
Eclipse Alpha

"In the shadowy corners of Samar, a planet inhabited by werewolves, the enigmatic Nocturna Manor becomes the stage for a mystical event that upheaves the course of destiny. As Prince Lycaon is born during an unusual solar eclipse, his legacy transcends the bounds of the supernatural. Royal parents Tasha and Volk grapple with ancestral mysteries and heart-wrenching choices, while their son unveils extraordinary powers. Amid buried secrets and stunning revelations, Lycaon must navigate a world of darkness and light to become the ultimate alpha, thus shaping the future of werewolves and their planet. A captivating tale of birth, challenges, and transformation, where the exceptional fate of a child becomes the catalyst for a revolution. Please note that English is not my primary language, and the translation was done using ChatGPT. I hope you enjoy it!"

Unsatisfied_reader · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Matriarche Disciple

The spectators, still in shock from the turn of events, were divided between admiration and astonishment. The animated murmurs and whispers that had filled the room turned into exclamations of surprise and fascination. Among them, the respective patriarchs of the Bianchi and Demetriou clans, as well as the sharp-minded old wolves present, had their own thoughts.

The transformation of a member of the Lykos clan into an alpha wolf and the talent displayed by the prince were events of such magnitude that they needed to plan their future moves.

King Volk, still wearing his cold and dominant expression, showed no visible emotion, but his scrutinizing eyes revealed a hint of pride. These events were undeniably extraordinary, even for him.

Queen Tasha, her eyes shining with emotion, knew that this experience was a crucial step in Lycaon's growth. She signaled a group of royal physicians to approach and check on her son's condition, and after a few minutes of examination, they reassured the queen about the prince's stable condition.

Fenir, on the other hand, maintained an impassive face, but his scrutinizing eyes were fixed on the scene. He watched attentively, contemplating how this duel would influence his own role as the First Prince and the kingdom's internal politics.

It was at this moment that Sarah, Lycaon's personal attendant, entered gracefully. Concerned, she hurried to the unconscious prince. The entire room watched as she used her surprising strength, considering her slender stature, to gently lift the prince, ready to take him back to his quarters for recovery.

Meanwhile, Matriarch Elisabeth Lykos had an immense smile that revealed her sharp teeth. Those who saw this smile might assume she was pleased that her daughter had undergone her awakening, but they couldn't be further from the truth. Her smile was purely that of a psychopath who had found a new point of interest.

The training hall, which had been filled with noise and fervor, gradually quieted down. Everyone left with their own thoughts, emotions, and questions swirling in the air as the excitement of the battle dissipated.

[A few hours after the battle]

In a meeting room, Queen Tasha and Matriarch Maya Elisabeth Lykos were present. Next to them was Maria, who looked completely lost, watching the queen and her mother locked in a tense stare-down.

Maya broke the silence with a hint of excitement in her serious gaze. "So?" she asked, pressing the queen to address the subject.

Tasha, with a sly smile, pretended ignorance. "So what?" she replied, adding a touch of mystery to the situation, although she already had an idea of what it was about.

Maya wasn't fooled and growled slightly. "Don't play this game with me, Tasha. You know damn well what I'm talking about."

Tasha sighed, adjusting her posture on her throne with royal grace, crossing one leg over the other. "Shouldn't you be focusing on your daughter instead? She underwent her awakening without the full moon," she commented gently, trying to divert Maya's attention.

Matriarch Maya Lykos wasn't easily distracted. "Hmph, and so what? With our family's blood, she would have awakened sooner or later. Compared to someone wielding elemental power without undergoing an awakening first, her talent is pale," she argued, defending her point with determination.

Despite her mother's critical words, Maria remained calm. After all, from a purely factual perspective, her mother was right. Direct members of the Lykos clan were destined to undergo their awakening at some point unless exceptionally incompetent.

"Anyway, whether you like it or not, I will take her as my disciple. I'm just here to inform you," Maya announced, showing no sign of backing down.

Tasha's face twitched a bit. She knew that once this madwoman set her mind on something, she wouldn't stop at anything. "Argh." Finally, after a moment of contemplation, Tasha agreed. "Fine, you can have her, but on one condition," she said with a slight smile. "Lycaon must agree to it. It's his final decision."

Tasha had confidence in her son's loyalty to her, but she wanted to ensure he wouldn't feel coerced in this situation. Maya, while a powerful ally, must not exert undue pressure on Lycaon.

"Heh heh, agreed," Maya quickly accepted.

[In the prince's quarters]

Prince Lycaon was still unconscious when he slowly regained consciousness in his quarters. He lay on his bed, the sheets neatly arranged around him. His forehead was sweaty, and his face was contorted with pain.

He attempted to sit up, but a severe headache discouraged him. A sense of weakness and disorientation washed over him. He remembered the fight, Maria's transformation into an alpha wolf, but everything had become blurry since then.

Lycaon muttered to himself, trying to piece together what had happened. "How long have I been out?" he whispered, his voice barely audible.

At that moment, the cheerful voice of Matriarch Maya Elisabeth Lykos broke the room's silence. She sat in a corner, partially hidden in the shadows, silently observing the prince since his awakening.

With a tone of amusement, she replied, "Well, dear prince, it's been six days."

Lycaon blinked, attempting to gather his thoughts while suppressing his surprise. The persistent headache reminded him that he was not in top form, and he realized he had slept for quite a long time, though he hadn't imagined it would be this long.

'I guess I really pushed my limits,' he thought.

However, a new feeling began to stir within him. Why was Maya here? He started to sense that something unusual was unfolding.

"Maya," he articulated with more vigor this time, dropping formalities, "why are you here?"

Maya's mischievous smile widened, and her sharp teeth briefly gleamed as she responded with obvious amusement in her voice, "Oh, for personal reasons, dear prince. After all, so many interesting things are happening right now."

Lycaon, still disoriented but now alert due to Maya's cheerful tone, was becoming increasingly certain that something was afoot.

From the inherited memories of Adam, he knew Maya was notorious for her wild schemes, and this unexpected encounter didn't bode well for something ordinary.

"Maya," he repeated with a firmer voice, momentarily forgetting his headache, "why are you here?"

Maya let out a small chuckle, as if she had anticipated his question. "What I want, Lycaon, is for you to become my disciple. To let me teach you how to fully harness this strength, to make it a tool that will serve you. With me as your mentor, there's nothing you can't achieve."

The prince remained silent, evaluating Maya's proposition. He was intrigued by the prospect of learning from someone as powerful as Maya, but there was still a part of him that harbored doubt.

Lycaon pondered for a moment and then responded cautiously, "I will consider your offer, Maya. But I can't make a hasty decision."

Maya observed Lycaon, her smile enigmatic.

"But before making a decision, Lycaon, allow me to ask you a question. What does strength mean to you? What is power?"

Lycaon took a moment to reflect on the question. He had rarely had the opportunity to discuss these topics in depth. For most werewolves, strength equated to physical supremacy, the ability to dominate others through violence.

But Lycaon had been raised with different values, the ones his mother, Queen Tasha, had instilled in him.

"Strength is more than physical power," he began. "It's the ability to protect those you love, to defend your kingdom, and to make just decisions. Power, on the other hand, is the responsibility that comes with that strength. It's the ability to influence the world around you, to do good or harm."

Maya listened attentively, nodding as if she appreciated his response.

"Noble values, dear prince. But allow me to share my perspective. Strength is what werewolves and the supernatural world respect the most. It's what commands respect, what makes you an unquestioned leader. Power, on the other hand, is the key to shaping your destiny, to not being at the mercy of others. And today, you showed exceptional strength."

Lycaon understood where Maya was heading. She firmly believed in the value of strength, in its ability to open doors and shape a desirable future. However, he was also aware of the concerns bubbling within him. Maya was notoriously unpredictable, and he couldn't help but wonder if her desire to teach was sincere or if there were hidden motives.

"Exceptional strength indeed, but what do you expect from me as your disciple?" he inquired, seeking to understand her intentions better.

Maya tilted her head slightly, her intense blue eyes seeming to lose some of their intensity, and her smile grew somewhat twisted.

"What I expect, Lycaon, is for you to become the best version of yourself. I want you to explore your potential to the fullest, to become a master of your own destiny. I will teach you everything I know about power, manipulation, and how to become a feared and respected warrior."

The prince was torn. On one hand, he was intrigued by the possibility of learning from someone as powerful as Maya. On the other, he was wary of her true motivations.

"And what do you gain in return, Maya? Why do you want to teach me?" he questioned.

Maya, her expression becoming even more twisted, wrapped her arms around herself in a bizarre semblance of a hug. To see her, one might think she was in pure ecstasy.

"What I gain, dear prince, is the satisfaction of helping an exceptional individual reach their full potential. And perhaps, just perhaps, together we could accomplish extraordinary things."

"Besides, things have been too boring lately; I felt like I was becoming one of those old matrons in a boarding school."

The conversation continued in this manner, with Lycaon exploring the possibilities and implications of Maya's offer. Eventually, they concluded the conversation by agreeing that Lycaon would accept Maya's offer. After all, he had nothing to lose.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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