
ELECEED - Newcomers Advice

Jayden Break, younger sibling to the infamous Kayden Break. With such a notorious older brother, Jayden was rather sheltered, hidden from the world in hopes that maybe he wouldn't turn out like his brother... However, once he got a grip on his awakened ability... The hopes of those who cared for him shattered as he was exposed into the world of the Awakened Ones.

SoftenBeans · Anime e quadrinhos
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My world view has always been a straight forward sight. Ever since birth I was treated as if I was nothing more than a clay doll meant to be molded and formed in whatever strange, ruthless or rather childish desire my guardian preferred.

One day I was taught to be nothing but cruel to the world because the world was cruel to everyone. I was told that the way normal humans see me would be how humans see aliens.

A strange, interesting but fearsome entity meant to be controlled, locked up and experimented on. However, I was shielded from that by one person who shared my blood.

That mans name, was Kayden Break.

My brother.

Growing up, he was excellent. A prodigy amongst prodigies and even if no one else was around to see it, me and dad were.

"Kayden is the one who will flip this world upside down... The world rankers? Nothing more than a puddle of rain water meant to be stepped on by the very foot of that boy. Such talent like his hasn't been seen in decades..."

Those words rung my skull, his proud smile filling whatever holes his words could not. He was always proud of my brother, kept him in hiding so he would be able to teach him everything he needed to know before he was old enough to fully enter the world of the Awakened.

It lead to my brothers success. I expected that.

My fathers mysterious background and well of knowledge on awakeners and the world they created was a blessing in disguise for the both of us. Because after Kayden made his, battle hungry, maniac- Almost villain like debut...

It was my turn.


Walking down the cold, dark empty and rainy streets of South Korea, I shook my head free of those thoughts. I frowned as I looked down at the path before me; My grey blazer and white polo shirt drenched from the dirty precipitation.

Memories of my early years have been resurfacing lately, the reason? I don't know. That's what bothers me. Especially the visions of Kayden...

Every time he appears, I wonder with a glint of hope if he'd ever come to visit, maybe even try and go back to being a family.

"Sigh, whatever." I grumble, putting my wireless headphones back onto my ears, covering them with the hood of my black zip up.


The door to my one bedroom apartment swung open with a finesse only plausible due to the liquidly coating that drenched it's hinges. Any other day it would moan and complain, so this was a pleasant surprise.

Plopping my stuff down into the corner near the front door, I sighed, pausing my music and throwing my jacket- alongside my headphones onto the black, puffed up, cotton stuffed couch. The items bouncing with a lazy vigor.

Feeling my stomach imitate a lions roar, I figured I could fix me a quick dinner, shower and head to bed. Tomorrow's a school day anyway.

Coming to a consensus, I indifferently followed exactly what it was I planned. It all was going well- between the TV and the food, I felt my body melt into the cloud-like couch, causing me to realize my actual fatigue from all the work today.

Mental exhaustion at least.

Who knew kids my age would be so intoxicatingly annoying. They're so loud for no reason... The school work itself is easy, but fuck.

My head flung back, landing on the upper edge of the couch. My right forearm covering my eyes as I elicit another sigh. I've been sighing more than I need too... At this rate, I'll go bald.

Turning my head slightly to the right, I caught sight of a little calendar I had since I was fifteen. On it was all my goals and aspirations I had for myself before I legally became an adult... That was in about two years.

My eyes drooped and my mood fell as well.

'So much for that.' I thought, looking over the list of things I had copy and pasted onto every single day throughout the year, I could only shake my head at the fact that I couldn't even hold myself accountable.

My eyes darted away from the calendar, my eye lids lower than normal. Falling into thought, I began to reevaluate myself, and I dug deeper than I normally do. The pills of reality were harder to swallow than I originally thought.

I'm awakened.

I've been so since I was born.

My father, the mysteriously strong man who went into hiding with his two kids, spent a decade and then some training me, even going as far as to give me a push into the world of awakeners with his own Force Control.

'...What am I doing?' I thought, looking at my hands. My white hair hanging like a dead rose, shielding the tops of my eyes from the glaring light of the TV that sat in front of me.

'A gift is what he left me, and I lived on giving him disappointment.' I felt my chest hollow, the only feeling within is the air that sat within my lungs. After a minute of walloping in my thoughts, regretting my decisions- My laziness for the past five years... My fist clenched with a new found determination.

Shooting up to my feet, the hollow emptiness within my chest quickly filled itself with something better than despair, self-hatred and annoyance.

It was determination.

The strength that my father wanted to instill within me from a young age.

Heading into my room, I plopped down on top, sitting crisscross with no regard for the time or my clothing. My eyes shout and I immediately began to fall back into a rhythm that I so desperately wanted to escape for my own childish reasons.

The energy that sat slowed, murky and dead within my body began to stir. My body began to ache, accompanying it was a pain that brought a euphoric sensation...

From the black of my eyelids, a black whitish glow of crackling light burned through. Eliciting the black under my eyelids to dissipate and join the jedi.

Through all of this- This feeling of strength, the feeling of power surging through my every vein, muscle and bone... A smile cracked my lips.



Yo! Just finished reading Eleceed, and I gotta say... I've made a mistake avoiding it for so long.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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