
Eine Andere Welt (Another World)

Reinhard Curt became an orphan since an accident that claimed the lives of both his parents. This Indo-German mixed boy became a quiet teenager, didn't want to talk and was suspected of being depressed by his uncle and aunt. It turns out that it's not just depression, but since awakening from a coma Rei can see something different. Many strange creatures seemed to live together in their environment. These colorful and very microscopic spider-like creatures he could see in almost anything. Jelly-like creatures are also sometimes attached to the shoulders, corners of the room, bathrooms and dark rooms. Besides that, the shining creatures that often gather in bright places, and seem to sing to the sound of the wind. Rei once told his aunt, but instead a doctor was sent for him. Since then, Rei prefers to be silent and because of his concern Aunt Laura sent him to his Grandma’s house in the village where her mother was born. Rei, who is a half-blood, finds it difficult to get along with friends and chooses to be alone and play in his grandmother's yard. A place where he saw a mysterious hole with same size of an ant's hole that could suck him into a world he had never imagined before. What will happen to Rei? Will he be able to return to his Grandmother's house? What adventures await him and what creatures can he find there? Let's see the story!

Mrs_O · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Rei was stunned to hear Ewa Lani's words, a blue-haired girl who currently seemed serious about all her stories. He thought that if his father was really the prince of Iyork and came from Arasely, it meant that there was still a possibility that both his parents were still alive. Rei would be very grateful if the conjecture was true.

"Then what's your plan, Miss Ewa?" asked Rei.

Ewa Lani approached him whispering about her extreme plan to get into Iyork, his father hometown. That afternoon, they planned to leave immediately, bringing some food supplies and of course with a plan that was actually quite ridiculous but need to trying.

Ewa Lani blew a whistle on the necklace made of little snail shell around her neck, it voice faint but creating waves that could move the air around. A big bird came with a very strong flap of wings, about the size of a school bus. Rei's mouth fell open, this was the first time he had seen such a big bird.

"What is the name of this bird?" asked Rei suddenly.

"It's one of the Rocs bird! It's name Grif, it's a pretty tame pet of mine!" said Ewa Lani.

Grif looked at Rei, person who looked unfamiliar, the supposedly tame bird had the aura of a monster that looked hungry after seeing Rei's presence.

"Hey Grif, what's wrong with you? He's my friend don't eat! The flesh is bitter!" said Ewa Lani as she gently stroked the big bird head.

Ewa Lani climbed onto Grif's back, and invited Rei to ride.

"Is it really safe?" asked Rei who was still being glared at by the animal he was about to ride.

"Come on, go up! Grif is always like that to strangers!" said Ewa Lani as she pulled Rei's arm up.

The huge bird started to fly, Rei immediately clung to its neck and wings. Grif flew very high, luckily it flew quite calmly, it makes a lot of sense if the big beast is used as a means of transportation in Arasely. The beast flew through the clouds, a white expanse with a beautiful blue sky could be seen from Grif's back. Rei realized that in Arasely the stars still seemed to shine even during the day. About 3 hours of traveling in the air at Grif's speed which is almost equivalent to that of the passenger plane.

"Let's just get off here!" said Ewa Lani as she ordered Grif to fly down, dropping them off on a fairly large meadow.

"Down here? In the meadow?" asked Rei.

"Yup! Because in Iyork region no large winged beasts are allowed to pass, they will shoot them with fire cannons," explained Ewa Lani.

"Is it still far away?" asked Rei.

"It's close, about an hour's flight from here!" said Ewa Lani as if she had forgotten that her partner couldn't fly.

"Hey, no kidding! I only have legs!" Rei replied.

"It's okay! You can run! Follow me!" without much ado, Ewa Lani flew straight away.

"Gosh this girl! She sucks!" grumbled Rei who ran to follow the direction his friend flew.

Rei's feet ran across the meadow, rocks and strange plants. Every now and then his feet got caught in the vines, which turned out to be able to move and tie the feet of anyone who passed by.

"Ewa Lani Help!" Rei shouted after knowing that the strange plant was strong enough to pull his leg.

"You are little Dionne! Do you really have no power? Try using your red eyes! Burn the vines!" suggested Ewa Lani who didn't seem willing to help.

Rei tried to concentrate, squinted, glared, raised his eyebrows but nothing came out of his red eyes. The tendrils of the plant grew more and more, and suddenly a large shoot emerged from the ground, blooming like a flower but slimy with the tips of the flower crowns as sharp as swords. The plant was preparing to tear Rei's body apart and make him a soft afternoon meal.

"Nooo!" Rei shouted very loudly.

The wind stopped blowing. Duarrrr! A huge explosion rang out loudly, a huge blue power shattered the strange plant to pieces. Rei was stunned, he couldn't believe that his scream could destroy the plant.

"This is my power?" Rei asked in disbelief.

"No, that's my strength! You weak Dionne! Let's go, it's getting dark soon!" said Ewa Lani who flew back.

"You evil ghost! Heartless! If she's strong why didn't she help me earlier!" Rei grumbled as he started to run after Ewa Lani.

"Hey, I heard your voice! Don't complain too much Dionne!" said the girl as she accelerated her flight.

The sky was already dark, the starlight seemed to be more abundant than that of the day before. Rei and Ewa Lani stopped, they stared at the tall gate made of stone and iron. The Nation of Iyork, the Nation where the many kind creatured live. The city where the story of Anastasia and William's meeting begins.


Ewa Lani takes out her disguise, it turns out that their ridiculous plan is to disguise themselves as traveling artists, complete with strange hats and musical instruments. Rei felt that his outfit looked more like a silly clown than an artist. In Iyork people love to have fun, which is why they often invite artists, musicians and circuses to entertain in city parks.

Rei and Ewa Lani headed for Iyork gate. The gate that was normally closed and the many guards at that time was wide open, without any security. in Iyork, which they thought was scary, was open to the public, and the traffic of merchants and immigrants seemed boisterous. It is clear from their diverse body shapes that they are from different nations. Some visitors seemed to see the appearance of Rei and Ewa Lani which was even striking because it looked ridiculous.

"Hey, this town isn't what you say it is!" said Rei.

"Hmm, maybe because I rarely go out" the girl said casually.

"How long haven't you been out?" Rei asked again.

"About 13 years ago!" he answered. "To think that this city could change so much in such a short time!" said Ewa Lani as she took off her big, very flashy hat.

"Hey, 13 years old is the same age as me! How old are you?" Rei said curiously.

"I don't know maybe 215 or 216 years old, ah I forget for sure!" replied the girl remembering.

"Ah, you're an old granny ghost! No wonder you have bad fashion sense!" Rei said as he removed some strange attributes from his neck.

"Hey, keep your mouth shut! Disrespectful boy, don't take off your hat, your blonde hair shouldn't be seen!" Ewa Lani looked annoyed.

"Okay Granny Ewa, I'll do all your directions!" said Rei which did not reduce his impoliteness.

There was a procession coming, it seemed the Iyork royal family were in a flying horse carriage being pulled by a winged elephant-like creature. The procession stopped at the city park. A girl with golden hair stepped out of the horse carriage, her golden hair was shiny and long. The heir of the Devoj did have the characteristic of shiny golden hair.

"Congratulations to princess Reina, wishing the royal family abundant prosperity and health!" the voices of the people in Iyork echoed.

Ewa Lani tried to find information, it turned out that it was Reina's 13th birthday celebration.

"Congratulations to Princess Reina the daughter of His Highness William!" the voices of the people echoed again.

Rei looked at Ewa Lani, he was shocked after hearing his father's name called, because it could be that the daughter who was hailed by the people of Iyork was his sister.