
ELENA (The Tale Untold)

This tale is dedicated to a female psychopath named Elena. More precisely 'E'. Who tortures people to feed her insanity and use the excuse of reasoning, that they deserve to die. It's also about the boy who is infatuated with her. And sees more to her than insanity. A computer hacker? A genius programmer? Or just the guy with an unsettled past? As the time goes, her routined crime killing attracts the unwanted attention around. Attention of someone who was never in the picture, handsome- but mysterious- officer. Who is just more than obsessed than her case of brutal killing. The world she had planned started to crumble apart. And her way of tackling her inner demon get lost too... Her sanity? Was that even there? And if it was always there, then why did she hide it? A pragmatic and sensational novel whose theme revolved around the campaigns and series of dark taboos of life. As she tackles with several emotions like hate, love, betrayals and more, she changes. For the better? Or for the worst? Join the thrilling life of Elena as she tackles with her inner devil. But if the cost is priceless, can she take it? ----------------------------------------- "What about love?"He abruptly queried me while I was quoting the last sentence and surprisingly I didn't know the answer. I got quiet what is love? How it even work? I control everything for myself including all emotions but emotions can't be controlled, so I was never made to love, right... Yes the demon was once an angel But there was a reason he became a demon. Or maybe he was always a demon just deluded to be an angel...

thplatonicwitch · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs


A lie that is a half-truth is the darkest of all lies.

Alfred Tennyson.


It took me some time to reach the police station as I kept getting lost along the way. And to give the perfect

testimony I keep changing my words. Let me just say I'm nervous. I'm not nervous because of the police officers, they're stupid people or they would have caught us until now. I'm more scared of Elena finding that clingy guy attractive. After all, she loves pretty things.

Also, you end up making a fool of yourself.

"I hope that's not the case." I muttered.

I perfectly followed the traffic rules as I got near the station. I parked my car just in front and got out. As I looked in the mirror, I noticed my pale appearance. My hair was damp.

Making my pitch-black hair look cruder. I guess the humidity is doing its work, as October is coming close. My eyes were having dark circles underneath. And my lips were a little chapped. Nevertheless, my nose still stands out.

I started walking confidently. Even though I'm only confident when she's with me. But a little pretend doesn't hurt? Right, I asked myself as I strolled.

Don't act like an idiot.

I won't.

I got in and noticed all sorts of people around. Some of them were just working aimlessly. Some officers were gossiping loudly as they talked. And some were giving death glances to each other as they did their work. However, few were diligently doing their work. I jerked my whole body to let my nervous self feel a little relaxed. And started walking toward the guy who looked like; my age. He was writing a report or something while continuously murmuring something. I couldn't hear what it was as I was far away . I tapped on the table and got his attention.

"I'm here to testify for the murder case. In Suho. For the suspect Elena Ravendale." I dominantly confessed.

"May I know your name, sir?" He asked in a friendly tone. His voice hoarse but more on a high-pitched side.

"Hilmen Tibet," I replied, calmly.

"Sir, you may go to the west side. There are other witnesses there. The testification will start shortly. Hope to see you as honest as possible," he said, professionally. And now, I saw the name tag of the guy.

"Thanks for the directions; William Claude," I smirked.

I did a handshake which was quite awkward seeing how stern this guy was. And started walking towards the east side.

I noticed Prof Guan, Hannah and Sophie sitting there. The Prof was in his normal attire, pants , and White coat. While his nosy big glasses were sitting perfectly on his nose. Sophie was wearing a skirt and long shirt. She looked pale and there were no signs of makeup.

"I guess this is the first time I'm seeing her without makeup," I quietly growled.

"She is wearing makeup." Someone suddenly said behind me and I was shocked . I fastly moved my head in case it was a ghost. And it was William.

"Umm, how do you know?" I confusingly replied while raising my brow.

"I have known her for 1 year. She's not wearing makeup." I abruptly said.

"Idiot," he muttered.

"Look! She's wearing Sp 5 base with cherry pinkish lipstick." I looked again. And now I could see. Even though I still don't understand what he said, now I'm able to see the makeup.

"Oh," I surmised.

"You all come with me to the interrogation room. Please follow

behind me and don't get lost. Don't look at what you're not supposed to look at. And only answer what you have been questioned about." William told us while he was leading the way.

"Whoa, he changes pretty fast. He became professional again." I whispered.

We all followed his lead and walked for some hallways. The walls were totally whitewashed. And the floor was changed as we walked deeper. From epoxy flooring to concrete. This place was getting grand.

I saw a lock-up and I could see it was clean and really pretty designed from the inside. It looked like a compartment for hiding away.

Then I saw what made my blood boil. To the point that my face started cooking up. That stupid clingy guy was looking at Elena. Not just looking! That was a different gaze. I can tell it pretty quickly because that's the gaze I'm more acquainted with. She was eating something. Then he shifted his direction toward us hearing our vague footsteps.

"Sir, they are all here. And their identities are confirmed. You may start interrogating." William bowed his head a little and quietly left.

I looked at Elena who was not at all interested to even bother to give us a look. And she was totally consumed by eating a sandwich.

After several seconds, she moved her head and looked at us. And I could see tears rolling their way out of her eyes. Prof Guan abruptly ran towards the lock-up. He grabbed the metal cage with all his might. Not listening to the police officers who were trying to calm him down.

"Elena! Don't be scared. I'm here. We are gonna get you out. No need to be scared. My girl . It's all okay." He told Elena while Sophie also let out a tear after seeing this situation. If I

hadn't seen her real side, I would have gotten emotional too. But right now I really wanted to laugh.

I saw Hannah who was glaring at Elena. Despite her A-class acting, Hannah kept making angry faces while staring. Maybe she has trust issues too, I sighed.

"Let's go, Prof Guan first. I will start the inquiry now." Anem frowned. While his eyes were still stuck at Elena. And my muscles were trying their best to not lose control. Or I will end up punching him.

We got in a room where we got instructions to sit. While Prof walked into another room. It was just in front, with Anem following him.

After 10 min of unsettledness, Prof Guan came. And I was asked In.

"Hey!" I greeted with a fake smile.

He didn't answer and was looking at something on the laptop.

He could just say hey with a returned fake smile.

You made a fool of yourself, congratulations.

"Did he just ignore me?" I uttered profanity.

The room was quite dark. So nothing was really pleasing to the eye. There was just a metal table in between where I sat. And waited for the clingy guy to start his questioning.

"Where were you yesterday?"

"In Suho."

"Were you with Elena Ravendale?"


"Can you explain all the details? And any odd things that you saw while you were with Elena? Or any time where she wasn't with you?"

I don't like the way he calls my love.

Yeah, everything was unusual that day. Elena caught her long lost knife. That brutal knife from which we are supposed to cut buffaloes. She ended up slaughtering the blondie. And I found my dad was a pedo and pervert. And mom was the goddess of patience. And I have a long way to go before I can reach Elena.

But I can't say that shit.

"There was nothing unusual that day. Elena and I thought of getting some fresh air as we were tired from normal work. We chose Suho as it is close. And had a date there. Now I don't need to explain our date. Right?" I smirked.

"According to our sources, you don't really work somewhere. What can you get tired of?" He asked while smirking

This guy is pissed now.

"Well, I'm a genius in programming. I have plenty of websites and I do get orders to do work. It's just, I'm independently working while I have my parent's fortune."

"What?" I said as he was glaring at me.

"Okay, I don't have further questions for you. You can leave."

Whoa, just that?

I got up and I'm totally suffocated to be in the same room with this guy. As I was just close to opening the door, his voice stopped me.

"You were on a date, outside of the city. And didn't know when your girlfriend got locked up. Someone just took her hair and left it at the crime scene. Amazing! And while the girlfriend is getting her face puffed by crying, the boyfriend is chill. And proudly telling their date story."

"Interesting!" He smirked.

And I wanted to bang his head on the metal table. But that would mess things up , so I chose to smile.

"Yep, thanks for summing it all up. And also taking care of my girlfriend." He frowned and I got out.

I left that place and saw Anem. Telling Prof Guan and others about how Elena will be out after one day. That they just need to check the authenticity of the testimonies.

I came back to the cell where Elena was. And she was lost in her world while looking at the wall. She was still sitting in the corner. Her hair was tied in a soft bun while some strands were on her face. Her puffed-up eyes were gone and she looked fresh. Weird; why would she be fresh in a lock-up?

"Hey! I just told that guy we were a couple. And his face was priceless at that moment." I told her hurriedly while waiting to get a scolding reply.

"So I was right!"

"What?" I asked.

"I will tell you when I get out. When am I getting out?"

"Tomorrow, I guess."


Why didn't she scold me? And what does it mean by I WAS RIGHT? Now what she's cooking in that brain of hers.

"Hey!" She screamed.

"What?" I screamed too.

"Go now, don't lurk here anymore."

"Are you sending me away?" I questioned.

"Okay, go and buy me a cola."

"Really? Do you have time for that? Are you sure you're in a cell? Not on vacation?" I sarcastically replied.

"Pretty clean place. Good food. A handsome guy around. Isn't it's cool leisure activity ?" Elena smirked.

"Handsome GUY?" I raise my brow. Before I could say anything, I saw Anem heading in.

"Okay, baby I will buy you cola. Don't get scared. Mr. Anem won't kill you as you are like a little sister to him. Wait for me." Anem exchanged death glances with me while I made my way out. And Elena is totally gonna return this favour of mine. But until then, Imma gonna laugh at that guy's face.

After giving Elena the cold coke, I bid goodbye. While she was giving me the death glare. Others had already left. I was the only one going in the end. And I saw Anem while going out who was still restful in his grimace. I was totally energised from this trip. Of course, one look from your loved one can change everything right?

These police officers can never find out that Elena is the real killer. Because a truth wrapped in a lie is the hardest to distinguish.

I mumbled while strolling towards my car.