
Elder Blood Witcher

Most people who die and are confronted with a godlike being like to take the easy route... Not this guy. I have been sitting on this concept for a while and want to see if I can write it, starting with the Witcher then the game Absolver and then onto Darksouls 1. Don't rely on there being consistent updates because its unlikely... If you want to support my work or tip me enough to buy a drink please go here >https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, if you wanna join my Discord, here's the link : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF My next work, a Fallout Newvegas Fanfic : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 I don't own the cover art and have no idea who does, so don't sue me I guess? I also don't own, the Witcher, Absolver, DarkSouls or any other games, anime, books or movies written about.

Niggross · Videojogos
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906 Chs

Fighting from Dusk to Dawn...

Risryn "Is everyone ready?" she asks the Prospects behind and they all nod.

With that confirmation she takes the lead, jumping off of the boat and under the water, still within the effect of Dusks spell, the Prospects follow and they all swim beneath the waves and head towards the Frigate.

One they reach it they aren't able to get a grip on the slimy, barnacle-covered wood and have to resort to prying their weapons into it, the noise of the waves crashing against the boat is enough to block them out and they quickly manage to climb onto the back of the boat. Risrin looks though the window to the quarters but doesn't see anyone inside, meaning that the admiral must be on the deck, presumably overseeing battle.

The hefts herself up and peeks at the Helm of the ship, spotting a Nilfgaardian steering the wheel with a Navigator and someone else next to them... Judging by their fine clothing, posture and expression, this must be the Admiral... The men on the ship calling them Admiral is also a rather big clue...

She signals those below her and they all start shuffling around, a moment later Risryn leaps atop the deck and smashes her elbow into the back of the Admirals head, catching him when he falls unconscious... The Navigator notices this but is stabbed through the back by another Prospect, his gasp is muffled by the hand wrapped tightly around his mouth.

Without a word Risryn throws the Admiral over her shoulder and leaps into the water below, leaving Talem, Kuretz and the rest of the Prospects to cause a distraction... Kuretz picks up the dead Nilfgaardian and throws him onto the lower deck, the men below hearing the sound and seeing the body all looking on in surprise. The mage who'd been on the bow attempting to shoot Reima down has his attention drawn by this, he turns and spots the distortion in the air and realises it must be an illusion.

The heavily armoured Nilfgaardian soldiers begin defending against enemies they can't see, swinging their weapons at empty air while flashes of red signal the death of another one of their friends. The Mages incantation is eventually done and a magical wind sweeps across the deck, dispelling the illusion on the Prospets and revealing them.

Kuretz laughs and shouts, "FIGHT ME! HAHAHA!", before running in, materialising his fist weapons and delivering a lethal spinning back fist to a Nilfgaardians head, the helmet denting inwards along with their skull.

Talem finds himself surrounded by slams the floor, using Fold energy to cast shockwave, knocking a few overboard... However their screams and the other commotion caused by them has drawn the attention from nearby ships, despite all the chaos Reima is causing they still somehow manage to keep their composure enough to react to their Admirals ship being under attack.

Another unfortunate issue is the fact that the dispelling wind managed to effect Dusks spell, causing a massive distortion in the area where her ship is. It is obvious to all those watching that some kind of magic was used to sneak a ship in... And now Dusks ship is stuck behind enemy lines.

Risryn pulls the unconscious Admiral aboard as the magic becomes unstable and dissipates, revealing the Longboat to the black fleet. "Shit." is all she mutters as a cannon is fired and strikes her in the chest, causing her to explode into Fold particles leaving the Admiral to fall heavily to the ship's deck.

The Skellige warriors scramble to try and maneuver the ship away but nearby Corvette block their path of retreat. No more cannons are being fired due to the Admirals presence on the Longboat but scoutships filled with troops are sent to retake their leader.

Dusk scrambles and begins shooting Great Heavy Soul Arrows at the ships, hitting a few heavily armoured Nilfgaardian soldiers and killing them with ease, but her stamina has a limit, her previously cast shipwide invisibility had already taken much out of her.

The scoutships crash against the Longboat and large hooks are thrown over to keep it attached to them, they're pulled taught and Nilfgaardians being to try and climb onto the ship, the Skellige warriors aren't having any of it however, brutally striking those daring enough to board them.

A Nilfgaardian gives out a wail as an axe is buried into their shoulder, a gap in their armour allowed blade to slip through, they lose their grip on the ship and fall backwards, crashing against their fellow men and even breaking the neck of one.

Dusk casts a homing soul mass which splits and hits three different men, knocking them into the water unconscious due to the soul damage. That was the last of her magical energy though and she's confronted with a Nilfgaardian glaring at her while clambering up the side of the ship, without any other way to defend herself she points the banishing catalyst at the man and charges them, managing to impale the metal rod through their helmet, killing them.

The Prospects aboard the Frigate had finally finished off the men on board, Kuretz smashes a lantern and spreads the oil around before diving off of the boat and towards the scout ship that's boarding Dusks vessel. He's followed by the others as he jumps aboard and begins attacking the backs of the armoured unit, smashing his fists into the back of their heads.

With this new element of chaos and disruption added, the boarding parties have no idea what to do. The men begin splitting their focus, some electing to try and get aboard the ship while others try to fight off the Prospects.

The initial boarding ships fail but that doesn't mean the end of it, Corvettes begin to approach with angry looking soldiers and mages alike glaring down at the Longboat.

Hopefully you guys enjoy the chap, if I missed anything please let me know!

Niggrosscreators' thoughts