
Elemental Hope

GP_Getting_to_work · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Wonda was just finishing her wooded masion as Blaze and his friends walk up her hoverway(a driveway that is floating on air(kind of like Rocoka and Crystal's relationship!)).

"I wonder how long it would take for the termites to find this mansion!",said Frost, as he froze a pillar and roundhouse kicked it and it shattered.

"Hey! I just polished that!", said Wonda.

Once Frost saw who made the pillar, he literally walked on air, well heavy air, to help her fix it and somehow his lips touched hers as she slipped on a piece of ice lying on the ground into his arms.

"Woah Woah Woah, what do you think you're doing!", said Blaze.

"I'm helping her up!", said Frost(after he kissed her again)

"Hi, my name is Wonda, and you and me need to do a lot more repairs ony new house before I leave to help you guys.", said Wonda as she led Frost into the mansion  by the hand not even looking back at Blaze, Rocoka, Crystal, and Obsidian.

They finally finished on the house a week later and they all decided that they needed Wonda's help to build a boat so that they could get to waterkeeper island.

After another week, Wonda and Frost had completed a gigantic yacht with an ice lining, hardwood floors, ice windows, majestic wooden and ice furnishing, and a beautiful swimming pool that was over 40ft deep.

"I think that we are finally ready to go!"said Blaze.( Not knowing that the two couples, Rocrysta, and Fronda had made three honeymoon suites, one for each couple, and an especially large one for Blaze and Obsidian (the girl that he hadn't taken his eyes off of since he saw her.)

As they set off on their journey, someone asked the question that you've all been waiting for.

"Who's gonna drive the boat!" said Rocoka after he finished another fruit cocktail with Crystal alongside the pool on their swimsuits.

"As you all should know, as the leader of the group, I will captain the ship, along with Obsidian, my shipgal." said Blaze as he steer the ship so that's somehow everyone happened to fall into their partners and kiss.