

Gunshots and beams were seen at the white steel hallway. At the left were pursuers and an injured old man in a labcoat at the other side. He was about to close the door sealed shut when something stomped through and stopped the concealment. He had no other choice, but to abandoned the only barricade and went into the main computer to eradicate all he created. 



And even his last experiment, a mask...

The doors screeched open as a man with a metal arm in the same uniform the injured had. A fellow officemate or traitor. He does not have the time to confirm it in his state. He ripped his coat to stop the bleeding. As the man with the arm were followed by the men with visors that shot a beam per usage. The man injured sigh and fixed his aging hair.

"What a crowded guests I have here, and noisy ones too", the man talked as he leaned into the table hiding the mask secretly opening it.

"It was a shame, teacher. You were the famous Edvoid! I admired your work when I was a child and look how you have fallen!,... to be dismayed by fellow words of the commoners", the metallic arm man ordered to aim at the elderly. 

"Do you want an autograph before you leave?, I am a bit busy planning my retirement haha", the old man laugh as the system for the mask is at 100%.

"I would rather take ownership of your designs, your industry, factories, and inventions, old man..., the man signaled for fire.

The old man took something from his back and wore before the firing visor squad. An explosion set blazed at the at the main computer where the old man stood. Recovery of the data was null. As the smoke and fire diminishes from the building's fire hazard system. A huge hole was seen without a trace of the elder but a strip of his labcoat.

The man laughed at the suprise his former teacher committed.

"Send a news report to the world... THE GREAT EDVOID TRIED TO MAKE A BOMB, BOMBED HIMSELF IN THE PROCESS", man wiped the dust and proceeded to the relocation of the stuff in the storage.

In the storage room were the following: A rod, sabers, a large egg ,a trident, spiked wings, demonshaped helmet, and many more. 

The night shined a minute and faded into the night...

A mask was gliding by the wind sighting the city. The vast fields, the everflowing stream, the mighty arena and a wall encircling the middle and upper class. 

The mask landed on a nearby dump. Away from what is about to awaken.

The mask