
Elemental Hope

GP_Getting_to_work · Ficção Científica
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16 Chs


Statica, a beautiful pink haired electrickeeper, is just finishing her desicion of what to wear to her father, Electriod's ball dance. Statica has decided to wear a beautiful radiant pink anklehigh dress that has a pink spark with every movement.       "Dad! I finally perfected my pink dress and you say that its too flashy, the most flashy outfit in the room will be your orange and blue tuxedo!", says Statica.                                            "Ok, fine, you try and win the flashiest outfit contest, just know that I never signed up for this when you and your sisters, Gelactic and Sparkista were born!" says Electroid as he slams her pink bedroom door shut. When she gets downstairs, there is a knock on the door, the decides to open the door and is greeted by Blaze, Frost, Rocoka, Crystal, Obsidian, Wonda, and of course Hydro.                                                    

    "Hello, how may I be of assistant?" says Statica as she does a curtsy.                                     

    "Well, now that you mention it, why don't we go off somewhere quiet and talk more" says Hydro as he kisses her outstretched hand.                                                                 

               "I knew we should have left him in the yacht" wispers Frost to Rocoka.                                

   "We need you to come with us to stop Hojasoma and his army from destroying out universe." says Hydro.                                            "Always right to the point, never even asks politely. tsk tsk tsk" says Frost as he, Blaze, and Rocoka try to convince Statica to come along.                                                                                After about 20 minutes, Statica agrees and invites them to her father's party.                            

 "As long as I get the first dance with you babe" says Hydro with a mischevious grin on his face.                                                            "Maybe you could leave him outside, he's, um... tracking mud on the floor." says Statica, trying not to make eye contact with Hydro.                                                                       

   "It would be a pleasure ma'am." says Statica's buttler, Reginold as he lifts Hydro like a toy and leads him outside for a long talk about manners.                                                      

   "Blaze would you like to dance with me?" says Statica with a little giggle.                                    

 " I'm terribly sorry, but Obsidian is my dance partener." says Blaze as he and Obsidian head off with Frost and Wonda to the dancefloor.                                                             

 "Come on Crystal, lets see what they got to eat at the refreshments table!" says Rocoka as he and Crystal walk arm in arm like soldiers on a mission for food.                                            "You know, all you have to do is make Obsidian so sad or angry that she leaves the room, then you can dance with Blaze," says Hydro, who snuck past the buttler when he fell asleep in the middle of his own speech.           

"Hey thanks for the idea!" says Statica as she kisses Hydro on the cheek.                                   

"Hey Obsidian, don't look now, but all you've got on is your swimsuit!" yells Statica from the otherside of the ballroom.             "Oh no, how'd this happen!" says Obsidian as she runs to the bathroom with an old maid.                                                                Now just as Statica is about to get to the shicked and horrified Blaze, Hydro steps in and swiftly wisks her off into an amazing dance with flips and turns and spins.                     

"Hey! let go of me you, you, peasant!" says Statica as she pushes Hydro away, causing him to fly into Rocoka and Crystal just as they were finishing a lemonade.                             "Hey what is wrong with you, trying to mess up our date just cause your too washed up to have your own!" says Rocoka as he grabs Hydro in a  rock hand and throws him on the floor.       "All of you kids GET OUT, Whoa, NOT YOU STATICA, GET YOU BACK HERE NOW!" says Electroid as he throws out Blaze, Frost, Hydro, Rocoka, Obsidian, Wonda, and Crystal.                                                                            

 "Now Statica, I am disowning you as my daughter, go with them and don't you ever come back! You hear he don't come back!" says Electroid as he throws her out with them along with her pink polar bear, Brownie.                                                                "Hey, guys, is that offer to come help you still available!" says Statica as the band gets back on the yacht.                                       "Sure, only if you start dating me!" says Hydro, nobody stops him, letting him choose, for once.                                                        "Ok, I'll date you," says Statica,"for now" she wispers under her breath.                                                                    

As Statica comes aboard, Hydro races over and tries to kiss her, but all he gets is static! Ouch! that's gotta hurt!