Aniyah was standing in her father's meeting room by the door. In the middle of the room was a long table where his most trusted friends gathered around to talk about who knew what.
Aniyah isn't one to pay close attention to politics.
But what she was seeing now had her stomach churning. Her father sat at the head of the table. Vlad and his brother Conor were sitting on opposite sides of a young boy.
Her sister, Bella, was standing at her father's side, her lips turned upward in a smirk.
A fireplace on the other side of the room cast long shadows across the room giving her a bad feeling.
She and Bella had never gotten along. She was tall and muscular and she was petite and weak. Bella beat her at everything she tried and she hated her all the more.
Her father favored her more over Aniyah, but she didn't really mind. She tried her best to stay invisible when her father was around so as not to upset him.
Aniyah swallowed. "You summoned me?"
"Come. Sit." her father said, gesturing at the many empty seats. With a flick of his wrists, he slammed the doors behind her as she made her way toward the table. "We have much to discuss."
Grateful for the pants she was wearing to hide her wobbly knees she took a seat across from the boy who was staring at her with wide blue eyes.
"Vlad here has brought something he believes I may find interest in." Aniyah's father leaned forward a wall of muscle. "I would like to get you and your sister's opinion. Vlad. If you will."
Aniyah clasped her hands in her lap trying to steady the shaking. Her father had never invited her to one of his meetings, in his eyes she was a failure and a weakling.
She had no muscles and had no idea how to wield a sword, so she'd be of no use on the battlefield.
Vlad nodded and yanked the boy to his feet., "He needs a dead body. A fresh one."
Aniyah's father sat back. "I like where this is going."
A moment later, the doors to the room were opened again and a guard entered dragging a man behind him. He offered no resistance he didn't even appear to be breathing.
His clothes were hanging off his thin frame and his hair was a bird's nest on his head.
The guard threw the body on the table and Aniyah tried not to pinch her nose from the stench. The guard bowed, and then wordlessly marched from the room.
"Proceed," Vlad growled.
The boy licked his lips. "I've never used anything larger than a mouse or...a rat."
"I could care less." Vlad shoved him forward. "Move."
Aniyah leaned forward in anticipation. The boy took a shaky step forward and swallowed. "I need someone to cut him."
Vlad pulled out a blade there was a flash of metal and suddenly the man was gushing blood from his neck. Aniyah recoiled.
He placed his index and middle finger in the crimson puddle and drew strange marks around the man's head. He then placed both palms on his chest and started to chant.
His eyes started to glow and markings on his arms began to flicker. Black smoke surrounded them and with a slight gasp, the boy crumpled to the ground. When the smoke cleared sitting before her was a man-but, not a man.
His skin was pale and peeling, his eyes blacker than a night sky without stars. On both his arms were black veins jutting out. It was a terrifying sight to behold and Aniyah was choking on the smell.
Her father had his brows furrowed for a moment but when he turned his face toward the boy who was struggling to his feet he smiled, it looked quite painful. "That was quite the show. How does it work?"
"Work?" the boy coughed. When he managed to stand to full height his eyes were drooping and his brown hair had a streak of silver in it.
"Yes. How can I control them?" her father pressed.
The boy frowned slightly. "You tell them what you want them to do. But you first need to let them know that you're the one in charge. " he blinked slowly. "They don't feel pain and can't do anything unless you tell them to. For instance, say you want to kill someone."
Bella pursed her lips. "Father, don't tell me you're considering this. What could we possibly use them for?"
"The upcoming war, my dear."
Aniyah paled. War?!
"I've enjoyed this gift you've brought me, Vlad." he nodded toward the boy. "Thank you for your help, as a reward, I will not kill you instead I welcome you to my home."
The boy gawped at them.
"I will take you as my own. What's your name, son?"
"E-Eli, sir."
"Your name will no longer be Eli, but Ari Rebel." Aniyah's father stood, face passive. "Vlad, Conor, he is to be treated with respect take him down to my mage he'll know what to do."
Vlad nodded.
Eli looked slightly green and Aniyah didn't blame him. If some kidnapper told a kid that they were going to care for them, she'd look a little green too.
But taking in his slight frame and stick arms, she knew he wouldn't survive out here for long. Aniyah would give him a week at the most.
"Meeting adjorned."
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