
Elf: Tree Fruit Dessert

Qewa · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chapter 1

Zhenxin Town, the town where dreams began. During the day, the sun gradually shines on the small roads of the town... It looks extraordinarily warm...

The town is not big, and the residents are very harmonious, except...

"Take a look and take a look! Don't miss it when you pass by, the king of carp, the king of carp, is now on sale at a reduced price!"

Lian shouted loudly, but the residents ignored him at all. Pokémon like Carp King are very easy to find in the river. Who would spend money to buy them, but Lian opened a shop here to sell Carp King. It's hard to avoid being called a liar by residents.

"Alas..." Lian sat paralyzed on the ground, he was helpless too...

Lian, whose full name is Ruyue Lian, was originally a progressive youth with socialist core values. She fell asleep while staying up late to study the Pokémon Book. When she woke up, she was in this hut in Zhenxin Town.

The house seems to have been unoccupied for a while, the bedroom upstairs is full of ball nets, the hall downstairs has two rooms, the kitchen and the toilet, there is a refrigerator in the corner that has been unused for a long time, and then It's just a dry pool and rows of Pokémon eggs piled up in the lobby.

In the end, there were a few foldable dining tables for the snack bar, and some folding chairs, which almost filled the hall... There was a suitcase in the corner of the hall, and the box was full of empty Pokeballs...

The special thing is that each ball is probably a red and white ball, but a layer of golden paint is painted on the outside...

Lian hurriedly checked whether the important things on her body were still there, so she immediately took off her shirt and looked at her waist, "There are no scars, the kidneys should still be there... it scared me to death..."

To be fair, he thought it was some kind of kidnapping that sells sleepy people to the black market and then sells their kidneys. "Hey, where's my abs?" Lian suddenly realized that she was **** like a walking hormone. The abdominal muscles are gone.

Only then did he realize that his body had changed. He quickly took out the mobile phone in his pocket and used the unlocked screen as a mirror to look at his face.

"This..." The face on the screen is indeed his face, to be precise, his face when he was 16 years old, but he should clearly be a youthful 20-year-old progressive youth!

"Could it be, is this **** plot finally my turn?" The word "travel" appeared in Lian's mind, and then her head hurt and she fell asleep again.

After waking up, he slowly accepted all this. The owner of this body is also called Ruyuelian, with the same name as him, and he looks very similar. The old man is a liar who sells the carp king. After leaving Lian and this so-called breeding house, Lian's mother wanted to take Lian and live with them after she found a new stepfather.

But the original owner of this body was simply a fool, who resolutely refused the care of rich dad, and then resolutely returned here to inherit the so-called breeding house abandoned by poor dad.

I found this place after reading the message from my poor dad before he ran away. The moment he opened the door, the house had been used as a place to store elf eggs since it was renovated. The foolish nose made this idiot go into shock directly...

Then the current Lian replaced him inexplicably. Perhaps it was left unattended for a long time after the shock and died.

The harmful gas has almost dissipated, so the current Lian can be safe and sound. Then another thing happened in front of him that made him desperate. The eggs of Pokémon began to break one by one, and finally...

"A lot of carp kings!!!" Lian was drowned in the hut by the group of carp kings...

In the end, it became like this. The desperate Lian had no choice but to live a life of selling the carp king, but without the eloquence of a poor father, plus the knowledgeable Dr. Damu in Zhenxin Town, most of the residents knew that the carp king was worthless at all. , so he can't sell it at all...

"Hey... the original owner's savings are almost exhausted. If they can't sell it, they'll starve to death!" Lian looked desperately at the group of carp kings in the water basin in front of him. Only he was raised in the pool in the hut. After all, the water basin is so big, after all, one basin can't hold so much.

The bored Lian took out his mobile phone and looked at it. For some reason, his mobile phone also crossed over, and all the software installed in it disappeared, leaving only an icon of a red and white pokeball named Pokemon. app, when Lian is bored, she flips through it...

He didn't worry about the lack of electricity. In the forest ranger game in his previous life, there was a setting for Pichu to charge the equipment. When his mobile phone was out of power, he shamelessly went to Dr. Damu's research institute to ask for a long time. In the end, Dr. Damu Softhearted agreed to let Lian go to his backyard, where Lian bought a Pichu with tree fruit to help him recharge from time to time.

"Looking at Carp King gives me a headache..." Lian looked at the information on Carp King on her phone, feeling a little irritable... This information teaches how to cultivate and how to take care of it, but it doesn't teach how to sell it, it's really a useless app!

"Wait, this is?" Lian suddenly found that there was an option for Pokémon Food Guide on the data interface, Lian was a little excited, maybe his daily expenses had hope...

Anyway, there are still many people who breed Pokémon in this town! If he can come up with some really good quality Pokémon food, maybe he can really sell it, and the economic crisis can be temporarily lifted!

If this app is really reliable... Maybe he can directly contract the supply of Pokémon food in Doctor Damu's backyard. At that time, this will not be a temporary relief from the crisis, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com instead got rid of poverty and became rich!

Judging from previous animations, Dr. Damu is also inhumane. He owns a convertible sports car, and when Xiaomao went on a trip, he even gave a 10-year-old Xiaomao one... Think about it and get angry!

"If there are tree fruits, they can be picked in the back mountain..." Lian looked at the Pokémon Food Guide, and the rows of black pictures on it were marked with the need to unlock...

There is an upgrade on it: tree fruit is required to unlock the first recipe.

"It is recommended to prepare ingredients that can be used in most recipes in advance - moo milk..." Lian looked at the ingredient list on the phone screen and began to ponder secretly...

Moo moo milk is easy to handle. He still has a few bottles in the refrigerator. He bought it for breakfast. How can I describe the taste?

In the case of tree fruit... There are many fruit trees in the woods near Zhenxin Town, so Lian couldn't wait to move the carp king in the water basin back to the house, brought some necessary tools and materials, carried a basket and went to the house. Running behind the mountain.

"Xiao Zhi, I told you that the brother who sold the carp king is a liar, why didn't you listen!" A brown-haired, spiky-haired child said angrily to another black-haired, spiky-haired boy.

"But Xiao Mao, I think Carp King is also very interesting!" The spiky head named Xiao Zhi said with a grievance.

"Carp King can catch a lot of Pokémon in the small river in the back mountain. If you don't believe me, I will take you there!" Xiao Mao grabbed Xiao Zhi and hurriedly ran away like the back mountain...

"Wait, I haven't got my fishing rod..." Xiao Zhi hurriedly shouted, but the domineering Xiao Mao completely ignored his shouting, and led Xiao Zhi to the woods in the back mountain without reducing his speed...