
Elemental Hope

GP_Getting_to_work · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Crystal was an ordinary girl, as far as crystal animal making goes, and always had a spiky attitude about her, especially when she met Blaze Keeper. It was an ordinary day for her, practicing on her crystalkeeping powers while trying to make her baby sister, Bella, eat her food. Crystal had been trying for hours to get her sister to eat while her parents were away on some an important business trip, when Blaze, Frost, and Rocoka came knocking on her front door with their pets. "What is it!," said Crystal, as she finally got the spoon in her sister's mouth. She got up from the table and when she opened the door, she almost fainted when she saw the handsome boy, Rocoka, standing in front of her looking down at her with his signature smile. "Hello ma'am, I'm Rocoka, and these are my friends, Blaze Keeper, and Frost, we are looking for a crystalkeeper that will accompany us on our journey to find as many elemantkeepers as possible to stop Hojosoma and his army." Mesmerised by his handsomeness, Crystal just stares at him in amazement of how he can be so hot! Blaze and Frost, who are starting to get bored of this stupidity, decide to blast her with a little chill of ice and fire. It immediately snaps her out of the daze that she was in and she says that she'd love to come with them as soon as her parents return from their trip. As she speaks, her parents return. "Who are these boys, and what are they doing on our front steps!" says her dad, Crysto, Crystal's mom, Filia, tries to calm him down. "We were just asking your beautiful daughter if she'd accompany us on our journey." said Rocoka. "Then why are you staring at her, looking her up and down as if you've lost your sense of sanity and manners, and, as a matter a fact, GET OFF MY PROPERTY BOY!" says Crysto, as he picks up Rocoka and throws him off their property, along with Blaze and Frost, he doesn't throw their pets off though, he just makes a 40ft wall of crystal around the mansion.