
Elemental Hope

GP_Getting_to_work · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter 10

When they reach the Racormori Woods, Blaze, Frost, Rocoka, Hydro, Wonda, Crystal, Obsidian, and Statica leave the ship and start looking for Hojasoma and his army of plantkeepers.

"Alright, even though we are probably outnumbered, we're not going back into the yacht until we know what we're up against."says Blaze as he, Frost, Rocoka, and Hydro go into the forest, leaving the girls in the yacht to wait for them to get back.

"Okay, we know that they'll probably be hungry, so let's get to work!"says Crystal, their resident cook, as she, Wonda, Obsidian, and Statica go into the yacht kitchen.

As the four boys walked quickly and quietly through the forest, they made sure to not do anything that might let on that they were there.

"I think that we're almost there."whispers Blaze as they start to see smoke in the sky, a sign that the camp was close by, or so they thought. When they reached the camp, they decided to look quietly for Hojasoma and his army. As they looked, all that they found were old fire coals, empty log cabins, and old fishing boats, but no weapons or food. 

"What's going on here?"said Hydro as he cooled down some fire coals.

"Do you think that they knew that we were coming?", said Frost looking at the empty civilization.

"It's like a ghost log cabin town," said Rocoka as he climbed up some rocks to get a better picture of the situation.

"I don't think that it's to far fetched to say that they might have known" said Blaze, "We should probably leave and get back to the girls to discuss what we've learned" said Blaze.

When they get back to the boat they are greeted by Obsidian and Statica who lead them to the kitchen. As they walk in, Statica enhances the lighting, making the kitchen glow a beautiful orangish yellow color.

"Welcome back babe," says Crystal to Rocoka as she wipes her hands off on her apron she kisses him on the cheek and let's him take off her apron so that she can go wash up.

"All right Frost, are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come over here and get me?", says Wonda with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Well I'm not gonna complain,", says Frost as he jogs over to her and starts helping her clean up.

"Blaze honey, why don't  you come over here and hear this chocolate chip cookie up with me,", says Obsidian giggling. Blaze gets behind her and helps her heat the cookie with fire at the tips of his fingers.

"Don't expect me to do any of that with you Hydro." says Statica as she turns her back on Hydro, leaving him at the kitchen table.

When the boys finally get to the table waiting for the girls to bring them the food, they discuss different plans of action.

"Alright  boys! Time for you to try something new!", say the girls as they bring out a magnificent large chicken along with some sweet potatoes and fiery Salmon Shrimp Salad.

"Girls, this is the best meal I've ever had in my entire food experience!", says Rocoka as he devours more food.

"Your cooking gets worse with every try, at the expense of us,", says Hydro as he gets up and throwing his food in the trash.

"Hey, that's all we have left to eat, so get used to it!", says Statica as she tries to hide her smile.

As they finish doing the dishes, the couples all get ready for bed. As Frost and Wonda open their suite's door they are greeted by a bucket of seaweed  on both of them. Everyone except Hydro  experienced this little prank, so they all decided to comfort him.

"What! It was just a little  joke, what, y'all can't take a joke, Haha," says Hydro.

"Hydro, we've all tried to put up with your antics ever since you came along with us, but you have to be punished!", tells Blaze.

"Right, your punishment is that from now on you sleep in the training room, no ifs and or buts, that's that,", says Rocoka as he, Blaze, and Frost drag Hydro and his stuff into a corner  of the training room.

"This isn't over you'll all pay for this!,",screams Hydro as they shut the door behind them.

"We'll let you out at breakfast dude chill,", says Frost as he freezes Hydro's mouth shut.

The next morning Crystal make them some delicious biscuits and syrup.