
The Dark Dawn Empire Army and Techology

(I decided to partially use the CthulhuTech content for the army.)


The Nephilim are smaller sized Engels with an operator who controls the synthorg through psychic powers such as telepathy. Their design is similar to Engels, although they are only 8-12 inches tall and do not contain a pilot uterine capsule. The operator's range of control is very short, usually around 50' or less, via an arcanotech implant known as the Nephilim Synthesis Interface (NSI). Nephilim are designed to operate in confined urban environments such as arcologies and to preserve the lives of soldiers in dangerous situations.

While the creatures remain largely autonomous, they will fully obey all commands given. Certain preset commands are already set upon activation, such as what I can and cannot kill.

Some of the types of Nephilim are:

1) Anegimus

Big, strong and terrifying; these are the words used to describe these bulky creatures. Standing up to twelve feet tall, they are more than capable of smashing through walls or slicing an unfortunate individual in half. They are often equipped with various heavy weapon mounts to make them even more dangerous. When it howls, those nearby can't help but feel a sense of dread welling up inside them. In addition to being evil and aggressive, Anegim also displays sadistic traits, often toying with its prey before killing it.

2) Ghaim

Where the Anegim are clumsy and vicious, the Ghaim are quick and cunning. Slightly smaller than the Anegim, their appearance is truly alien, being nothing more than an upright torso connected to four multi-jointed legs. One pair is longer than the other and is shaped like a grasshopper, allowing for incredible leaps. Although they may appear clumsy, they are anything but and can move with astonishing agility. Their skin is also naturally electrified, so those who get too close to it risk getting burned. Although they can be equipped with many weapon mounts, the most common is a combination of a flamethrower and a heavy machine gun.

3) Orikaim

The newest addition to the Nephilim creatures, the Orikaim, were created due to the demand for a mass-produced version. By far the smallest of the Nephilim, reaching a maximum of nine feet, they may not have the raw power of the Anegim, but they are quite dangerous in their own right. Their jaws are immensely powerful, and their saliva is coated with a virulent hemotoxin. As such, they prefer to approach them to deliver a vicious bite or scratch the enemy with their claws. When not receiving direct orders, Orikaim will employ a pack mentality, functioning in a wolf-like manner with an alpha member and various subordinates. Their weapon mounts tend to be lighter and mostly for anti-personnel roles.



Engels are huge monstrous creatures fused with human and Nazzadi DNA, encased in locking mechanical armor, and controlled by a pilot who sits inside a womb-like control chamber inside the Engel. They are essentially an organic mechanism. The pilot controls the Engel through the Engel Synthesis Interface, or ESI, and often becomes emotionally attached to it during its working life. Engels are known to go wild when provoked by bloodlust or strong emotions, so they are considered a very dangerous weapon on the battlefield. The average height of Engels is 30 feet (9.14400 meters).

The process of creating Engels is a strange combination of cloning, occult power and cybernetics. They are also said to be sentient.



Tagers are a type of super soldier created through bonding with alien symbiotes that produce alien-like flesh suits over their bodies, giving them enhanced strength and other abilities. Tagers are named after the Ta'ge symbionts they associate with.

Tagers are "born" through a special process that fuses a cloned or natural mortal and a Ta'ge symbiote into a single creature. The symbiotes themselves come from another layer of reality. The symbiote is known to destroy any "unfit" mortal who attempts to bond with it.



Nanoforges are devices that can produce a wide range of objects using nanoscale fabrication, power supply, and raw molecule supply. No limit has been found on what nanoforges can copy.

Nanoforged are divided into four main categories:

The first are those nanoscopes that don't rely on a huge amount of arcanotechnology. Mainly civil matters. The first guy is slow and has a lot of limitations on how long it takes to make something and what he can make, but give him enough time and the right kind of resources and he'll eventually make anything that isn't classified as something the public can't have.

Second type of nanoforge would be corporate. Nanoforges were built with the idea that they could make other items based on arcanotechnology for mass production needed for both civilian and non-military equipment. These are the things I expect to be looked at, cataloged and audited. Respectable amount of speed, lots of protection, but probably not what you want to do really dangerous stuff.

The third type would be the least seen, but the most important, and that would be the military-oriented nanosmiths. Things that are enchanted to do things that are very dangerous, and as quickly as possible and in bulk. This is equipment that no one wants to lose or replace or abuse, damage or destroy, and because of the cost of labor and materials, it would cost money. The kind of equipment that has spells to create zones that change the laws of physics and create incredible spaces within which machines work, and then protection, protection, and some more protection on top of that.

The fourth type is a completely civilian nanoforge that produces products exclusively for civilian consumption and non-military purposes. It may or may not have archetechnology in it.

Comparison with Replicators: The most significant difference between Federation Replicators and Nanoforges is the incapacity of Federation Replicators to create antimatter, dilithium, latinum and living beings of any kind. Nanoforges have shown the ability to create any kind of matter as long as they have enough of the necessary energy. Observed experiments have shown that nanoforges do not have the limitations that replicators have.


Omluibbi drive

The Omluibbi drive is a faster-than-light travel technology used by the Empire of Dark Dawn . It works by opening a door to the dimension of pure eldritch power Grosogath.

The drive itself uses pure eldritch energy to start and run. The drive itself, as well as the dimension itself, was created by the Emperor of Dark Dawn Empire Z'ymbrax.

Comparison with Warp Drive: The Omluibbi drive proved to be faster than the Warp drive used by the rest of the galaxy. Apart from speed, there are no significant differences from Warp drive.


Anti-gravity technology (Anti-grav)

Anti-gravity technology (Anti-grav) is any technology that is capable of canceling the force of gravity, usually for lifting extremely large loads. In addition to lifting heavy loads in the dark dawn realm, anti-grav is used in vehicles, allowing cars and other vehicles to hover or fly.

Comparison with Federation Anti-grav: There are no significant differences.



A teleporter is a device used to instantly transfer objects from one place to another. In the Empi of Dark Dawn, teleporters come in a variety of sizes and uses, from those small enough to transport a single person to those large enough to teleport massive amounts of people or materials at once.

Comparison to a transporter: A transporter performs teleportation by using matter-energy conversion to transform matter into energy and then transport it into or out of a chamber, where it transforms or materializes back into its original form. Teleporters perform teleportation by opening portals using a method similar to stargates.


Dark Dawn Empire spaceships (picture here)

Weapons of the Empire of Dark Dawn (picture here)