

She stared ahead of her, examining the black void she was in. Her memories rushed back to her leaving her dumbfounded. All she remembered was how the air whizzed past her when the terrifying creature dropped her, then everything was black. She had heard faintly Oliver trash-talking the giant, then heard the creatures loud, fast footsteps fade off into the distance. Then, she was officially out.

She sighed, beginning to walk around. She looked around. She saw a door about 10 yards away. She walked towards it. When she got to the door she opened it. She was back in her hospital room. She sighed, of course she was. This time there was no one in the room, it was just her. Angelina walked towards her twin. She held her breath, then reached for her twin's arm. She quickly took her hand off her arm. It was weird. So fleshy, and warm. The door creaked open. Angelina swung around, becoming face to face with a boy that was oddly familiar. He looked at the Angelina in the bed with a sorrowful look. Angelina noticed two people, a man and a woman, most likely family members, behind him. Angie stepped away from the three and walked backward to the other side of the bed. She stared at the boy. He had hair, which was buzzed, and his hands were to his side in a nervous matter. She stared at the boy more.

"I'm sorry, Angelina." The boy said in a soft voice.

Then, she remembered who he was. He had the same voice. It was Jax Turner. The bully from school.

He stared at her longer, "I shouldn't have let that happen, it was wrong. I don't know why I couldn't stop them soon enough. Please forgive me. I've changed, I don't even talk to the others, they said they weren't sorry though, but I am. Oh, please forgive me, Angelina."

Angelina's eyes fogged up, she walked over to Jax. How could she not forgive him? It wasn't his fault after all. She touched his arm, hoping he would think of it as a sign that she had heard him and forgave him. His flinched then his eyes grew as big as saucers. He looked around the room frantically. Then smiled apologetically.

"Angelina?" He whispered.

"Yes, it's me. Oh, Jax, I forgive you." She cried. Just the knowledge that he couldn't hear her pained her to think about. Angie felt a tight force wrap around her heart.

The woman tapped Jax's arm and he spun around, leaving the hospital room. Angie watched him leave, then watched as a little girl ran into the room. It was Celeste. Angelina watched as her mother and her other sister came into the room. Angie was on the verge of tears again. It had been so long since she had last seen her mother and sisters. She wanted to hug them. Her mom sat on the edge of her bed, her sister Marci on her lap. Her mother smiled at the Angie in the coma.

"Hey, hun." She greeted softly.

Angelina felt warm tears stream down her cheeks. Here was her mother, which she hadn't seen in forever, sitting in front of her, about two feet away. She stepped over to her mother and set her hand on her back. Jemma flinched just like Jax had and looked behind her, tears in her eyes.

"Angelina?" She called. "Are you here? Tap me twice if you are."

Angie tapped her mother's shoulder twice.

Celeste rushed over to her mother, "Is she here?"

"Yes, she is. Say hi."

Celeste hesitated a second, "Hi, sissy."

Angelina set her hand on Celeste's head and smiled, her salty tears running into her mouth. Then, Angelina hugged her mom. It felt nice. Her mother's warmth soothed her and she completely forgot about Elysia and even her coma. Her mother let out sobs of sadness and joy as Celeste and Marci hugged Jemma along with their ill sister, not wanting to let go. Angie held on as long as she could before she resigned from the room.