
Chapter 17: Gift from mom’s friend- More expectations to meet and more work.

As soon as the voice finished speaking, his presence disappeared completely.

Lilith looked at Samael, who had almost started speaking and placed a finger on her mouth

Samael had been watching this silently, suddenly let out a little whimper. Lilith had always shielded her daughter from her God-king aura and was trying to do so now, but failed miserably. She herself felt his pressure, and he wasn’t even in the dimension. Samael thought to herself.

‘Damn. What is this pressure? It’s familiar, but my senses are getting messed up. This power is ridiculous. How strong is he? Even mother has issues. Her legs are trembling. A God-King is at the level of Zeus, and this newcomer can make such logic defying beings to tremble without even being in proximity?’

“Your daughter is here? I hadn’t taken a note. I’m sorry for the pressure, little one. I am hardly summoned and when I am, it’s usually to lay waste to something.”