
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

CHAPTER 14 : whispers in the night

In the dimly lit chamber, the air grew heavy with tension as Prince Persian's gasps and calls for Amon echoed through the stillness. His eyes darted around the room in disoriented panic, searching for his loyal friend.

"Amon! Amon!" Persian's voice quivered as he called out desperately, his voice filled with fear and confusion. He tried to sit up, his limbs trembling, but his body felt weak and uncooperative.

With every ounce of determination, Persian managed to swing his legs over the edge of the bed, attempting to stand. But his legs betrayed him, and he stumbled, crashing to the cold, stone floor with a painful thud.

The sound of the fall was enough to alert the queen who had been keeping a vigilant watch nearby. He rushed to Persian's side, her heart pounding with concern.

"Persian!" the queen called out, her voice filled with relief as she knelt beside her son. she gently helped Persian into a sitting position, worry etched into his features.

Persian clung to his mother , his breaths still rapid and erratic. "Mother, I need to see Amon. Take me to Amon right now please"

The queen was confused "you have to take it easy son, you need to calm down"

"I cannot calm down ma, I need to see Amon. He may not be find ma".

The queen saw how worried her son was " Elyss, get Amon here now"

In Amon's chambers

Amon's gasps for air slow down by the second.

Amon's thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the inexplicable white light that had saved him during his daring escape from the palace.

The memory of that ethereal guardian had etched itself into his mind, leaving him with a profound sense of wonder and curiosity

.In the hush of the chamber, Amon contemplated the mysterious entity that had intervened on his behalf.

He wondered who or what it might be. Could it be a guardian spirit, an ancient magic, or perhaps something even more extraordinary? or could it have been his people.The possibilities were endless, and Amon couldn't deny that the presence of the white light had felt both protective and otherworldly.

It had guided him through the dark passages, shielding him from capture, and ultimately leading him to safety.

Amon was still in thought when he heard a bang on his door, he was reluctant to open it "did they follow me here"

"Amon, it's Elyss. The queen has called for you"

Amon's mind couldn't help but ran wild "was he in trouble"

"did I do something wrong?" asked Amon.

Elyss smiled " the prince is awake..."

Amon's eyes that were full of fright had now being replaced by joy and happiness.

Amon banged his door as he ran to the prince.

Elyss rolled her eyes " he literally just banged the door on me"

Persian saw Amon running towards him and he freed himself from his mother's clutch and made his way to Amon.Prince Persian's legs, weakened by his frantic rush, began to give way beneath him.

He wobbled on the cold, stone floor, his breath still heavy with the remnants of fear and confusion.

Amon, ever watchful and protective, reacted instinctively. In a swift motion, he reached out and caught Persian just as he was about to fall. His strong arms supported the prince, preventing him from crashing to the ground once more.


"Amon, it was dark... I saw shadows, and I thought... I thought they had taken you," he stammered, his grip on Amon tightening as if he feared his friend might disappear once more.

Amon held Persian close, his voice soothing and reassuring. "It's okay, Persian, it was just a nightmare. I'm right here, and I'm safe."

Persian's eyes met Amon's, and there was a moment of silent understanding between them. In the darkness of the chamber, they had both faced their fears, and the bond that held them together had never been stronger.

Persian's trembling gradually subsided as Amon held him, and the room fell into a comforting silence.

Elyss and the queen watched on in awe.

"ha, what do you know...he literally....fell....for him" Elyss cracked a joke.

The queen turned and gave Elyss a stern face "I'm sorry my queen, I will return to my duties".

Soon, it was time for Persian to rest.

" persian, you need to rest" ordered the queen.

"I will call your uncle in the morning to come take a look at you "

Persian smiled "I'm fine ma, no need to worry so much"

The queen ruffled her hand into his hair " you cannot imagine how scared I was seeing you like that. I have every right to worry"

The queen tucked in persian "Good night son, see you tomorrow morning"

persian called his mom before she could slam the door "can I sleep with Amon"

Amon's eyes gouged open and his heart beat rate quickened...

"wh...wh...what" stuttered Amon.

The queen sat beside her son "why, don't you feel safe here"

Persian exclaimed "not that, I just really wanna be with Amon. just for tonight....ma, I had a terrible nightmare about him and I can't help but have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen to him and I wouldn't forgive myself if it did"

Amon stuttered "my..my..queen....nothing is gonna happen to me. I'm a guard and the protection of the prince is my duty"

The queen cut off Amon "exactly, and I wouldn't feel safe if he slept alone Amon. so he will sleep with you for tonight"

Amon wanted to speak but he knew like everyone else that the Queen's words were final.

Amon helped persian up and they walked to Amon's chambers.

"welcome to my humble abode"

Persian giggled "what?" asked Amon.

"Nothing, it's just that you looked so cute and adorable saying that" answered persian...

Amon turned away to hide his blushing red cheeks.

"okay so you take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor" suggested Amon.

Persian sighed "of course, just as always you're trying to distance yourself from me".

Amon cleared his throat " no, I'm not....it's just that"

"I know, I'm the prince and you are nothing but a guard...right" interrupted persian.

Amon nodded...."I thought so....you know if you really are my friend then you should probably let all these thoughts go. About me being a royal and you a commoner".

Amon sighed "I'm sorry".

" if you want me to forgive you, come and sleep on the bed"

Amon hesitated, his concern for Persian's well-being etched on his face. "But, Persian, your comfort is a priority."

"And who said I wouldn't be comfortable sleeping with you on a bed, it's just sleeping or....."

A sly smile tugged at Persian's lips as he lightly teased, "Or is it that you're worried you'll have erotic thoughts about me if you're up here?"

Amon's cheeks flushed slightly at the playful remark, his serious demeanor momentarily broken. He chuckled softly, realizing that Persian was trying to lighten the mood.

"Very well," Amon conceded, climbing onto the bed beside Persian. They lay side by side, their eyes meeting in the soft moonlight. the room filled with silent intimacy

Persian turned to face Amon, the vulnerability in his eyes was undeniable. His voice trembled as he spoke, "Amon, in that nightmare, I was so scared. I thought I had lost you."

Amon, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance, replied, "I'm here, Persian. You don't have to be afraid. I'll always protect you, no matter what."

Persian's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he continued to speak of his fears. Amon listened attentively, offering words of comfort and understanding. He wanted to reassure Persian that he was safe now, that the nightmare was over.

But as Persian's voice wavered and his tears began to fall, he pulled Amon closer, seeking solace in his embrace. Amon initially hesitated, wanting to ensure that Persian felt comfortable, but his heart won out, and he returned the embrace with a gentle hug.

Persian clung to Amon, his sobs muffled against his friend's chest. Amon held him close, his words now whispered soothingly into Persian's ear. "It's alright, Persian. I'm here, and I'll always be here for you. You're safe now, and the nightmare is over."

In the quiet of the night, as the moonlight bathed them in its gentle glow, their embrace became a sanctuary. Persian's tears slowly subsided, and he clung to Amon as if he never wanted to let go.

Amon, with his arms wrapped protectively around Persian, knew that sometimes, words were not enough.

As Persian turned to face Amon, his tearful eyes, reminiscent of a crescent moon, glistened in the soft moonlight. Amon couldn't help but admire the gentle contours of Persian's face, the way his features seemed to capture the very essence of vulnerability and strength.

With a tenderness born from unwavering friendship, Amon brushed a strand of hair away from Persian's face, his touch feather-light against the prince's cheek. Persian's tears slowly subsided, and his gaze locked onto Amon's with a mixture of gratitude and trust.

Amon leaned in, their faces inches apart, the moonlight tracing the contours of their profiles. The room was filled with a charged silence, as if time itself had paused to bear witness to their moment of intimacy.

"I'm here for you, Persian," Amon whispered, his voice a warm breath against the prince's skin. "You don't have to be afraid. You're safe with me."

Their breaths mingled in the stillness of the night, their faces so close that their lips almost met. Amon's heart pounded with a mix of emotions, his desire to offer comfort and reassurance battling with a longing that had been buried for so long.

But as their lips drew nearer, Amon's instincts took over, and he pressed a tender kiss to Persian's forehead, a gesture of affection and comfort. Persian closed his eyes, his breath hitching at the touch of Amon's lips against his skin.

Persian's cheeks flushed, Amon then turned to put off the light but persian stopped him.

"can you leave that on. I don't wanna have nightmares again"

Amon held Persian's chin "hey, I am here and I will never let you be harmed. you can relax".

Persian's nightmares were vanquished by the soothing and calming words of Amon.

Amon then turned the light off.


In the dead of night, when the palace lay shrouded in darkness, an eerie presence began to stir. A shadowy figure, formless as a void, emerged from the inky blackness of the chamber. It stood, concealed in the darkest corner, watching the sleeping forms of Amon and Persian with hollow, unseen eyes.

The room seemed to chill as this enigmatic specter, neither alive nor dead, spoke in a chilling, ethereal whisper:

"In the depths of night, where secrets lie deep,

My time will come, and your slumber won't keep.

In shadows I dwell, your fears I shall employ,

To awaken the dread, to snuff out your joy."

The chilling rhyme hung in the air, a sinister promise of things to come. Amon and Persian, lost in peaceful slumber, were unaware of the malevolent presence lurking just beyond their dreams.

As the specter dissolved back into the shadows, its echoing words left an ominous mark on the room, a foreboding reminder that darkness held secrets, and even in the safety of the night, unseen forces conspired to disturb the peace of the two.....

But the question was who or what was that and where did it come ?????