
Eclipse Alpha

"In the shadowy corners of Samar, a planet inhabited by werewolves, the enigmatic Nocturna Manor becomes the stage for a mystical event that upheaves the course of destiny. As Prince Lycaon is born during an unusual solar eclipse, his legacy transcends the bounds of the supernatural. Royal parents Tasha and Volk grapple with ancestral mysteries and heart-wrenching choices, while their son unveils extraordinary powers. Amid buried secrets and stunning revelations, Lycaon must navigate a world of darkness and light to become the ultimate alpha, thus shaping the future of werewolves and their planet. A captivating tale of birth, challenges, and transformation, where the exceptional fate of a child becomes the catalyst for a revolution. Please note that English is not my primary language, and the translation was done using ChatGPT. I hope you enjoy it!"

Unsatisfied_reader · Outros
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Epic Showdown

As Maria and Lycaon prepared for their duel, a wave of excitement electrified the training room. Guests flocked to get the best view of this friendly fight that promised to be unforgettable. The whispers of anticipation spread as Maria, with her determined gaze, took a few steps back to distance herself. Facing her, Lycaon, calm and focused, ready for the challenge, adjusted his fighting position.

In the center of the arena, Matriarch Elisabeth Lykos stepped forward gracefully, offering her role as referee for this duel. His piercing gaze scanned the crowd, but his thoughts remained largely hidden. She was aware that this duel had stakes that went beyond mere competition. After all, the werewolf community respects strength above all else, and they knew that the prince's performance during this match would determine the future course of action of his old wolves.

Also, maybe the prince would be worthy enough of his interest?

Maria, as a challenger, spoke in a loud and clear voice. "Your Highness," she began, "I will limit my strength so as not to give the impression that I am bullying you."


Long claws stretched from what were her nails while with a quick stroke, she dug a clear line two meters behind them.

"If you can get me to cross that line, I'll recognize my victory," she continued as her nails returned to normal.

Lycaon nodded in approval, showing that he understood Maria's condition. From the point of view of the stereotypical nobles, Maria's conditions and disabilities would be considered arrogant, but for him it was quite normal. A self-respecting warrior would not fight with all his might against a child from 10 years old to less than a Vendetta. If Maria had not had disabilities, it would not suit the mental image he was building on her.

But on the other hand,

If at first he had accepted the fight just to gauge the level of these current skills, now he really wanted to win.

The crowd watched with sustained attention, their eyes fixed on the two opponents. Excited murmurs and whispers ran through the assembly, each speculating about the outcome of the fight. Members of the Bianchi and Demetriou clans seemed to share animated predictions and comments about the upcoming duel.

King Volf, Queen Tasha, and First Prince Fenir watched with impassive expression, though their looks betray a glimmer of interest. They were confident in Lycaon's ability, but they also knew that Maria was an opponent not to be overlooked.

Maria and Lycaon, ready to fight, stared intensely.


The starting signal was given.

Without warning, Lycaon quickly launched himself on the attack with a surprising agility for his age.

Lycaon, though determined, seemed to lack precision in his initial attacks. His movements were swift but messy, leaving him vulnerable to Maria's skillful dodges. She moved gracefully, anticipating his every attempt to touch her.

The training room was filled with the murmurs and whispers of the crowd, who watched attentively as the duel began.

King Volk, Queen Tasha and First Prince Fenir were also following every move with increasing interest.

For Volk, it was just to get an approximation of her son's abilities, as for Tasha, she analyzed every move to be able to adjust her son's training program.

Maria, after dodging several attacks from Lycaon, gently taunted her opponent.

"If that's all you have, Your Highness, I'll be pretty disappointed."


Maria's words did not seem to have an impact on Lycaon.

He continued his assault of beatings, punches, uppercuts, uppercuts, punches.

But over time, Maria grew tired of it.

She was ready to fight back for the first time,


A punch grazed his cheek very closely.


Maria, initially attributing the punch to luck, frowned slightly upon seeing the same event happening again. Another punch grazed his ribs, then a third passed a few inches from his face.

Perplexity was painted on his face.

"What?" she whispered, hinting at her surprise.

She had underestimated the prince, but these almost successful attacks were making her doubt.

Lycaon, on the other hand, had begun to improve visibly. His movements were less and less disordered. He seemed to learn from each exchange, adjusting his technique in real time. The crowd watched with fascination as this transformation took place.

The seasoned eyes of the old fighters present also noticed this change. They were impressed by how quickly Lycaon was improving. Some speculated about the source of this sudden improvement, but others were content to enjoy the show.

But what they did not know was that this improvement was not only due to the talent of the prince,

Another entity was at work, supporting the prince.

[Your adaptability reacts]

[Your accuracy is improving]

[Your accuracy is improving]

[Your accuracy is improving]

[Your accuracy is improving]

[Your speed increases greatly]



A punch hit Maria violently as she had lifted her guard just in time.


Maria, as the punch hit her guard despite her attempt at defense, felt the impact echo inside her. She had raised her guard just in time to mitigate the power of the blow, but Lycaon's strength was undeniable.

The training room sounded with the dull sound of impact, and a small gust of wind testified to the violence of the attack. Maria made a small face but held on,

"Just how is this strength supposed to be that of a 10-year-old."

She did not expect such an impact,

However, being a fighter with her share of experience. She did not let herself be destabilized by this surprise attack.

She felt the throbbing pain on her left arm, but it did not shake her resolve. On the contrary, it seemed to have motivated her.

In a quick and fluid move, she gave a powerful kick to the ground. A dull rumble filled the training room as a large crater formed where his foot had hit. The stone chips flew in all directions, and a shock wave spread through the room.

Lycaon, displaying keen instincts, narrowly dodged this unpredictable assault. He made a small, agile leap backwards to escape the forming crater.

Maria, turned to Lycaon with a resolute look.

"I apologize, Your Highness. I underestimated your abilities. "

"I think it would be rude for me not to take this fight seriously."

With a powerful leap, she rushed towards Lycaon, using her speed and agility to surprise him. His movements were fluid and precise, demonstrating his combat expertise. She unleashed a series of quick and calculated blows, challenging the young wolf's defense.

Lycaon, now facing a serious opponent, did his best to dodge and ward off Maria's attacks. His innate agility and speed allowed him to avoid most blows, but he was still hit a few times.

Quickly his mind was overwhelmed while he was for the first time cornered in this way.

He wanted to look for a way out but not enough time to find a solution.

Maria, unleashing her speed and expertise, continued to hammer Lycaon with precise attacks. Each of his moves was calculated.

Lycaon, sensing the weight of adversity, began to appeal to all his instincts. He dodged, appeared, and tried to counterattack as best he could. His youth and lack of experience were clearly visible, but his determination shone through every move.

The training room was filled with the sounds of their quick exchanges. The ground vibrated under the impact of their powerful movements. The crowd watched with fascination, unable to take their eyes off the duel that was taking place before their eyes.

Maria, intensifying her assault even further, began unleashing a series of even more rapid and unpredictable attacks. Her movements seemed almost blurry as she surrounded Lycaon with a whirlwind of blows. She aimed precisely at his weak points, testing the reactivity of the young prince.

Lycaon, feeling Maria's assault intensify, found himself more cornered. It was increasingly difficult for him to dodge or ward off attacks. Every move became a matter of survival, and his determination to stand firm was his only guide.

Matriarch Elisabeth Lykos, as referee, stood ready to intervene, her eyes scrutinizing every move carefully. She was about to put the fight on hold, thinking that Lycaon might really be in danger, when a sign from Queen Tasha prevented her from doing so.

Queen Tasha, while watching the fight with sustained attention, knew that it was a valuable learning opportunity for Lycaon, and she wanted to let him enjoy it more.

After all, although his face is still as serious as during the beginning of the fight, Tasha as a mother and knowing her son enough, knew that he was currently enjoying every moment of the fight.

And she was right.


Despite the damage he suffered, the young prince's thoughts were far from worries. They were entirely focused on a fixed idea, a mantra that resonated in his mind: "Faster, stronger, faster, stronger..."

This kind of thought invaded his mind as he got carried away by the excitement of the fight. Every move, every dodge, every moment of this duel was an opportunity to push himself beyond his limits.

Then, something new happened, calling into question everything those present knew about werewolf abilities.

In the werewolf community, a universal truth was that those lucky enough to develop an elemental affinity had to first go through a revival ritual to access it. It was a strict and well-established process.

However, what was happening before their eyes challenged this universal truth.

"This... What is..."

Whispers ran through the crowd as faint but visible flashes erupted from both of the prince's legs. A thin layer of electrical energy crackled around his limbs.

Lycaon, imbued with this new boost, threw himself into the fight with increased intensity. His movements became more fluid, more agile, and his strength seemed to increase with every moment. Electrical sparks crackled around him, illuminating the training room with electrical energy.

Maria, initially surprised by this sudden spike, reacted quickly, but she began to feel the mounting pressure. Lycaon's attacks were becoming more and more accurate, and his speed seemed to be increasing at an alarming rate.

The young prince unleashed a series of quick and calculated attacks. Each of his movements improved almost instantly, his accuracy increasing with each strike. He was as if transformed, his combat skill perfecting at breakneck speed.

By the time Lycaon unleashed a ferocious attack, the electrical energy around him seemed to reach its peak. The training room was almost shaking under the power of his assault. His movements were incredibly fast and precise, as if he had reached a new level of combat mastery in an instant.

Maria, suddenly confronted by such a force, understood that she could not simply dodge or ward off this attack. She had to fight back, but the power of Lycaon pushed her to her limits. His mind went on alert, desperately searching for a solution.

It was at that very moment, when the pressure was at its peak, that something extraordinary happened. Maria, without even being aware of it, undergoes a transformation. His body began to change, to metamorphose. His hands became covered with hair and turned into long, sharp claws.

She also felt a strange sensation in her spine, as if something was happening inside her. A new, wild and powerful force emerged from within.

Shocked by this unconscious transformation, Maria reacts instinctively. Her legs flexed slightly, and she adopted an instinctive fighting posture, ready to retaliate against Lycaon's attack.

Lycaon, focused on his offensive, did not immediately notice Maria's metamorphosis. He rushed towards her, determined to complete his ferocious assault.

However, just as he was about to unleash his next attack, a flash of blinding light illuminated the training room. A powerful roar, both terrifying and majestic, made the air vibrate.

The crowd, including Matriarch Elisabeth Lykos, was momentarily stunned. The eyes were riveted on the place from which this bright light came.

And there, in the center of the arena, stood Maria, but it wasn't quite Maria anymore. She had been transformed into a bipedal wolf shape, large and majestic, covered with silver hairs that seemed to shine like the glow of the moon.

Lycaon stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes widened with stupor.

Queen Tasha, while observing the scene, immediately understood the significance of this transformation. She had seen this once in her youth, in a very old member of their community. It was a rare and extraordinary metamorphosis, a manifestation of the raw potential of a werewolf.

The Matriarch Elisabeth Lykos, also realized the significance of this event. She raised her hand to announce the end of the match, but before she could utter a word, an impressive howl escaped Maria's mouth, the howl of an alpha wolf.

Maria, stood proudly, emitting an aura of unquestionable power. Her posture was that of an ultimate predator, and her eyes, of intense blue, were fixed on Lycaon.

The training room was plunged into absolute silence, everyone wondering what would happen next. Maria's transformation and her howl had created tension in the air.

Matriarch Elisabeth Lykos finally broke the silence.

"The game is over," she announced in a firm voice.

"The victory goes to Prince Lycaon."

Maria, gradually regaining her human appearance, realized what had happened. She looked down, a mixture of astonishment and understanding on her face.

Maria, still shocked by what he had just seen, slowly approached Lycaon.

"You are amazing," she whispered, a mixture of respect and fascination in her voice.

"yes you too," replied Lycaon as his voice faded.

Lycaon, still under the excitement of the fight and the surprise of Maria's transformation, collapsed almost as soon as Maria's words reached his ears.

Maria, acting quickly, managed to catch the young prince before he touched the ground.

so what do you think ?

This is my first time writing a fight scene.

I hope you enjoyed it,

Your opinions would help me a lot.

Unsatisfied_readercreators' thoughts