
Unique Abilities of a Plant Spirits

"M- master.. the ghast couldn't produce any more tears!" Sun Zhou looked at the pitiful ghast who was crying non-stop for a few hours.

George looked at the three bottles inside of his golden bag of holding and thought that it was probably more than enough. "Okay then.. let's just kill it and store away the ghast tear kit!"

"Ghast tear kit? What is that?" The three of them asked.

George rolled his eyes "The gag, of course!"

In the end, they succeeded with the plan to get a few bottles of ghast tears. With three bottles of ghast tears, it could creates a lot of regeneration potions, as one drop of the tears is needed to make one bottle of potion.

But honestly, George was already thinking about his other plans if the gravel didn't work. He was already thinking to try to poke the ghast's eyes.. But, seeing the gravel works just fine. He discarded that idea completely.

"Now.. let's just eat something that i made! It was a chicken soup with a whole roasted chicken!"

He placed the food nearby, so if there's any hungry mobs.. he could kill it easily before the food was eaten by them.

George tried a few spoonful of soup first and thought that it wasn't too bad, but the problem lies to the roasted chicken. It was overcooked, as he left it for too long. Even though the taste is fine, but the texture is like a rubber. He didn't want to eat it anymore.

"Actually.. these foods is for you guys! I've another one for my little ginseng! Come here, my little ginseng! Let's eat something even better than that!"

George then bought a food that's worthy of michelin stars. He bought one of the recommended food, by the A.I. It was the famous Hawker Chan's charsiu pork rice. The descriptions of it said that it was the first street food to have a michelin star. And because it was a street food, the price isn't really expensive as any other michelin starred dishes. The cost is only 20 credits per plate.

George thought that maybe he should give her this food, because all of the fancy restaurants usually giving you a very small portion of foods, and kids usually don't very understand about the world of gourmet, so it's a very good choice.

But, the most important thing.. it was branded by the A.I. as one star gourmet dish, so it could have an effect if it was consumed. In the descriptions, it was said to fill your energy up and brightens your mood. "Well.. that's cool i guess. It's pretty cheap, so i won't demand an over powered effects."

He scooped the rice with a charsiu with a spoon and feed the little ginseng. Her eyes immediately lit up and decided to eat it herself. "It was really delicious! I can eat it by myself, so daddy should eat too!"

George felt that his heart melted a little. "Mmn.. okay then!" He ate his own portion of that charsiu pork rice. "Mmn.. it's really delicious! The skin is very crispy and the sauce.. oh my god how did someone creates such food?" If it was compared to his roasted chicken that he just made.. it tasted like sh*t!

But then, he felt that all of his fatigues were slowly fading away as he ate the food. He was very energetic and was filled with a lot of energy now. "What? How?"

「Ding! If you creates food with a tinge of spiritual qi, you could create starred gourmet foods that had a lot of effects.」

George shook his head. "Nope.. i'd just buy it. It takes a lot of time to cook! I ain't got anytime for dat!"


"Are all of you done eating?"

All of them, including little ginseng had done eating their foods. They were astonished by the thing they ate. Su Ling asked "What is that thing you just cooked for us, master? It was really good!"

"Uhh.. it was just a roasted chicken with an instant marinade that i bought beforehand.."

"Instant marinade?"

George coughed and quickly changed the subject "Okay.. now.. it's time for me to train you guys here! Does any of you noticed something when you killed the monster in here?"

All of them shook their heads. George rolled his eyes "Does anyone killed any monster here? If you does, check your cultivation state!"

Sun Zhou and Su Ling suddenly gasped. "Th.. this!" They looked at each other in shock. Leaving behind the perplexed Mu Yifei on knowing what's happening.

"Uhh.. what is it? Seniors?" Mu Yifei asked curiously.

"Oh yeah, you didn't kill any of the monsters!" The two of them noticed the confusion in her eyes and said apologetically. "If you kill those monsters, you can increase your cultivation! It's really amazing, master!"

This time, Mu Yifei looked very surprised. She was the weakest of the three and wasn't really talented at cultivating. With this cultivation method, she could also advance to another realm. She was really excited when she heard that.

"Okay.. we just went here like uhh.. ten hours. I'll give you guys a few days training in here. How is it?"

All of them immediately agreed with excitement in their eyes. "Master is the best!"

"I already know that.."

Their face suddenly twitched when they heard that. "Well.. just take care of each other and if you can't kill the monsters, just run as soon as possible! I'll accompany my little ginseng for a walk and cultivation too, of course! It's time for family bonding!"

They just froze in place, while George was waving them goodbye "Well.. good luck and remember all forbidden things to do in the nether! Sayonara!"


It was only a figure of speech, telling them that he was going to train his little ginseng, but it made George very curious about that thing. "Hey A.I.! What would happen if little ginseng cultivates?"

「Ding! Her unique ability will be stronger, duh.. And also she could use spiritual spells and sword techniques like any normal human does!」

"Unique ability? Like making the spiritual qi in the surrounding denser and grows any plants faster?" George was really perplexed by that.

「Ding! Nope.. those were generic ability of a plant spirits.. Every plant have their own unique ability correspondingly, that very same ability will becomes stronger when they became a spirit. For example.. a poison ivy spirits, maybe can make a lot of poisonous vines.. or something like that.」

George gasped when he heard that. "If that's true.. then what kind of unique power will my little ginseng manifests?"

If people think about ginseng, they will think about their medicinal property. So.. it's probably related to healing things, or something similar to that line.

"Little ginseng, what's your unique ability?" George curiously asked.

"Daddy is interested in my ability?"

"Mmn.. What is it?"

She told him that her ability is to create somekind of a pill. The effects were reducing inflammation, increasing brain function, improving erectile dysfunction, boosting the immune system, reducing risk of cancers, increasing energy levels, and reducing blood sugar. She could only create one special pill each day.

"Uhh.. It's pretty good! It was for a long term health benefit! You should produce one each day! Now.. daddy will help you on cultivation, what do you say?"

She nodded her head in agreement.