
Ecstasy Of Heart

MadWitchHh · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

And Unknown Place - Part 1

Cabel turned around, his eyes languidly passing over me before he resumed his walking. He had ignored my words so bluntly. He was so cold to an injured person. But it was my own mistake that I had told him to put me down despite knowing I wouldn't be able to walk on my own. I had rejected his help, so this was given.

"Didn't you say you could walk on your own without needing my help?", I heard him ask from ahead of me and I pursed my lips.

"I... I did but I didn't know...", I had just looked up and found him walking towards me with the same poised look, like any of this didn't concern him, and it didn't matter to him. I know it didn't, but then why did he have to show up offer his help when he was going to act all cold and aloof?

"Know what?", He said as he grapped my wrist and pulled me up again and I was back in his arms without amy warning, I felt as if my soul judt slipped out of my body before returning back. "That... my leg was hurt, too", I didn't hear any answer and he started to walk again.

Silence prevailed us since neither of us talked, not like we wanted to talk with each other, another reason being we were complete stranger because a single meeting couldn't have made us 'Friends'.

The pain in my lower abdomen had subsided a little, but the loss of blood didn't do an good instead, I felt weak as if I would fall unconscious any time. I was thankful that I wasn't walking by myself or else, I would have hit the floor by now and broken some bones.

I felt warmth radiating from the body that was carrying me. I don't know if my body became submissive but I felt comfortable. I was exhausted too much that I did not want to think or talk about anything else. Everything felt incredulous, so much happened in only a single day and I... I lost a dear person to me. Jeremy was not related to me by blood nor we knew each other for long, but his kindness and generosity towards me had unknowingly made a soft spot in my heart and it was difficult to believe he was gone.. Just like that. I wished he stayed for a while longer, that he wasn't dead yet. Maybe he wasn't...

In all these thoughts my mind was occupied in, I didn't know when my body and mind became lax and I slowly lost consciousness and my mind drifted to a sea of darkness.


I was woken up by noises which came from who knew where, and when I sat down on a rug which was made of leather, I looked around the place I was in. I was sleeping on the floor. It looked like a tent but it was wide enough to accommodate more than two people, certainly as wide as a room. There was a bed on one side and a table besides it on which I saw some parchments and books that were thick and their cover was made of leather.

The last thing I remembered before falling unconscious was Cabel carrying me and now I was here. I wondered if he had again left me in a village and left. I looked down at my clothes which were not the same as I had been wearing since two weeks. When I placed a hand over my wounded area, I felt something rough which meant it was covered.

I stood up, knowing my right arm which was still not healed, I used my left arm. I hadn't even seen the wound on my leg and now I didn't feel any pain coming from the lower area. I sighed in relief. At least, I would be able to walk on my own without having the need to be carried by other people.

Wanting to know where I was, I went near the exit of the tent which was a cloth and it was swaying slightly due to the soft wind. I peeked out of the cloth and tried to look around. This place was similar. It didn't seem like we had left the forest. This place was also located in one of the area.

I was about to step out of the tent, when a large shadow of a human figure fell over me and my steps halted. I turned around, making eye contact with a brunette who looked down at me with an apprehensive look.

"My Lady, you're awake", He spoke in a rushed tone. He was taking deep breaths and I presumed he specifically walked faster to prevent me from leaving the tent, and he was worried that I might escape?

"Uh... Yes. Can you, What is this place? And... Where is Cabel?", I asked, unknown to me, I had, without thinking, mentioned the man's name who brought me here. I didn't even know who this man was and why he was here. My Lady? Had someone told him who I was or- Was it Cabel?

"This is the village of Northwick. I ask of you to stay in this place without causing trouble. Please", He bowed his head and extended his hand towards the tent. Helpless, I stepped back inside the tent without saying anything. The man stayed outside. He Hasn't even answered the second part of my question and it had put me in a state of restlessness.

Minutes felt like hours the more I stayed inside without knowing who this man was and why I was being kept here. I wanted to step outside. Where was Cabel?