mind.

"This is a weird question but can I ask you anyways"

The shadow hissed "sure....ask away young prince"

Persian cleared his throat "were you a human before becoming .....umm..this"

The shadow nodded, its form shimmering with a mix of sorrow and bitterness. "Yes, I was once like you,full of life, cheerful and quite stubborn" it replied, its voice heavy with emotion.

"But my life was taken from me, and I was forced into this existence."

Persian asked "so sorry to hear that....did you have a family"

Persian listened intently, his curiosity piqued by the shadow's revelation. "You had a family...," he said, his voice filled with empathy. "I can't imagine the pain you must have felt leaving them behind.

Or did they die with you?"

When Persian asked if the shadow's family had died with it, the shadow hissed in frustration. "I wish," it said, its voice laced with regret.

"I was killed to save them, they survived. I was the one who paid the price."

"Why did you choose death for yourself?" Persian inquired, trying to understand the shadow's story.

The shadow's voice dripped with anger as it replied, "They didn't give me much choice. The circumstances were beyond my control, and I had to do whatever it took to protect my family."

"Who are 'they'?" Persian asked, his curiosity deepening.

The shadow hesitated for a moment before responding cryptically, "I have said too much. The only thing I can tell you is that the truths people have known for many years are nothing more than just blasphemies.

Lies have been used to cover the truth for so long that it has become the truth itself."

Perplexed, Persian pressed further, asking, "What is the truth then?"

The shadow's form began to fade, its voice barely audible as it replied, "With all these lies, the truth is slowly fading away.

But seek it,young prince, and you will find it"

And with those words, the shadow disappeared, leaving Persian deep in thought. The enigmatic encounter left him with a profound sense of curiosity and a determination to uncover the truth, no matter how elusive it might be.


Amon walked through the familiar path leading to his home, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation and anxiety.

He hadn't seen his mother, Morgana, in what felt like a lifetime. As he approached the clearing under the ancient weeping willow tree, he spotted her silhouette in the distance, her figure hunched over, her hands moving skillfully as she wove a tapestry of vibrant colors.

When Morgana raised her head and saw Amon, her eyes widened in disbelief. "It can't be... Amon!!!" she shouted, her voice filled with a mixture of joy and disbelief.

Without a moment's hesitation, she dropped her weaving and ran towards him.Amon's eyes glistened with tears as he embraced his mother tightly.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of their shared love and the overwhelming relief of being reunited. "I thought I'd never see you again," Morgana exclaimed, her voice breaking with emotion as she held her son close.

Amon replied "how can I stay away when I have a wonderful mother like you".

Morgana watched her son, Amon, with loving eyes as he settled back into the familiar surroundings of their home. She took his bag gently, her hands brushing against his in a comforting gesture. "Let me take care of this," she said, her voice soft and soothing. "You're home now, Amon. You don't need to carry any burdens here."

Amon smiled gratefully at his mother, feeling the weight of the world lift off his shoulders in her presence. He felt a deep sense of belonging, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time.

Over the next few days, Morgana made it her mission to make Amon feel at home. She cooked his favorite meals, kept his room neat and cozy, and hugged him every chance she got, as if trying to reassure herself that he was real and not a figment of her imagination.

As they sat by the fireplace one evening, the conversation turned to the looming war that cast a shadow over their land. Amon's brows furrowed with concern as he spoke about the tension that hung in the air, the fear of the unknown weighing heavily on his mind.

"It's a difficult time for everyone," Morgana said, her voice tinged with sadness. "But one thing I've come to realize, Amon, is that not everything we see or hear is the truth. And not everyone is bad, even in the kingdom of ENCHANCIA."

Amon nodded, his thoughts drifting to the unexpected friendships he had formed, particularly with the royal family. "You're right, Mother," he said, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I was surprised by how different they are from what I was told, especially Prince Persian."

Morgana sensed a deeper meaning behind her son's words and encouraged him to share. "Tell me about Prince Persian," she said, her eyes filled with understanding.

Amon hesitated for a moment before he began talking about his interactions with Prince Persian. He spoke about the prince's kindness, his sense of responsibility, and the genuine care he showed not only towards Amon but also to the people of the kingdom. Amon's voice softened as he spoke, his admiration for the prince evident in his words.

"He's nothing like I expected," Amon admitted, his eyes reflecting his newfound respect. "He treated me like family, like I belonged, even though I was just a servant."

Morgana observed her son closely, sensing a shift in his emotions. She recognized the subtle signs of affection in Amon's voice and the way his eyes lit up when he talked about Prince Persian. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

"It sounds like you like this Prince Persian," she said, her voice warm and tender.

A smile crept unto Amon's face "I really do".

Amon then snapped back to his senses " I mean as a friend and nothing more"

Amon felt Morgana's hand on his shoulder "hey, it's okay... he completes you. I would love to meet PRINCE PERSIAN"

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