
Zhou Wangchen’s Trueborn Heir Is Me, Zhou Yan Alone!

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Blade's Specter? Soul of War?"

When Zhou Yan heard these words being spoken, every ounce of blood was raging in his body!

As a result, he immediately thought about his master and the words that were given to him. 

If there was a day in future, where he was able to unleash the specters of all twelve Divine Beasts… twelve Souls of War… attacking in unison…

This was a result he was extremely excited to achieve, but this would be without doubt an exceedingly challenging process.

Based on his incredible skill of gaining enlightenment, it was no secret the Formless Fist Art was unimaginably difficult to learn. However, he would have no problem understanding and learning about other fields.

However, Zhou Yan was very aware that a skill capable of spatial destruction, in his eyes, would be difficult to understand. Not to mention, the other factors that would tie to understanding such a skill would require him to learn and understand a principle that was beyond his realm of understanding.

Although he had not yet gained the knowledge of said principles at the moment, with his persistent study of that skill and other sword arts, the difference became painfully obvious. It was exactly like the mysterious realm of people of China; after sitting for an exceptionally difficult test then going back to simple math problems, everything that was easy before would be even easier.

Hence, Zhou Yan was aware of the situation he had found himself in. However, he enjoyed sinking his mind into difficult principles to study. It was only after doing so, he felt massive improvements to himself.

"The Lord of the minor branch of the Zhou family, Zhou Wuzhen, and the respective elders within the minor branch and everyone present alongside him gives their most humble greetings to the Lord of the main branch of the Zhou family, Elder Zhou, young masters, and ladies of the aforementioned."

Zhou Wuzhen was the first to step out.

Next to him was the Elder of Lore, Zhou Wuyan, the Grand Elder, Zhou Wuwei, and his hand, Zhou Wuji.

Present at that scene with them were the people Zhou Yan resented wholeheartedly—Zhou Lingyi, Zhou Lingyao, Zhou Xian, and several other people.

Using his keen detection skills from his soul, Zhou Yan was shocked to realize Zhou Lingyi had actually ascended to the peak of the second rank within the realm of the Blade's Essence! And she was incredibly stable in that realm!

Zhou Lingyao's combat prowess had reached the second rank of the realm of the Blade's Enforcer! It seems he had remained in that realm for quite some time now!

What exactly was going on?

Zhou Yan's soul's detection ability could very clearly sense this situation, hence his expression morphed into a cold and sinister undertone.

If his training progress had not massively improved to an unimaginable extent, and if he had remained in the third rank in the realm of the Blade's Cardinal, without even mentioning Zhou Lingyao, just Zhou Lingyi alone with her natural gifts and actual skills would have given him no chance to win!

Zhou Yan's combat prowess was more than capable of facing up against opponents in several realms higher than he was. However, since Zhou Lingyi was still the prime genius of the Zhou family, she would be capable of shattering the shackles between realms. Her skills peaked at the second rank within the realm of the Blade's Essence so her progress was even more impressive than any scholars in the third rank of the same realm!

Since that was the case, if Zhou Yan had remained in the third rank of the realm of the Blade's Cardinal, the gap between his realm and the third rank of the realm of the Blade's Essence would be unimaginably wide making the battle incredibly difficult for him.

Moreover, if he was faced against Zhou Lingyao once more, his opponent would undoubtedly seize this opportunity to murder him!

Zhou Yan lamented in his heart. As expected, there were plenty of hidden risks and dangers in this event!

Not a single soul told him about Zhou Lingyi's progress in her realms, but it seems his expectation of her progress to her actual progress was too wide of a gap. 

Hence, Zhou Yan could not hold back the thought of staying on guard and being exceptionally cautious in the face of these people who were known to be wolves in sheep's clothing.

However, he had finally grasped the full extent of these people's actual powers. The realm he had currently ascended into was the same as Zhou Lingyi, but in comparison to the quality of both of their Qi Columns, Zhou Lingyi would not even come close to being an actual contest with him.

The full extent of Zhou Lingyao's powers, on the other hand, was actually in the second rank in the realm of the Blade's Enforcer—he had entirely exceeded his progress by three whole realms!

This battle would most probably be a difficult one! However, if Zhou Yan successfully defeated Zhou Lingyao, his reputation would echo across the entirety of Canglan City!

Slaughtering an opponent three realms above him would show that he was the true born natural genius!

Even within the main branch of his family, Zhou Yuntian who had defeated an opponent two realms above him was enough to be completely placed on top of the highest pedestal!

If that was the case, what exactly would await him?

Since accomplishing such a feat would be unimaginably difficult and would without a doubt take every ounce of his ability, but this was the only thing he wanted!

Zhou Yan had already made that decision in his heart!

"Alright then, since everyone here is a member of our Zhou family then we shall disregard any formalities. Can everyone please stand up."

With a single wave of that elderly man's hand, an endless wave of majestic aura stretched across the entire heavens and earth. The pupils and elders who were kneeling moments earlier were all lifted from their knees by that majestic aura. This gesture was literally the work of god itself since every single soul present at that moment was completely stunned.

"We as your pupils, humbly thank you, Grand Elder."

The crowd of the pupils in the Zhou family immediately bowed to show their respect.

In that moment, the lord of the Zhou family, Zhou Wuzhen, walked up to them and said, "Grand Elder of the Zhou family, Lord Zhou, and Lady Zhou. A total of ten pupils would be taking part in this test of might.

"Amongst these ten pupils, the one that holds the best natural gift is none other than Zhou Wangchen's son, Zhou—"

"I, Zhou Yan!"

Zhou Yan loudly exclaimed as he immediately walked out.

His exclamation silenced the crowd of people.

In such a critical moment, Zhou Yan made no effort to hide away the full extent of his powers. While he walked, a thick aura of Blade's Menace was gradually emanating from his body.


A wave of Blade's Menace instantly manifested itself and this very scene alone had immediately captivated every single person's attention.

"Zhou Wangchen's trueborn heir is me, Zhou Yan alone! Both Sword's Way of Bond and Despair, principles engraved in my father's carvings and my father's Burning Blade's Heart Ale, are irreplaceable by anyone!"

"Any schemes would speak no volume in the face of true power and bloodline! I, Zhou Yan, can never be replaced!"

When Zhou Yan spoke, waves of Blade's Menace were exploding out of his body, completely robbing Zhou Wuzhen of the chance to speak!

He was able to feel countless sinister-filled gazes staring directly at him, seemingly about to swallow him whole and completely erase his existence. However, he was not even bothered by it. If he had not made his first move by standing out in the face of the crowd at that moment, he would never be given another opportunity again!

When he spoke, his face twitched and his entire appearance instantly changed. Suddenly, he took out an entire jug of ale, tilted his head back and started drinking it!

With another twitch of his arm, the nine forms of Sword Art of Clear Waters Heaven's Blade concentrated into a mix of Blade's Menace. His Blade's Menace had incorporated the principles from both the Sword's Way of Bond and the Sword's Way of Despair. This resulted in a balance that heavily reflected the knowledge of principles of the Eight Trigrams as this energy spiraled continuously with pure balance.

"Bold little beast who doesn't know its place…"

Just as the Grand Elder of the Zhou family, Zhou Wuwei, was about to unleash a volley of insults, Zhou Yan's words and actions earlier had completely dampened the sounds of his words.

Thus, he was completely stunned.

He never expected that Zhou Yan would blatantly appear out of nowhere.

This single action had completely derailed their plans!

"Yes, not bad indeed. Truly reflects Zhou Wangchen's temperament! Strong and firm bones, not bad. In terms of bloodline, the blood that courses through his veins is the very same blood as the entirety of our Zhou family and it seems you've actually ascended into the second rank in the realm of the Blade's Essence and had already awakened your Blade's Menace. This meant, if you were to condense your blood within waters of the Blade's Enforcer's Pond, then there's high hopes of you successfully ascending into the realms of the Blade's Menace before you turn sixteen. This is truly spectacular."

At that very moment, that elder with a head full of white hair from the main branch of the Zhou family was extremely impressed by Zhou Yan. Feelings of amusement were obvious on his face. Hence, he proceeded to acknowledge and reassure Zhou Yan's ability.

Zhou Wuzhen was stunned and his expression was completely frozen by that single statement.

In that instance, countless people in the crowd were completely shocked.

Hence, the entire area had drowned in complete silence and every single person who was staring at Zhou Wuzhen had an indescribably odd gaze.

However, at the same time, that stunningly handsome man who had been standing next to that elder pridefully glared at Zhou Yan and said in a cold tone, "The elder praised you, but don't you people dare assume your people are truly incredible. You small village people dwelling in a tiny place like this. If it wasn't for our family's grace taking the liberty of dropping by after some time, do any of you people think that you're meant for greatness?

"The elder has praised you, then you should know better to kneel as a display of gratitude for his praise. How could you not even know that? It really seems that people from small villages do not understand the basics!"

That man was seemingly displeased with Zhou Yan's arrogance, or most probably it was his bold showcase of his Blade's Menace that had offended him. Even his gaze while staring at Zhou Yan seemed hostile.

"We originated from the same roots, so there's no need for infighting! Could it possibly be that this lad assumed he was worthy of replacing this elder, hence he was in a position which allowed him to speak for the elder? How would you know if I truly was ungrateful toward the elder?"

Zhou Yan replied in a cold tone.

His gaze was similar to his gaze—arrogant and hostile!

He feared nothing!

Zhou Yan was aware that if he was not arrogant enough in the main branch of the family, he would never gain any recognition nor status and it would only result in him being bullied!

In this world, there would never be a submissive and weak genius, because the submissive and weak were all dead!

"You insolent fool! In terms of position and status, how would you even be in a position to speak to me? Even in the progression of realms, I'm in a higher realm than you, and I'm older than you. HYou seek death to disrespect your seniors! It mattered not if the Lord of the minor branch of our family is also present here. Even he would not be able to save you!"

After he was done speaking, waves of bloodlust poured out of his eyes.

He was in the third rank in the realm of the Blade's Menace and to murder Zhou Yan would be an extremely easy task for him, under the condition Zhou Yan did not use his trump card—the Silver Frost.

"Sir Zhou, do so as you please. This animal had not been taught by his parents. Such an insolent and arrogant fool…"

The Elder of Lore said in a cold tone at that moment.

Zhou Yan glared at the Elder of Lore and proceeded to stare directly at that lad. He said, "You're the insolent one! A month ago, I was merely in the first rank within the realm of the Blade's Cardinal. However, even then I had already awakened my Blade's Essence! Twenty days later, I ascended into the first rank within the realm of the Blade's Essence and I awakened my Blade's Menace! And now, a month later I'm already at the peak of the second rank in the realm of the Blade's Essence. I've also gained a slight mastery over my Blade's Menace!

"You've been training longer than me, but in terms of natural gifts, I've already surpassed you eight streets away. How would you even contest against me? In terms of value, I feel no shame; I'm Zhou Yuntian's equal and you dare touch me?!"

Zhou Yan was arrogant and was behaving manically. However, the statements he made were intentional!

He made no statements about his combat prowess, but only mentioned the pace of his progress!

However, he caused a shocking uproar in the academy just with that statement alone.

No one knew how shocked Zhou Wuzhen and the others felt after listening to Zhou Yan's words!

They also did not know that flames of envy were raging in the hearts of Zhou Lingyi, Zhou Lingyao, and Zhou Xian.

Even more of a mystery to everyone after Zhou Yan's statement were the expressions of the other elders and lords from Canglan City. They looked incredibly surprised and unimaginably puzzled.

This… This young man was undoubtedly an incredibly rare genius! If what he said was true!

Waves of discussions began at that very moment!

Although the claims of Zhou Yan being 'an abandoned child by birth' had been spreading across the entire city, there were also plenty of people who were skeptical about the legitimacy of such claims since they knew the Zhou family were no fools as they would never train an abandoned child.

Thus, with such a statement by Zhou Yan, his words were closer to the truth. However, many were not convinced by his claims of progressing from the first rank in the realm of the Blade's Cardinal into the second rank in the realm of the Blade's Essence in the span of a month's time.

After the realm of the Blade's Cardinal would be the realm of the Blade's Essence. Progressing through four realms in a month's time was not impossible since there were herbal pills and Spirit Crystals to aid such progress. Hence, it was not too difficult doing so, but awakening one's Blade's Menace in such a short span of time seemed to be beyond the realm of possibility—not a single soul was convinced of such a feat.