
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

CHAPTER 13: Guided by Light

Days had passed by, but the prince still remained unconscious.

But Amon and the queen were not worried because....Persian's breathing was now very stable and according to the royal doctor, he should regain consciousness very soon.

Amon's eyes never left the side of persian through out the days which made the queen realize how fast they had bonded and how strong their bond was.

The queen came in to clean Persian with a wet towel...

"you know...Amon. it's amazing how some decisions can affect a life

The Queen began to speak, her voice filled with a mother's tenderness, and Amon listened intently as she shared her thoughts.

"Amon,I've watched my son struggle throughout his life, especially during his childhood. He was always a sensitive soul, and the weight of his royal responsibilities was often too much for him to bear."

The queen's voice quivered with emotion as she continued, "He found it difficult to adapt to the strict etiquette of the royal court. The expectations placed upon him were relentless. As a child, he would often retreat to the gardens, seeking solace among the flowers and the melodies of the birds. It was there that he found moments of respite from the demanding world he was born into."

Amon's gaze remained fixed on the queen, his eyes reflecting the empathy he felt for the young prince's struggles.

"He had a difficult time connecting with the other children of the court," The Queen continued. "He longed for friendships, but his shyness made it hard for him to reach out. Many of the children could not understand his sensitivity and introverted nature. It was a lonely period of his life."

Amon could feel the weight of the queen's words, the deep maternal love she held for her son.

"But then," the queen's voice softened, "something changed when you arrived, Amon. I watched him adapt, become more confident, more resilient. He started to find solace in your presence, just as he did in the gardens as a child."

"Your presence," the queen concluded, "has been a source of strength for him. It's as if you've unlocked a hidden potential within him. I can see the bond that has formed between you two, and I am grateful for the positive influence you've had on my son."

Amon's eyes met the queen's, filled with a mix of gratitude and guilt. Amon sat there imagining the sadistic looks on the faces of the people who showed him love after he betrayed them and it broke his heart....he wanted to say something but how??.. he could only listen to the queen's heartfelt words and hope that he could find a way to protect both his friend and make his kind win the war.

Amon rushed out to the gardens for some air since the atmosphere was a bit suffocating....

Amon laid down staring at the place persian laid.

"there were words I longed to bring out when we shared a memory here. but instead of saying it, I imprinted it on my fragile heart"

Amon laughed through the pain.

"you know, I have never met a person like you so free spirited and happy and in control. You bring nothing but joy into the lives of your close ones' and treat the undeserving like family".

" And here I was thinking I could hate you. I don't know about you but..."

A tear fell from Amon's eyes which he wiped away immediately.

"that was the very first time, I saw sunset and it was very beautiful. Two things caught my attention but one kept it the whole time.

" And I am so sorry that I wasn't there for you"

"To be honest, I miss you so much.....Persian. I miss you so much it hurts.

I miss the way your laughter would light up a room and I can't wait....I just cannot wait to hear it again"

Amon heard the queen call for him so he wiped away his tears and hurried back...

"Amon, umm....I want you to call the king and tell him to visit my chambers ".

Amon bowed and left to find the king.

Amon got to the hallway and spotted the king.

He was about to call him when he noticed that the king was being a little sneaky.

Like he was hiding something, plus he was alone.

That heightened Amon's suspicion. No matter how busy the king was, he was never left alone.

Amon decided to follow the king.

The king stormed through the hall way and entered the library.

Amon hurried into the library but the king was no where to be found.

" My king, My king!" he searched the entire library but he was gone.

It was like, the king had vanished.

Night covered the sky with a dark blanket.

But Amon couldn't sleep, he kept thinking about how the king just disappeared.

Amon's thoughts started to run wild....he tried to control himself but at the very end, his curiosity winded him back in the library.

Trying to maintain his stealth, he walked straight to the last shelf relaxing directing on the pillar.

Amon tried looking through the books hoping to find something Whalen one book fell.

Amon knelt down to pick it up when he realised something.

He knocked on the area he stood and the knocked on a different part.

"so my guesses were right, this is no clay. This is wood"

Amon placed his hand on it and used one of his spells "True sight".

The ground lit up exposing a hidden door.

Amon sighed as he tried to use his telekinesis to raise the door.

The door creaked opened .

Amazon then conjured fire in his hand as he wandered his way into the unknown.

Amon got to a place then he started hearing a lot of murmuring and whispers.

And as he inched forward with every step, the murmurs and the whispers got louder.

Amon then saw a door, at this point, his instincts were alerting him of some sort of danger but his curiosity was stronger.

It was a chamber cloaked in shadows, a sanctuary for the king's most guarded secrets.

As Amon ventured deeper into the chamber, hidden behind a concealed door, he found himself in a dimly lit room. Before him, a long table was adorned with maps, battle plans, and parchments filled with cryptic symbols. The preparations for war were laid bare before him, a chilling testament to the impending conflict that threatened the kingdom of ENCHANCIA.

At the head of the table, the King sat with his most trusted advisors, their faces etched with determination. They spoke in hushed tones about strategies, troop deployments, and the urgency of their situation.

Amon strained to listen as they discussed their most closely guarded secret—the existence of a weapon, a formidable force that could tip the scales of war in their favor. He knew that uncovering the details of this weapon was crucial to his mission, a mission that required him to gather as much information as possible and protect the kingdom from within.

Just as the conversation began to turn toward revealing the weapon's nature, a chilling sense of unease swept through the room. The King's keen senses, honed by years of leadership, had detected an intruder in the shadows.

"Who goes there?" the king's voice rang out, commanding and authoritative. "Show yourself!"

Amon's heart raced as he realized he had been discovered. His instincts kicked in, and without a moment's hesitation, he turned and fled deeper into the shadows. The room erupted in chaos as the king's guards rushed after him, their shouts echoing through the chamber.

Amon's breath came in quick gasps as he navigated the dark passages, his knowledge of the palace's hidden corridors forsaking him . He knew that his life and the fate of his kingdom depended on his escape.

The guards pursued him relentlessly, their armor clanging and boots thundering against the cold stone floor. Amon's heart pounded in his chest as he raced through the darkened passages, his footsteps echoing the desperate rhythm of his flight.

CaAmon found himself hopelessly lost in the passages of the secret chamber. Panic gripped him as he realized that the guards were closing in on his location. Desperation drove him to seek refuge in the darkest corner he could find, hidden among the shadows.

But time was not on his side. It was only a matter of moments before the guards would discover him and capture him, jeopardizing his mission and his kingdom

In the midst of his fear and uncertainty, an unexpected phenomenon occurred. A soft, white light, shaped like an ethereal orb, materialized before Amon. It hovered in the air, its glow casting a gentle radiance over his frightened face.

Amon instinctively reached out to resist the light, but there was an inexplicable aura of serenity and assurance emanating from the orb. It beckoned to him, and a sense of trust washed over him, as if it held the key to his salvation.

Just as the guards were on the verge of discovering Amon's hiding place, the white light orb emitted an incandescent burst of brilliance that engulfed the entire chamber. The guards were blinded by the sheer intensity of the light, their shouts of confusion and surprise echoing through the chamber.

Amon shielded his eyes for a moment, but when he opened them, he could see clearly, even in the midst of the radiant glow. The orb beckoned to him once more, and without hesitation, he followed its ethereal guidance.

With each step, Amon felt a profound sense of protection and guidance. The orb led him through hidden passages, away from the pursuit of the guards. It illuminated his path, revealing secret exits and concealed doors, guiding him to safety with unwavering purpose.

As Amon followed the white light orb through the twists and turns of the palace, he couldn't help but wonder about its origin and purpose. It was as though fate itself had intervened, offering him a chance to escape and continue his mission.

In the end, Amon emerged from the palace, his heart filled with gratitude for the mysterious guardian that had come to his aid. The white light orb had saved him from capture, but it had also left him with questions about the forces at play in the palace.Someone had magic and he or she wasn't afraid to use it. As he disappeared into the night, he knew that his journey was far from over, and the secrets he sought to uncover were as enigmatic as the light that had guided him to safety.


As the minutes ticked by, something inexplicable began to happen. Persian's breathing, which had been steady and serene, grew heavier, resembling the labored breaths of someone caught in a nightmare.

it grew heavier and heavier until Amon's eyes jolted open
