
Draegloths vs. Red Dragon

On the top of the Walls of Zephystrand City

"Are those things what I mean they are?"

Samiel muttered as he watched something approach the walls, only for Yvriane to look in the same direction as she held her breath, watching how, from the far distance, several tens of Draegloths under the leadership of the Drider were approaching the city.

This was certainly not good news, especially considering the individual power of each of the abominations that were approaching the Zepyhstrand.

"Draegloths, more than fifty of them, and all of them are the peak of the Bronze-Tiers at the Level 50... damm... so they couldn't get their hands on the Frostbite Spiders, so they created these things."

Yvraine cursed under her breath as she smashed the binoculars on the ground. It was apparent that she held a great deal of hatred against the Draegloths, something understandable because even though, Samiel was no expert, he could see that they were some things from the depths of the Underdark.