
Chapter 20- Orders

The man sat in silence while the butler too said nothing. After a moment the man stood up while simultaneously the fireplace went out. The room fell dark and the man turned around looking at the butler.

This caused the butler to look up as the man towered over him. What the man found staring back at him was a pair of eyes with red pupils. They felt as if they stared directly into the butlers soul.

"Well don't leave me waiting what did the message say? Hopefully it was good news, yes?" The man spoke with a deep boice that almost sounded caring.

Soon after the man grinned and returned to his seat with his back to the butler. Unbeknownst to the man the butler felt a sigh of relief and regained his wits.

"Yes Master the message was from The Seeker of Deception, Bronson."

"Oh him. What did he want?" The man rolled his eyes and rested his head on his hand while staring at the dimming firewood. He eventually put his other hand over it as if to a warm it.

"He said that he found a Primal Weapon. To be exact it was Excal, sir."

"Excal?! Good good tell him to bring it here right away. Don't need anyone else bonding with it until we have it here! Oh yes yes!" The man turned around quickly that it cause the butler to jump.

He grinned from ear to ear so hard that one would believe he had gone insane. Shortly after the butler swallowed and bowed to the large man.

"Of course Master right away. Though he also sent out a second message." The butler spoke in a soft frightened tone.

"Oh really? What did this one say?" The man continued grinning. He was so happy that he didn't even pay any mind to the butlers sulking attitude.

"Well Master he said that a young slave on the expedition is now in possession of the blade, sir." The butler kept bowing and heard nothing when he looked up.

There he saw the man's red eyes fill with rage and a smoky black aura started to pour from his body. It was so intense that it caused the butler to be unable to move or breathe. Soon after the feeling resided as the man sat down again.

The butler continued bowing in front of him afraid to make a single move. Even breathing felt like it was the wrong thing to do. Soon after the fireplace lit again and the man closed his eyes.

"Tell him to bring both the blade and boy here at all costs. Failure is not an option. Then send a message to V and have her meet up with him. I don't trust someone I named Seeker of Deception."

"Of course sir right away." The butler left the room as the fire continued growing and eventually dimmed down. The man just stared into the fire his eyes unblinking and thought filled his face.


"Damn kid you're heavy for someone so skinny." Carson grumbled as he carried the unconscious Camelot back to the armory. He entered into the back room and laid him o n the ground.

He felt his head but he wasn't warm nor was his breathing unstable. Camelot eventually started snoring signaling that he was fast asleep.

"Tch had me worried for nothing, asshole. Huh but what's this necklace? He didn't have this before." Carson saw the silver necklace with a small sword dangling and reached for it. He grabbed it and felt a stabbing sensation enter his hand.

"Ow what the hell! Felt like I grabbed a handful of thorns just then. Wonder what that's all about." Carson grumbled as he rubbed his hand and walked back to the front of the armory.

"You know Carson I never had expected any one to survive that 'ambush' let alone you. Though the world is full of many mysteries and wonders you know, like that young boy for example. What was his name? Camelot right?

Yes that was it wasn't it. Strange name but I'm sure you've noticed the necklace the boy has just gotten right?" Bronson spoke smoothly and calmly as he if he was bored before even speaking to Carson.

Carson didn't return a single word but cloaked himself in blue mana and drew his sword. He stared at Bronson fiercely as he used Weapon Emchamnent and blade hummed blue. He raised it and slashed at Bronson but was deflected by a single dagger.

Carson pushed against Bronson but the latter didn't move an inch. Bronson rolled his eyes and pulled out a second dagger and stabbed it into Carson's side. Carson fell quickly and fell immense pain come form the wound.

He looked down and saw that it was oozing purpled and looked up at Bronson who had a sly smirk on his face. "Oh come on now Carson don't that just because we spent 4 years together that I'd go easy on you now!"

He kicked Carson who easily fell over and continued kicking him. "Matter….of…fact…I've…always…hated you! Look at you hero of the Colorful War but reduced to this! Ha how the mighty have fallen."

Bronson laufhed as he walked away when he felt a tug at his ankle. He turned around and saw Carson holding on to him with all his effort. Seeing Carson grab him caused him to fly into a fit of rage and continue beating the man.

"Don't touch me you filth! We are litterally n the middle of nowhere and have zero access to running water let alone hot! Now just roll over and died quietly, I have things to do and places to be."

Bronson pulled out the dagger and stabbed Carson again and left the dagger in him. He then turned and walked to the red room. "I would say see you later but let's be honest, no one has even survive basilisk poison. Ahahahahahahaha."

He walked into the room and saw the sleeping Camelot and picked him up with ease and walked out the armory. Bronson gave Carson one last glance before leaving him to his fate.


Back at the camp Tru was in a tent that was provided for by V. He laid on the mat before summoning Shadow. The Necrocoil slithered around the tent as if to stretch itself. After a while it came and coiled up on Tru's stomach going to sleep.

Tru rubbed its head while staring at the Black Bracelet. "V was nice and all but I just get a bad feeling about being around them. They just seem shady and snakelike."

"Skttth?" Shadow raised its head in question at Tru's words.

"No no not actually snake like buddy more like untrustworthy. V herself isn't bad but everyone else seems a bit shady. Haha and trust me that means a lot coming from me." Tru laughed nervously while the Necrocoil ignored him.

Tru continued staring at the ceiling when Camelot and Carson crossed his mind. He quickly jumped up cans accidentally flung of Shadow. The Necrocoil looked at Tru angrily as the latter rushed around putting on clothes.

"…yes orders from the master…"

"Fine I'll out our guest then let's head out." Shadow peeked out the tent and saw V conversing with another Seeker. The conversation was brief and she began to head to Tru's tent. Shadow quickly went inside and climbed onto Tru's shoulders.

"Knooock knooock hehe. Hopefully I'm not disturbing you! But do you have a moment?"

V spoke sweetly as Tru and Shadow emerged from the tent. He looked around and saw all the Seekers working quickly to pack up.

"You guess leaving already?"

"Yep got new orders so have to head out. You sad to see me go?" She made a sad fasce and she teased Tru who turned a bright red.

"No just was crazy cause we also have to head out too, forgot completely we were supposed to meet up with some companions of ours." Tru was about to leave when V grabbed his hand.

She handed him a pack with first aid supplies, rations and even a few potions. "Here you might need these depending on how long it may take you. You can also keep the tent it'll fit in the bag it's a Superior Magic Pouch."

V smiled as Tru put the stuff away and nodded. She waved at him before leaving to grab her things, she got a few feet before she looked at him with a smile.

"Who knows maybe we'll see each other again and you could teach me more about your 'Black Tree Viper' hehe. " Sje laughed as he gave him another wave. Tru shook his head in embarrassment and headed into the forest.

The last bit of her sentence caused him to look at Shadow in puzzlement. "Only if there was some way to hide you because it seemed like there was a chance she didn't buy m that story.


Shadow turned its nose up at Tru as the flame on its tail grew from annoyance. The sight made Tru laugh as he rubbed Shadow's head.

"Ok ok. No need to be angry, besides not like we'll ever see her again."