
chapter 3

I flopped onto my pile of furs and sighed.

"What is wrong Haro," Len says as he flies on to his perch in the corner of my room.

"Nothing, I am just thinking about what tomorrow is going to be like."

"I have been thinking about that too, hey I wonder if your great great grandmother and grandfather are going to be there Haro."

"Ugg, probably knowing them, they will be there and cause a scene like they do every year for me and Halo's birthday"

"You know you kinda have to expect, that I mean they gave us all their blessings when we were born," Len says with a sigh

"Yeah my grandfather gave us our blessings and my grandmother gave Halo and Rin their blessings"

"You know the thing I hate most about their visits Len?"

"Let me guess their bickering." He says

"Yeah, I mean I know that they are gods of conflicting elements but they do not have to argue whenever they are in the proximity of each other." I begin to get up and pack my things into my magic storage.

"Hey Haro the girls should be done with their baths by now so let's start heading down to the bath area," he says as he begins to shift into a human form. Len's human form looks almost human except for the fact that his long black hair is not actually hair but feathers, his ebony eyes were also very demonic looking by human standards at least that is what those who have had their coming of age say.

"Sure let's get going then," I say and start heading towards the door of our room.

As we are about to open the door to the changing room, the door suddenly opens. My sister was in the doorway.

"You scared us Halo, we thought that you two were back in your room by now," I say somewhat still in shock.

"Well, then you should have checked with me before coming down here Haro," Halo says laughing. Halo and Rin walk past us and up the stairs to their room.

"Well that was a close one a couple of seconds sooner and we would have been thrown into the darkest pits of the world," Len says relieved.

"Yeah, I would rather listen to my great great grandparent bicker all day rather than feel Halo's rath," I say

"Well then we better get to bathing," he says as he begins to remove his kimono after we entered the changing room.

We entered the bath and began to bath ourselves. I look down into the water my two heterochromatic eyes stare down into the water my right eye is ebony and my left is a rich gold color, my long silver hair with black tips is almost touching the water in the bath, my ears, like my hair, are silver with black tips.

"Hey Haro what are you doing? Come on finish washing so that we can play some chess before we go to bed," He says happily.

"Yes, yes it will be for the best but only one game because we do still have to go to bed soon."

As we exit the bath we start getting back into our close and suddenly.

"BOOM" another firework went off and scared us so that my tail stood on end.

"That was a loud one," Rin says sounding uneasy. I look over at him and begin to laugh

"Len, Len your feathers they are all sticking up." I continue to laugh as Len turned red trying to stroke his feathers back down.

"You're mean Haro," he says

"I've known you since both of us were born so get over it. We will always be siblings no matter what happens." I say calming down.

We finish getting dressed and headed upstairs.

"So what race do you think we should say we are when we go to the outside world," Ren says.

"Most people say that they are either an elf or a wolf demi-human so that they do not have to waste their energy on transformation spells."

We arrive at our room and begin to set up the chessboard. We begin to play.

"So that covers you but not me," Len says troubled.

"Well, we could just say that either you are a rare raven demi-human or that you are my familiar either one would probably work. Though saying that you are a rare raven demi-human will probably make you a target for slavers and others of their sort. At least that is what others have said"

"Well then I should probably just pretend to be your familiar but that would mean that you would have to say that you are an elf."

"That is true. Oh, checkmate"

"What when did that happen"

"Around the time you began to say that I had to pretend to be an elf in the outside world," I said sarcastically

"Ehh crud and we only said one game," he says while biting his nail.

"Well, we should start heading to bed then," I say as I flop into my bed furs, he begins to shift back into his raven form and flies on to his sleeping perch. I quickly use a bit of wind magic to blow the candle on the other side of the room out.

"Goodnight Len and may we have a good day tomorrow with our travels"
