

I was walking slowly with my head down when someone grab my hand to stop me from walking,I turned around to see who it is and i saw Marites.

Marites is a beautiful women,she have a pinky lips,a beautiful white skin and red hair that looks good on her.She's with me all the time,well because we lived in the same condo.

"Do you want to buy something?". She ask with a smile on her face.

We are here now in the mall. She want me to come with her. Well it's my free day and also her,so she invited me to come with her.

"Nothing,Just buy what you need to buy".She immediately nod at me. She's still holding my hand,and it's make me irritated.

We go inside the bookstore and she started searching and finding what she needs. She get things one by one, and we walk around the bookstore almost an hour. I was looking at her and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm bored,Marites".I said,While she's searching in the corner. She have yellowpad paper,ballpen,and folder in her right hand and my hand on her left.

"I'll be fast,just one more...Gotcha!..Let's go". We went to the casher. She paid,Well, I really come with her because it's her treat. She tightened her hand in mine just like i was a kid that will lost any minute, it makes me feel ackward,really ackward.

"Let's eat,i'm hungry". She said,while pouting. She look at me.

"Hey,Head's up". She tried to held my chin but she can't,because she's holding the plastic bag with a school stuff inside in it.

"Can you let go of my hand?".I whispered. She immediatelu look at me. Her face change to dissapointment.

"It's just.... it feel ackward marites.Please don't get me wrong". I explained. I looked around to see if someone is looking on us.Holding hand in the mall or in public place is not even wrong,it's just... i feel uncomfortable to me.

She nod slowly and let go of my hand with a sad face.

"Hey,After we finish to eat. You can hold my hand".I said.

"Really?". She look at me with a big smile. Haysst,I don't have a choice.

"Yah,so..let's go?".

"C'mon!What do you want to eat huh?".She ask,while looking for a resto.

I look at her,She's so adorable no one can't say no to her or can afford to make her sad. Marites is a highschool student,Next year she will be in first year college. She said she want to be an architect. I don't know that, but i'm so proud of her...

We lived almost 5 years and counting,She's not my bestfriend. We just met in the condo,At first we ignored each other,well because that's not the reason why i'm here,I didn't came here to gain friend or have social life.

But one day someone knock on the door. I'm in the kitchen that time and Marites is in the couch,a little bit far beside the door.

She's watching TV when we heard the knock. Marites stood up and went to the door.

"Are you expecting someone?". She ask. I just shaken my head.

I didn't expect anyone because there is no "anyone" for me even anything.

I off the oven and place the bread in the desk. I get jam and place it on the bread. I look up to see Marites opening the door.

But before she look infront, a one hudge slap run her face.

I didn't even feel shocked. I still looking at them like i was in a drama. And i continue making sandwich for our breakfast.

"HOW DARE YOU!". A woman shouted. Marites immediately look at that woman with disbelief in her eyes, and holding her face.

The woman look presentable,pormal. But she looks like a witch now because of anger in her face. The woman have a body and beautiful kind of fashion. And she look like marites,the difference is the color of there hair and attitude.

"Mom?!How do you found me?..did you..ju-st sl-ap me?". Marites said,still shock. Mom?hmmm..

"How dare you to run away on us?!You're useless,stupid and nothing!It's just one favor Marites. But you disappoint us!".

The woman said angrily.

"One favor?!huh! I'm nothing?stupid and useless? HAHAHAHA. Well,Mother like daughter". Marites said with a sarcastic tone.

"YOU BRAT!". And again the woman slap Marites. It's sound bad this time. I ignore them and directly walk in the couch to sit. I place the sandwich in the desk infront and i've watch TV. I change the channel to cartoon.

"Go!slap me more!I don't care." Marites said.

"I'm still your mother! Your fiancè is waiting on you,Marites!".Her mother said. Marites rolled her eyes.

"But i'm not coming". Marites said. I heard her voice crack. She's crying,I know even though i couldn't see her.

"I made this for you,for your future". Woman said while calming herself.

"No! you made this for your own needs. For the company!". Marites.

I stoop up. And went closer to them,they are so loud.I saw Marites mom,attemp to slap her again but before that happened i already hold her hand.

"Stop. I don't want to be rude but can i say something?You're just a woman with a child,because you carried her 9 months. But you will never be called a Mother if you want to kill the future of your daughter,". I seriously said.

She look at me full of shock on her face,she just standing there like a statue so I push her a little and close the door. I gasp when someone hug me. I look at Marites,her face is a mess.I didn't response to her,dzuhh were not even friends,but i didn't push her away.

"Next time if she slap you,make it left to right to be fair. And please go outside. You're two was noisy tsk". I looked at the couch. Arghh!my sandwich.