
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

CHAPTER 12: Heavy Heart

All that's heard is the gushing sound of water coming from the river.

The branches of the trees dance to the rhythmic breeze of the wind and echoing it's emptiness....

The flowers were colourful and full of life....

"where am I " whispered Persian....

Persian touched one of the flowers and up gave it a good sniff inhaling the heavenly scent of the petals.....

Suddenly, all the flowers turned black and died like the spread of a virus...

Persian then heard a voice, the voice was a bit windy, fragile and very course making it difficult to understand the words it speaks.....

Persian saw a shadow behind one of the trees and approached it....

He recognized it "you....who are you"....

But the shadow vanished into thin air....all he could hear was the voice..

"In realms unseen, where shadows play,a force unknown, it holds its sway.

A power that molds both time and space,in its embrace, a haunting grace".

Amon saw the shadow again, he tried to follow it but anytime he got closer it would move further away.

"Within its depths, beauty's allure,yet peril lurks, mysterious and obscure.

For in its grip, the world distorts,innocence fades, and chaos courts.

It weaves a tapestry, strange and surreal,where fantasies twist, and illusions conceal.

Through fractured mirrors, reflections bend,as reality blurs, begins to rend.

Persian just couldn't make sense from the words being spoken " I do not understand you" but the voice didn't stop....it got louder.

"The tapestry's threads, a cosmic art,a dance of creation, a perilous start.

In the realm where boundaries fray,the mind's own playground, where dreamers stray.

But heed the caution, oh curious soul,for within this force, a treacherous toll.

It grants your wishes, whispers your name,yet leaves you lost in its endless game.

The shadow mysteriously stopped at the river bank pointing to something in the river. Persian made his way there....quite scared

"A beauty dark, a danger profound,in this elusive power, mysteries abound.

In the balance of wonder and despair,reality warps, and nothing's quite clear".

Persian looked into the river but saw nothing " what were you pointing....at"

suddenly, he was pushed by the shadow

but before he could drown, persian woke up panting and gasping for air....

it was already day time....

He sat on his bed glazed and confused.

Persian tried to calm himself down that it was just a dream. Suddenly, his furniture along with others started floating in the room.

Persian's mouth tugged open.

PERSIAN said, his voice trembling" What... what's happening?"

He rushed to the mirror, heart pounding in his chest.

His reflection revealed eyes that are no longer their usual shade of hazel. Instead, they blazed with an unnerving, otherworldly orange glow, like twin orbs of molten lava.

Persian freaked out "This can't be real!"

Desperation washed over him, and he splashed cold water on his face, trying to wash away the orange color. But the orange radiance persisted,

undiminished, casting an eerie, flickering light across his features.Persian voice quivered "I can't control it. What's happening to me?"

He clutched his head, sinking to his knees, as a wave of dizziness overtook him. The room began to spin, and then, in that moment, his vision blurred, and he glimpsed a horrifying scene from the future.


Persian finds himself standing amidst a nightmarish battlefield, the ground littered with fallen soldiers and the air thick with the acrid stench of war. Flames consumed everything in sight, and an ominous, colossal beast loomed on the horizon.

Persian whispered, filled with fright "No... not this... it can't be..."As he uttered those words, the vision abruptly ended, and he collapsed onto the cold, unforgiving floor of his bedroom. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his orange eyes now normal.

Persian laid there unconscious.

Soon, it was time for breakfast but there was no sign of persian.

" Elyss, where is my son....you told me he was up but I haven't seen him all morning"asked the queen.

Elyss was confused "I was working in the stables when I saw his curtains lace open".

The queen shouted " where is my son!!!!"

Some of the guards were returning from the fields "have any of you spotted the Prince"

but the guards didn't know anything about the prince's whereabouts.

Soon, The castle was abuzz with rumors and whispers, but none held any clues as to the young prince's whereabouts.

Finally, Queen made a decision. She needed to find her son, and she needed to find him now. She rang a small silver bell, and a tall, imposing figure appeared in the doorway. It was Amon, royal guard of Prince Persian.

"Amon, where is my son"

Amon hesitated "I haven't seen him all morning, Queen"

The Queen's worry and concern heightened "Are you all telling me that my son is not in the Palace"

"Amon," the queen said with urgency in her voice, "I need you to find Persian. Go to his chambers and fetch him immediately. I fear something terrible has happened."

Amon nodded without hesitation and bowed to the queen. "Of course, Your Majesty. I will find him."

He swiftly left her chambers and made his way through the sunlit corridors of the castle. The stained glass windows bathed the hallways in colorful patterns of light, but the atmosphere was still fraught with worry.

Amon reached the door to Prince Persian's room and pushed it open gently. The room was flooded with daylight, illuminating the shiny furnishings within. Amon's heart sank as he stepped inside and saw the prince lying motionless on the floor. Panic surged through him as he rushed to Persian's side.

The young prince lay sprawled on the polished marble floor, his face pale and his clothes disheveled. Amon knelt beside him, and his strong, calloused hands trembled as he reached out to check for a pulse. There was a weak heartbeat, but Persian remained unconscious, his breathing shallow and labored.

"Prince persian!" Amon called, his voice filled with worry. He gently shook the prince's shoulders, trying to rouse him. "Prince Persian, wake up!"

But Persian did not stir.

"prince.....Percy...wake up"

Persian's eyes lashed open "Amon, you came"

But his eyes closed the moment they opened.

Amon's concern deepened as he realized the severity of the situation. He knew he couldn't waste any more time. Carefully, he lifted the unconscious prince into his arms, cradling him like a fragile doll.

With Persian's limp form in his arms, Amon rushed back to Queen's chambers. The queen's eyes widened with shock and worry as she saw her son in such a state. Without a moment's hesitation, she gave a frantic order.

"Quickly, Amon! Summon the royal doctor at once. Persian needs immediate attention!"

Amon nodded and rushed out of the room, his heart heavy with concern for the young prince. The castle was bathed in daylight, but the urgency of the situation remained unchanged. As he hurried to find the royal doctor, he knew that they needed answers, and they needed them fast.

Amon anxiously awaited the arrival of the royal doctor. The queen stood by her son's bedside, her worry etched across her face. Prince Persian lay on the bed, still unconscious, his breathing shallow and weak.

Moments later, the royal doctor, entered the room with a sense of urgency. He wore a long white coat, and his hair was tied down in the middle of his head probably to stop it from interfering with his work. His expression was grave as he approached the bedside.

A few minutes later, "Your Majesty," the royal doctor said with a gentle but authoritative tone, "I have examined Prince Persian, and I believe I have determined the cause of his condition."

The Queen nodded, her eyes fixed on her son. "Please, tell me, doctor. What is wrong with him? Is he going to be all right?"

The royal doctor turned his attention to Prince Persian, gently placing a hand on the young prince's forehead. "Your Highness," he began, "Prince Persian has been weakened due to extreme exhaustion. It appears that he engaged in a very tedious and strenuous activity, which has left him in this state."

Amon exchanged a glance with the queen, relief washing over him. It seemed that Persian's condition was not as dire as they had feared but they were a bit confused since persian did not do any tedious work but that was at the very least of their worries.

The doctor continued, "All Prince Persian needs now is rest, Your Majesty. His body has been pushed to its limits, and it will take some time for him to fully recover. I will prepare a restorative tonic to help him regain his strength, but he must be allowed to sleep and recuperate."

The queen sighed with relief, her shoulders relaxing. "Thank you, Royal doctor. I was so worried. Please, do whatever is necessary to ensure my son's recovery."

The royal doctor nodded and began to prepare the tonic. Amon watched as the doctor worked, grateful that Persian's life was not in immediate danger. He knew that the prince's safety was paramount to the queen, and he would do everything in his power to protect him.

As the hours passed, Prince Persian remained in a deep slumber, his breathing gradually becoming steadier. The royal doctor's diagnosis had brought a sense of calmness to the room, and the tension that had hung in the air began to dissipate.

In the days that followed, Persian would slowly regain his strength, surrounded by the love and care of his mother and the watchful eye of his guard Amon. The Kingdom of ENCHANCIA would once again be filled with life and joy, but the memory of that fateful morning would serve as a reminder of the fragility of their world and the importance of protecting their own.

Amon and the queen stayed with persian throughout the day...

"My queen, you have to rest " begged Amon.

The queen sighed "How can I rest when my son is in this state, he hasn't eaten or drank anything. Something is wrong with him and all I can do is watch"

Amon assured the queen "I understand what you're going through but you need to have rest...Persian will not be happy to hear that his mother didn't have rest. He would feel guilty and blame himself if something happened to you".

The queen knew Amon was right " Fine, I will go and rest but please stay by his side...Please"

Amon nodded in agreement "I will not go anywhere, I can assure you that"

The queen went out of the chambers into her very own.

Days turned into nights as Prince Persian lay in the quiet chambers, still unconscious but slowly recovering. The room was adorned with bouquets of fresh flowers, their sweet fragrance filling the air. The Queen rarely left her son's side, her concern etched deeply in her eyes.

Amon had taken up a silent vigil beside the prince's bed. He sat in a carved wooden chair, his posture alert yet weary. His eyes were fixed on Persian's pale face, and his thoughts were a tumultuous mix of relief and worry.

"Come on, Percy," Amon whispered softly, his voice filled with longing. "You have to wake up soon. We need you."

He reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair away from Persian's forehead. The prince's skin felt cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the warmth that usually emanated from him. Amon missed the mischievous twinkle in Persian's eyes, the laughter that often echoed through the Palace halls when the prince was in high spirits.

The castle itself seemed quieter without Persian's presence. He was known for his charisma and charm, and he had a way of brightening even the gloomiest of days. Amon couldn't help but miss those moments, the camaraderie they shared as friends.

As the hours passed, Amon's vigil continued. He watched the rise and fall of Persian's chest, a constant reminder that the young prince was still with them, fighting to regain his strength. Amon's thoughts wandered to the countless moments they had shared, and the deep bond that had grown between them.

"You're not alone, Percy," Amon murmured, his voice tinged with emotion. "We're all here for you. You just have to open your eyes."

Amon knew that time was the best healer, but he couldn't help but wish for a quicker recovery for his dear friend. He longed to see Persian's laughter and smile ring through the palace once more.

when Amon thought it couldn't get any worse, it did....

Amon was humming a melody to an old song when he heard a voice calling from the bathroom.

Amon made his way there pulling out his sword "hello, is someone here"

All he heard was laughter

"you become a guard for less than a month and all of a sudden, you've forgotten that you have magic"

Amon smiled recognising the voice and looked in the mirror and saw eleanor.

"Hey eleanor, how are you doing"

Eleanor giggled " never been better...I mean with you gone, I have a few headaches now"

Amon laughed sarcastically

"how's everyone?" asked Amon.

Eleanor sighed "hanging in there, they are still really freaked out about the war though".

Amon couldn't help but feel like he had betrayed his own people.

" so, what have you found out so far about the palace" asked Eleanor.

Amon sighed "well nothing, I mean anytime I feel like I am getting close then the king pops out of nowhere"

"Really, kastron....how is he like"

"very very intimidating and fearless...and he is just like we were told in the stories"

answered Amon.

"well you have to find something soon otherwise, the frustration will get bigger"

Amon leaned onto the wall "but how?"

"All I can do is protect the prince...nothing else"

Eleanor snapped "you protect the prince....that's wonderful. it should be easy then".

" what do you mean "asked Amon.

Eleanor shook her head probably forgetting that she should never underestimate Amon's stupidity.

" Well, it would be easy if you could get the prince to trust you. You gain his trust...I mean be with him. Let me trust you in every single way. Have the thought that he can always rely on you. Maybe then, you might not go looking for the palace secrets...huh"

Amon was lost "I don't get it"

"because the secrets would come to you. you idiot"

Amon finally caught on "I like that plan"

kastron was outside the palace when he felt a strong power surge through him.

Someone was using magic.

Kastron ran into the palace trying to find the person using magic....he searched through every chamber ....he felt like he was getting closer.

Just then, a piercing sharp sound hit his ears and he held his head and scrunched to the floor....

The sound was unbearably painful but right before he was about to pass out, the sound faded into memory and Kastron supported himself up, his ears bleeding.

Kastron was confused "what was that"

Amon went back to persian's side.

Amon said in a heavy tone "I hate what I've been forced to do.I need you to know that I never wanted any of this"

"but some truths have to remain hidden, some stones need to be left unturned.

All I can say now is that, I have to ...deceive everyone (the pain in Amon's voice shifted to his chest) including you. You are the last person I want to betray.

But they've left me with no choice. I am left with no choice"

"You know how it feels right to have a whole kingdom laying on your shoulders. Surviving on every word that you speak. You know how that feels right.

" that is why I need you to wake up. I need your help...there's something...something not quite right about all this war and I need you to help me find out what it is"

"but most of all, I need you.....to forgive me someday for the pain I am about to cause you"

Amon put his head on Persian's hand crying softly