

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
106 Chs

The Hidden Society

It looked from Master Wayne's expression that he was looking for words to express his emotions.

"Why aren't you speaking anything?" Draven asked. He banged his palms on the table.

"Why are you looking shocked..."


"There must be another way," Master Wayne advised.

"Can you think of one," Draven put his hands on the table.

"Give me some time, I'll think of it,"

Master Wayne left but that time through the normal door. Draven still was critically thinking.

Door opened. Sophie awake by the loud noise of the door. She gasped.

"I thought I died in my dream," Sophie said while was catching her breath.

"You did, I saved you," Master Wayne said while was walking around in the office with one hand on his forehead and another hand on his waist. He looked tensed as well as was thinking of something.

"Evil man, you drugged me," Sophie exploded, getting furious.

"I want to go home,"

Sophie started to walk to get her luggage.

"You can't leave," Master Wayne ordered.

"I will, you don't own me,"

"I don't but you saw this magical realm,"


"What if you tell about this society,"

"I would,"

"What the fuck,"

"Do you have any idea this is a secret society," Master Wayne explained, getting angry.

"Then why you invited me here," Sophie yelled.

"We didn't,"

"I think it was an error,"

"Magical error," Sophie highlighted with her hands.

"Can't you make me forget?" Sophie questioned. "I have seen in movies,"

"I can't," Master Wayne said, getting disappointed.

"Why not,"

"I tried it before,"

"You what...when,"

"When I gave you the truth potion,"

"You wicked man," Sophie put her hands on the waist.

"I am not evil, I did what I have to protect this society," Master Wayne proclaimed.

"Still I am leaving," Sophie protested.

"You will not," Master Wayne waved his hand in the air with that made the luggage of Sophie disappeared.

"What the f...where is my stuff," Sophie cried out.

"It's safe." Master Wayne said. "Don't worry,"

Sophie sat on the sofa held her hairs tightly.

"What do you want me to do?" Sophie asked, seeing no option.

"First, get your shit together," Master Wayne said while looking at her.

"Let's do a makeover,"

"What makeover," Sophie responded.

Master Wayne asked Sophie to followed him. He walked into the wall.

Sophie stopped.

"I am not going through this," Sophie said, getting scared.

"What are you waiting for," Master Wayne said, coming out of the wall. Only his head was out except that the whole body was still inside the wall. He held her hands.

"Close your eyes," He advised.

She with Master Wayne walked through the dark wall. Sophie had trouble opening her eyes because of the bright light from nowhere.

The place was a paradise for fashion lovers, in short, an ancient-modern warrior fashion hub. All around were only dresses and shoes. It was an infinite place filled with clothes.

"Wo...w," Sophie marveled over the place.

"This is my home, life, everything..." She raised her hands in the air and was overenjoying.

"They are not for you," Master Wayne broke Sophie's dream even before it became true.

"What...?" Sophie said, getting shocked.

"Then why are we here,"

"You have to earn them." Master Wayne briefed. "Every dress is a symbol,"

"That one..." He pointed. "...is a symbol of bravery."

"Over there..." Again pointed. "...is a symbol of being wiser."

"And...…" Master Wayne was interrupted by Sophie.

"I got it everything symbolizes here..." Sophie Emphasized. "...can you show me that symbolizes 'GOOD HUMAN'. "

"Nope, but I have something for you," Master Wayne said, waving his hands in the air.

Suddenly a wall engraved with symbolized clothes started to expand in two halves. The wall dissipated from that a new room emerges.

At first, the room seemed to be empty but as the fog started to disappear. An outfit of a fighter started to visible.

"What's that..." Sophie asked and moved towards the dress.

"What does it symbolizes?"

"Nothing," Master Wayne answered.

"What...are you serious," Sophie's excitement fell on the ground at the moment. She ran her hands in her hairs after a long time she realized her hairs stinks.

"You have to earn it..." Master Wayne clarified. "... as I said."

"Every time you do something...according to that you will be rewarded,"

"Put on," He commanded.

The outfit was all black, the color symbolizes the fighter's quality or ability. The outfit had a skirt over it and was covered with tiny lines, symmetrically.

After some minutes, Sophie came she looked badass but her hairs still stank.

"Can I wash my hairs somewhere," Sophie asked?

Master Wayne got a small bottle from his pocket and turned it upside down on Sophie's hairs.

"What you did?" Sophie asked, getting annoyed.

"It's a smell concoction..." Master Wayne clarified. "...smell your hairs."

Sophie grabbed her pony and smelled it.

"It's fresh as were in the morning," Sophie said, getting happy.

"You do good deeds but you should ask first," Sophie commented.

Master Wayne did not respond to that comment.

"Would you like to meet your classmates?" Master Wayne asked.


Wayne asked for Sophie's hand.

"Are we going to teleport,"


She put her hand in Wayne's hand.

"Hold your breath."

A tornado started to form around them and in a single second, they vanished.

They appeared in front of the door. It spelt.

"SAUVEUR" Sophie said.

"It means saviors," Master Wayne said. "We train here special born warriors"

"Receptivos" The door opened.

She walked inside and got captivated by the sight of the classroom. The room too had chandeliers but instead of fitted to the wall they were flying in the air. The class was well lighted and ventilated. There were no blackboards or green boards though there were benches that looked simple until she would try it.

"Meet your new classmate," Master Wayne announced. He and Sophie were standing at the back.

All the student already in the class stood up and turned around. As they did that Sophie laid her eyes on Xion. They both met their eyes. For a moment she forgot that she was inside of a magical society. They both flirted with their eyes but soon Sophie's dream died. A girl came near Xion and they kissed.

She felt bad but did not express it on its face. That was just nothing, what came ahead of her she did not even imagine in her life. As Xion slightly got aside she saw in the shade of sunlight.

"Laura" Sophie's voice echoed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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