
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · História
Classificações insuficientes
162 Chs

Chapter 152. Set things right

Ping Wang's path was destined to be more difficult than others. Since he chose this path, he wouldn't hesitate to fight for it.

"I have a lot of official matters now. I still need you to worry more about everything in the manor." Ping Wang stroked his wife's already protruding pregnant belly, feeling a little guilty toward his submissive and understanding wife.

Wangfei leaned into Ping Wang's arms and softly replied, "I don't find it bitter. Since I chose to stand by Wangye's side, I've already thought about this day."

Wangfei thought how she didn't have a strong maternal family and can't help Wangye the way Fifth Princess does. The least she could do was to ensure the peace of the backyard so that Wangye didn't have to worry about home and realize his great cause.

Both the husband and wife knew that the side concubines in the manor were either his Majesty or Fifth Prince's people. So the husband and wife were indifferent to those two people. The two side concubines barely saw Wangye and Wangfei for a few times in a year, let alone knowing anything confidential.


"Master, a letter from the capital." Yan Wei took out a letter from his pocket and handed it to the man standing by the window. If the man who turned his head in response wasn't Xiao Lin Yu, who was?

After receiving the secret letter and confirming that the beeswax on it had not been opened, he opened the letter and sat down at the desk. After reading the letter, he put it over the candle and burned it: "After three years of dormancy, the day has come. In three days, return to the capital."

"Yes." Yan Wei clapped his hands and complied. He exited the study without disturbing Xiao Lin Yu who was already in deep thought.

It had been three years. Finally, he was going back to the capital. Xiao Lin Yu raised his head. All of a sudden, his emotions were a little complicated about returning home. Over the past few years, he had traveled from east to west, re-established ocean caravans and opened up the north-south waterway trade. He worked day and night and traveled. He dared not let himself stop for a moment, for fear that if he stopped, he would not be able to hold back the energy in his heart.

In the past three years, he had been to Beijiang, Beidi, Xichu, and down to Nanyang. He only stayed in Beijiang and Luohe Prefecture for nearly a month each. Knowing that his parents and elders lived well even though it wasn't as prosperous as before, he knew that everything he did was worthwhile.

Ping Wang had promised him that as long as he helped him ascend to the throne, he would try his best to settle all the grievances related to General Han Guang Hong case back then. The past three years of serving Ping Wang made him see the virtuous side of this Wangye who wasn't well-known in the capital. It also strengthened his heart to follow Ping Wang's plans.

Three days later, Xiao Lin Yu changed into his usual public attire, sat in a wheelchair, and was pushed by Yan Wei onto Yu Family's inland river fleet. They set off for the capital.


In the winter of the thirty-fourth year of Yuanhua, the current emperor died of illness, and he was posthumously named Shizu.

Before Shizu passed away, he left a decree, making the thirteenth-year-old Seventh Prince Yong Ze the new emperor. Fifth Prince, Yong Lian, who thought he had the chance to win, was slapped severely by the decree and rebelled the next day.

The rebellious Fifth Prince and tens of thousands of soldiers under his command entered through Dingan Gate, directly broke through the Imperial Forest Army at Dingan Gate, and then fought all the way to the main hall of Qingyang.

In the harem in the Yushuang Palace, Noble Concubine Lan, who colluded with her son inside and outside, ordered the palace people to capture the seventh prince Yong Ze who had yet to ascend the throne and his mother, Concubine Xian: "Don't think that with the former emperor's degree, you, He Yun Xian, can really sit on the empress dowager's seat with ease. You must know that some things don't belong to you, so don't take them randomly or you will have to pay the price of your life!"

"Sun Lan-er, what are you doing? Let me go!" Concubine Xian was pinned to the ground by two strong attendants. Her eyes were full of horror. She tried to break free but it was useless.

Noble Concubine Lan sneered: "What? Do you really think you are the supreme empress dowager?" She motioned to the attendant who was holding the tray beside her: "If you want to blame someone, blame your good son for taking things that don't belong to him!"

Seventh Prince tightly closed his lips and refused the poisonous wine that the palace servants poured into him. But he was only a thirteen-year-old boy. How could he have the strength to withstand three- four palace servants? After being forcefully having his mouth pinched open and not long after gulping a glass of poisoned wine, Seventh Prince only felt severe pain. In a short moment, he lost consciousness.

"Yong Ze! Yong Ze!" Concubine Xian, who saw her son being drugged with poisoned wine with her own eyes, was like a madman. She suddenly broke free from all the shackles and rushed to her son who was no longer breathing. She embraced her son who was bleeding from seven orifices into her arms and burst into tears: "Yong Ze, look at Concubine Mother! Look at Concubine Mother!"

Noble Concubine Lan smiled triumphantly: "This is the ending of the dove occupying the magpie's nest."

After saying this, she paid no heed to Concubine Xian who cried until her heart broke. Only two palace servants were left to keep watch. She led the rest of the palace staff out. She got to go to Qingyang Palace to welcome the triumphant arrival of her son.

The Imperial Forest Army was forced to retreat step by step and had already retreated to the outside of Qingyang Palace. There was also news that Seventh Prince had been poisoned to death. Still, the leader of the Imperial Forest Army, Jiang Han, refused to admit defeat: "The bones of Shizu aren't cold yet and there is a decree to make Seventh Prince the new emperor. Fifth Prince committed acts that go against Heaven, his intentions are impure! All the soldiers follow me and extinguish the rebels!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Although the Imperial Forest Army was at a disadvantage, the morale was still there with the presence of Leader Jiang. With the last ounce of faith, the soldiers fought to the end.

Wearing a bright yellow golden dragon robe with five claws, Fifth Prince rode behind the rebel army on a white horse. Hearing the cries of the imperial guards who were already dying, he said with a sneer, "When the previous emperor was so ill and lost his mind, he got deceived by He Family into issuing this imperial edict. He Family has already been punished. All the soldiers follow me to the clear emperor's side! Right the order!!"


There were only a few hundred soldiers of the 3,000 Imperial Forest Army left. Most of them were wounded. Just when Jiang Han was in despair, there was a clear and loud shout of cry outside Dingan Gate: "Kill!"

A man in white armor rode a red horse. In his hand, he wielded a sword. He took the lead in opening up a bloody road.

"It's Ping Wang! We're saved! Hold on, brothers!" All the Imperial Forest Army finally waited for the arrival of reinforcements. All of them showed a sigh of relief on their faces and swung their swords even harder.

Fifth Prince never expected that the person who led the troops to fight against him in the end was old Second who was stepped on by him on normal days: "You? Why do you have the deploy order? Royal Father actually gave you the deploy order for the capital's guards"

The army led by Ping Wang was formerly Han Army and the current capital's guards stationed in the capital.

The capital guards were all soldiers who survived on the battlefield and recovered their lives. In addition, the number of them was way more than that of the rebels led by Fifth Prince. The rebel army who had almost succeeded in capturing Qingyang Palace was chopped like melons and vegetables. The situation was completely reversed within an hour.

The defeat had been decided. Fifth Prince Yong Lian who wanted to escape was also captured by the left forward. The mighty Yong Lian had now become a prisoner. The bright yellow and luxurious dragon robe had been stained with blood and made him embarrassed like he was a joke.

In Qingyang Palace, Noble Concubine Lan and her minions were all taken down. This conspiracy case, which was called 'Dingan Rebellion' by later generations, was finally resolved by Ping Wang. Fifth Prince Yong Lian was captured alive, Seventh Prince Yong Ze died suddenly, and countless casualties were the ending.


The Seventh Prince who was supposed to be enthroned had died suddenly and the ambitious Fifth Prince had been imprisoned in the Clan manor. Ping Wang, Yong Hong, who led the army to break the siege at Qingyang Palace, had become the most popular candidate for enthronement.

"The former emperor had passed away. By the empress's decree; Second Son of previous emperor, Yong Hong, who is diligent, respectful, and noble in character. He is an indispensable help to the country. Adhering to the former Emperor's last wish, the current throne will be passed to Yong Hong. The princes should work together and support the new emperor. Important ministers and workers should assist the ruler wholeheartedly in governing and help the community together. That's all!" In the main hall of Qingyang Palace, it was full of ministers and princes, but no one made a sound. After listening to Qin De Hai pass the degree, all the ministers of the court knelt down and bowed three times and kowtowed nine times.

"I'm not talented, so I would like to thank Royal Father and Empress Mother for their kindness." Ping Wang knelt down to accept this decree: "I also hope that you all will help me build peace and tranquility throughout the country together!"

"Long live Emperor, long live, long live!" All the civil and military officials knelt down and shouted long live. A good amount of ministers had their heads down and dared not say anything. Most of them belonged to Fifth Prince's side. Now that Fifth Prince had been sent to the prison, they couldn't wait to hide. Would they dare to make any movement?

The Astronomical Directorate selected the nineteenth day of the December as the day when the new emperor ascended the throne.

The new emperor ascended the throne, with the reign name of Changan. After the new emperor ascended the throne, he was exempted from national taxes for two years and Third Prince and General Han Guang Hong's treason case was re-examined.

"The fifth son of the previous emperor, Yong Lian falsely accused the third son of the previous emperor and General Han Guang Hong of treason and then colluded with Beidi to invade northern Xinjiang. He is really a sinner of Dafeng. Keeping the kindness of the former emperor in mind, I could not bear to kill brothers. So award Yong Lian to commit suicide. The female family members of Fifth Prince's manor will be deprived of the royal jade plate and demoted to common people. They will not be allowed to enter the capital for life."

Already a prisoner, Fifth Prince sat in prison and listened to the imperial edict. He gave no respond.

Qin De Hai collected the imperial edict and handed it to Fifth Prince: "Fifth Prince, accept the edict!"

Fifth Prince knocked off Qin De Hai's hand as if he had gone crazy. The bright yellow imperial decree fell in the filthy prison: "What fart Emperor Yong Hong is? I am the man of destiny! Why should I be killed?!"

Looking coldly at Fifth Prince who was already a little crazy, Qin De Hai shook his head with a sneer: "Fifth Prince, success is king, defeat is bandit. You are no longer that high-ranking prince, so why bother?"

After that saying that, he led his apprentice out of the smelly and dirty cell. While walking, he told the jailer: "His Majesty is benevolent, awarded Yong Lian to commit suicide. You need to be on your toes."

"Eunuch, don't worry. I understand." The jailer nodded and bowed as he sent Qin De Hai out.

The unjust cases of the two generals Han Guang Hong and Liu Wei have been vindicated. The people involved in the two cases have finally been cleared of their injustice.

Receiving the latest news from Manager Wu in the capital and learning that the whole family could get rid of their lowly status and exiled Xiao Hai Ru brothers in northern Xinjiang could also return to their hometown for reunion, Mrs. SOng na d her two daughter-in-laws were in tears at once: "Now everything is all fine. All is good!"

You Jin didn't disturb the joy of Xiao Family. She withdrew after bringing the news and then sent Leader Guard Xiao out: "I think the news will spread to northern Xinjiang soon. I must trouble Leader Guard to make a trip and bring the two masters of Xiao Family back."

Leader Guard Xiao naturally wouldn't refuse. The next day, he took the two people to the northern Xinjiang on full speed.

Everyone in Luohe Prefecture was still immersed in the joy of the wrong being cleared while another part of the people in the capital ended up with the same fate as Han and Liu Family because of their participation in Fifth Prince's treason case.

And as one of those who have been wronged, Xiao Lin Yu can finally take off the mask that had been worn for nearly three years and openly step into Xiao manor returned by the court.

The former emperor was incompetent and most of the subordinates were corrupt officials. The asset confiscated from Xiao Family back then was no longer known where it ended up. Still, Xiao Lin Yu didn't care about these external things. Now he was only anxious to go to Luohe Prefecture to bring back his family and meet the person who reached out to help his family in the most difficult time: "As long as the people are alive, we will have everything again. I'm going to Luohe Prefecture. Everything in the manor will be left to you to manage."

Being thrown with this mess by his master, Yan Wei expressed that his head hurts. However, Master had already taken ten guards from the Imperial Forest Army bestowed by his Majesty and headed north. He could only resign to fate and work with the old supervisor on taking care of chores.