

A Oc in Eleceed it will start off with him at the age of 6 discovering his ability Even though English is my first language my grammar is terrible since i have dyslexia so I am truly sorry if you can’t read this because of the grammar and I am also writing this on my phone so that doesn’t help. Please don’t except a master peace of a fan fic from me as I doubt that will ever happen and I don’t have a upload schedule as I am busy with irl things + absolutely terrible sleep schedule. Hope you enjoy your read :)

OniWolf04 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Time skip and school

~7 years later~ (Ash is now 13 and origanal plot starts once he's 17 I believe since I've made him the same age of Jiwoo. He is currently in Japan but he will move to Korea in the future even though there names aren't Japanese don't question it lol. At the moment he's had 7 years of training so he's pretty strong however there's definitely people who can beat him.)

"Listen up Ash I think it's time to go to school you need social interaction outside me and your animals." Athena said.

"Why? You have already taught me everything I need up to university level?" Ash questioned her.

"It isn't about you education It's about your none existent social life your animal friends don't count." Athena said in a worried tone.

"Fine fine I'll go to school." Ash said to her.

"Good!" Athena shouted.

Athena then took out a phone out of no where and called someone.

~5 minutes later~

"Listen up Brat you got school tomorrow I'll drop you off have fun." Athena said.

"Okay I'll have fun with a bunch of kids." Ash said with a smile.


"Watch your phrasing and your a kid yourself." Athena said

"Whatever." Ash responded.

~The next day~

Standing in front of a gate a young boy with black hair and blue eyes around 13 years old was next to a beautiful blonde brown eyed women.

"Goodbye Ashy have good time at school make lots of friends." Athena said with a smirk hoping to embarrass her son.

"Yea, Yea Mother." Ash said having no reaction to Athena trying to embarrass him.

~5 minutes later~


Standing out side a door in a long corridor Ash was waiting for the teacher to tell him to enter the class room.

Inside the class room a few minutes before Ash knocked a bunch of thirteen year olds were chatting with each other whilst the teacher of the class suddenly clapped her hands.


"Listen up we have a transfer student coming today so be nice."

A student at the back of the class put his hand up to ask a question.

"Yes Akihiro-Kun?" The teacher Asked.

"Sensei is the transfer a boy or girl?" Akihiro asked.

"Well Akihiro-Kun you'll have to wait and see."


"Ahh must be the transfer student" The teacher said.

Every student I'm the class quietened down and sat up straight.

The teacher walked up to the door and slid it open.

"You Must be the transfer am I correct?" The teacher said.

"That's right I am the transfer student." Ash responded.

"Good follow me I want you to introduce yourself to the class such as your name likes and hobby's, and goal if you want too." The teacher said to him.


Ash then followed the teacher and stood in front of a green board.

"My name is Ash Kurogane you can call me Ash or Kurogane I don't mind my likes are nature, animals, swords and martial arts my hobbies are training and reading my goal at the moment is to beat the ol…*cough* to beat my martial arts teacher." Ash said.

"Any questions." The teacher said.

Almost all of the class put there hands up to ask him something.

Ash pointed to a girl sat in the middle of the class.

"Erm Kurogane-Kun what's your favourite animal?" She asked.

"My favourite animal are wolves and the canine species in general." Ash answered her question.

He then pointed to a guy at the side of the classroom.

"What's your favourite sword Kurogane-Kun?" He asked.

"Well I like lots of swords but my absolute favourite is the uchigatana however I like them on very long." Ash answered.

"That's all the time we have with questions for now you'll have to wait for dinner to ask more now Kurogane-Kun your seat is at the back next to the window." The teacher said as she still had to teach the children.

(A/N: thx for reading I have been and am still very busy with irl plus I'm addicted to a game yea 681 words tell me what you prefer please

"Hello." Ash said with a smile


Ash: "Hello." He said with a smile

I'm trying to make it a better reading experience for you readers you could also put a suggestion if you want just leave a comment on this paragraph.)