

I thought the thug was going to slap me but I didn’t feel a sting. A breeze passed my face and when I opened my eyes I saw my uncle standing in front of me. He took a defensive stance and defended himself against the thugs. I’ve never seen him fight before, even though there were three of them he didn’t move an inch. Like he was a boulder. The heaviness in my chest reappeared, the same feeling I felt in my dream. I look over at the gap in the crowd and see the woman from my dreams standing at the edge of the forest. Whenever I see her I feel comforted but also a pit of sadness, I felt compelled to follow her. The crowd got rowdy so I had to push my way through them, eventually I made it out and ran to the woman. As soon as I got close she went deeper into the forest.

“Come here Asena, help me.”

Her voice was so soothing. I had to follow; I was on the verge of tears but I didn’t know why. I ran deep into the forest, it started getting darker and the woman was getting farther. I was on the verge of tears, I had to get to her.

“Wait! I’m coming, please don’t go!”

Soon I ended up in a clearing and saw a hooded figure next to the woman. I went toward her but she silently yelled and held her hand up as if warning me to stop. Abruptly she was wisped away. I couldn’t understand what was happening so I took another step. Tear stains streaked my face as I communicated to the suspicious man.

“Who are you? Who is that woman?”

Silence. There was no verbal response. He tilted his head and soon vanished in a dark smoke. A little after the hooded figure disappeared I heard voices coming from behind me but I was too slow. Soon a dull pain was felt on the back of my head and spots started forming.

“I guess we lucked out didn’t we boys? Grab her and lets hurry back to our hideout, the Boss will be happy we got a young one.”

The thugs picked her up but her shoulder sleeve falls and shows a Raven symbol.

“Hey, look. What’s that on her shoulder? This looks familiar.”

The guy looking at her shoulder gets hit upside his head.

“Who cares? We need to hurry back to the Boss before he gets even more upset.”

A bird can be heard overhead.

Burrg and Wize meet at the edge of the village both frantic.

“Have you found my niece?”

“She wasn’t at any of the stalls, I asked around and no one’s seen her.”

“It’s my job to protect her and now she’s missing.”

Burrg doesn’t know how to comfort the distressed man. He goes to put his hand up but a bird cry is heard.

“It sounds like your bird must’ve found something. Let's go!”

The two men run as Lurker guides them through the woods. After a few minutes pass there’s a break in the trees, and a low warm glow emits. Burrg and Wize crouch behind some bushes, what they see churns their stomachs. It’s the missing women from the village, they’re being held captive in cages. Burrg gets up to help but Wize quickly brings him down.

“Don’t be stupid boy. We have to play this right if we’re to save them.”

Frustrated, Burrg listens to Wize.

“I’m sorry but this is terrible. We have to do something and soon.”

A heavy-set man walks out from a tent and the surrounding chatter quickly stops.

“Gentlemen we move early tomorrow, our Leader will be pleased with the haul we acquired this month.”

Grunts and cheers are heard throughout the camp.

“Tonight we celebrate and drink!” The brutes grab wooden mugs and drink heartedly.

Wize pulls Burrg down lower and whispers.

“When they get drunk we’ll help the women escape. I need you to look for Asena while I take care of the men.” Burrg nods his head in agreement.

It doesn’t take long for the brutes to get drunk and pass out. Soon after, Wize and Burrg spring into action. Burrg delves deeper into the camp to look for Asena while Wize helps the women escape.

“C’mon ladies, we gotta go fast and quiet. Let's go.”

The women are scared but relieved to be rescued. Quietly they run toward the woods. In quick succession, Wize gets all the women out of the camp. The last one out of the cages was a child. Her tiny legs trying their best to run fast. Unfortunately, the little girl trips on a sleeping brute and falls face-first to the ground. The brute cracks an eye open and sees that the captives have escaped. The brute cracks an eye open and sees that the captives have escaped and yells to alarm the others. Wize rushes in and jabs the brute in his throat, knocking him out. Wize then grabs the child and hands her off to one of the women straggling behind. As Wize herds the women out he's stopped.

"Wait, there's another group of girls further in the camp. Please you have to save them."

"I'll save them you worry about yourself and get to safety."

Wize turns to run further into the camp but is stopped by a blinding bright light.