

The journey of a man who had transmigrated into a world filled with Pokemon.

King_Rycon · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

Chapter Ten: The Land of Disasters and Death.

ASA/N: From now on I will use Bold Letters for all Pokemon sounds.


Main Character Pov~

I watched as we walked past through dozens of Pokemon Skeletons and Corpses with cautious and slow steps, looking around for any signs of danger. The air was thick, and the Atmosphere was heavy from the remnants of the Yveltal's aura and appearance in these corrupted and broken lands. Once beautiful lands lush with Green and filled with Pokemon laid in runs, a mere echo of its former self as it had become a complete desolate wasteland with dark clouds echoing with thunders above. 

The smell of death and blood constantly permeated our noses as I felt my heartbeat hasten. We were on alert; we didn't know what dangers awaited us and what Pokemon walked these accursed lands.

This Graveyard really was massive, it stretched on easily for thousands of miles. 

We spent several hours trekking as we went deeper and deeper into the vast expanse of the Pokemon Graveyard. Pokemon Skeletons and corpses of all types, sizes and kinds could be found. I am surprised no evil organizations tried to salvage these bones for nefarious purposes by now.

But then again, with a deathly and dreadful aura such as this no Human without the ability to use Aura could pass through this corrupted land unscathed. Who knows what kind of dangers await? They must have deemed the risks involved far too steep.

As I was in my thought's I was suddenly snapped out of it as the corpses suddenly rose from the dead.

" What the fuck?" I said as all three of us were taken off guard, we heard laughs and saw a group of Gastly's around us. All with varying levels and deadly auras, They were not here to talk, that much was obvious. I sighed and looked at Aggron.

" Aggron." Aggron nodded and went to fight of the Gastly's.

In a few moments all the Gastly's were beaten and fainted. I observed all of them, none of them had high Potential but were fairly high levelled. in the range of 70 between 90 each.

What a shame, I could have caught one of those if they had high or decent potential.

The highest one had a Potential of A and was level 92, if I were to use my method and catch it would still only have AAA potential even as a Gengar.

Something about these Gastly's seem off, they seem possessed, their eyes.... Their hollow, devoid of any intelligence that can usually be found in Pokemon.

I shook my head as we continued our journey, every now and then we would keep getting attacked by wild Pokemon who seemed to attack us on sight.

None of which so far proved to be a challenge for Aggron or even Corvisquire for that matter.

~ 4 days later.

We were currently extremely close to the dormant mountain located nearby; it took us four days. Each night was an active one, we kept getting attacked by wild Pokemon relentlessly, Corvisquire was completely exhausted as it fended them off. It grew in strength though, gaining about another ten levels throughout the 4 days.

Aggron was just disappointed as everything attacking us were scavengers and, in its words, weaklings.

It was currently out night; I was sitting a campfire as the dark clouds endlessly echoed with thunder.

It was really hard to sleep in this place, I had to use Aura to replenish my body giving it energy to go on as it was completely unsafe to sleep here, and Corvisquire went and rested inside his Pokeball from the relentless wild Pokemon attacks. I could feel extremely powerful auras of wild Pokemon most of which are over level 150, they must have noticed too, but they seemed to maintain their distance for some reason.

This place was really a battlefield, Pokemon constantly attacked each other. After scanning this place with the Pokedex I found out that the reason why Pokemon became so violent was become Yveltal's Aura, it has a maddening effect on Wild Pokemon.

Fortunately, it doesn't seem to affect any Pokemon over level 100. Another factor was that the residue Aura left by Yveltal was weakening every year, so its but a former shell of what its used to be. Now that sounds really scary, that Yveltal seems like a really terrifying Pokemon.

At least thanks to Pokedex I knew why the Pokemon in this place were so damn insane, the aura of this place itself made them become so violent. Anything below level 50 would explode from just staying in this place. No wonder humans don't come to this place. The bones of the deceased Pokemon also shared this attribute so touching them wasn't a good idea or you would get affected. 

I also figured out that the Pokemon have 'Mind Controlled' alongside 'Uncaught Wild Pokemon'. On their Status, so now I know which is which. Besides the you know, Obvious brainless violence and utter rage that can be felt through their emotions using Aura.

No wonder this place was avoided like a Plague by all the Wild Pokemon.

The only good thing about this place is the abundance of wild Pokemon that can easily be found. It's a shame none of them met my standards not even a single one of them had AAA or above Potential, sadly.

I was broken out of my thoughts as I heard a massive howl and felt an Aura far more powerful than any other Pokemon we encountered thus far and looked at the direction of the nearest mountain top and I saw it.... it was a...

" Is that an Absol?" I said shocked at the rare Pokemon, I took out my Pokedex to register it in the Pokedex.

Aggron and Convisquire came close to me in case it attacks, even though it stood from a sizeable distance.

" Absol, the disaster Pokemon. Every time Absol appears before people, it is followed by a disaster such as an earthquake or a tidal wave. As a result, it came to be known as the disaster Pokémon, which had led to it being mistaken as a doom-bringer. Its senses the coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of impending danger. Absol has the ability to foretell the coming of natural disasters. It lives in a harsh, rugged mountain environment. This Pokémon very rarely ventures down from the mountains. Swift as the wind, Absol races through fields and mountains. Its curved, bow-like horn is acutely sensitive to the warning signs of natural disasters. This Absol is not under mind control of the dreadful Aura of Yveltal." The Pokedex ended with a beep as it scanned the Absol.

I widened my eyes at the last part.

" Guys back down, that Absol isn't being possessed by Yveltal's aura of death." I told the Pokemon who backed down as they too heard the Pokedex.

I decided to Observe the Absol, I was interested to see its stats.


Pokemon Name: Absol 

Species Name: Disaster Pokemon.

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #359

Height: 3.6 m

Gender: Female

Age: 12 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: SS [ Heroic]

Pokemon Ranking: S - King Class Pokémon [ 256x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Dark Type

Ability: Super Luck

[ Hidden Ability: Justified]


Level: 171


Health: 148,224/148,224

Aura: 153,600/153,600


HP: 579

AURA: 600

ATK: 570

DEF: 553

SP. ATK: 630

Sp. DEF: 547

SPD: 700

Total Stat Points: 4179


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown

Total Moves: Unknown.

Likes: Unknown,

Dislikes: Unknown.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: This Pokemon is not captured by any trainer.


I widened my eyes at what's probably the best Pokemon Potential I encountered in this land so far.

' Those are some very good stats.' I noted., also noticing the lack of 'Mind Controlled' in the Pokemon's Status proving that it was indeed not under possession.

I was suddenly taken aback as Absol seemingly appeared in front of me, showing its ridiculous speed.

Aggron defensively stood in front of me, but I raised my hand and silently telling it was okay.

I gazed at the Absol who seemed to gaze back at me, we stared at each other for a while before I heard it speak to us telepathically using its aura.

" Leave, it's not safe." Is what we heard in a clear female voice, but before I could question what it means the Absol pointed at something, or rather a certain direction. 

It was towards the distant Dormant volcano, more specifically to a small cave in the volcano.

" There is an unparalleled danger lying dormant within the confines of that cave, go back where you came from. Lest the beast be awoken and wreak havoc upon this land once more. Many humans and Pokemon alike tried challenging its might, but all had fallen in battle against its immeasurable power." The Absol warned us before it turned around and ran off.

" Wait!" I said as it ignored me and ran off, disappearing from view.

" Aggron?" said Aggron, asking if it should go chase it.

I shook my head, if Absol was warning us about something it must be something really dangerous.

" Let it be, we have bigger problems now. We should try to maneuverer around the mountain and leave this place as quickly as possible." I said looking at the cave in the volcano as I held the Masterball tied to my belt.

" Corvis?" Asked Corvisquire, questioning what the Absol meant with its words.

Immediately at that moment I felt something speaking to me telepathically as I looked at the cave.

' Please..... Help...' I heard a mysterious voice as it asked me for help..... 

' Hold on... something's asking for help? Is it coming from that cave?' I asked as thunder echoed and crackled in the skies once more, albeit more frequently and much more intensely.

' Save... Me....' I heard once more, looking at Aggron and Corvisquire it seems I am the only one I can hear it..... 

Something is clearly asking for help; I know it has nothing to do with me. But should I really refuse to help a Pokemon who could be asking for my help? I grit my teeth as I made up my mind.

" Change of plans, guys. We are going inside that cave." I said with determination. 

Aggron and Corvisquire looked absolutely shocked at my decision as they didn't expect me to actually do what the Absol had clearly warned us not to do.

" C-Corvis?" Corvisquire asked as she looked extremely worried, frightened and nervous, asking if I was serious.

" I heard a telepathic message, a voice.... Something was suffering and asking me for help. I can't refuse a Pokemon in need." I said as I wore a fierce expression.

" Aggron!" Aggron determinedly said, getting over its shock and after hearing what I had said his chivalrous and Justice side kicked in, his face wore an expression just as fierce with me, saying ' I won't allow anybody to suffer right in front of my very eyes and leave them while they are in need of help!'.

" CORVISQUIRE!" shrieked Corvisquire, telling us that it could be a trap to lure us in.

I already considered that Possibility, I have 100 Rare Candies and Groudon ready in case there is any danger.

" I know that Corvisquire, I will put you back inside your Pokeball if you want. If things really go bad, don't forget we have Mega Evolution and also.... This guy!" I said as I took my Masterball from my belt and held it in my hands in front of them.

That seemed to calm Corvisquire down a bit as it remembered we had Groudon, A literal God among Pokemon kind, with us.

Groudon was the only reason I was even considering taking this risk, with a Pokemon capable of destroying the world at your disposal you could somewhat afford to be a little more daring.

I shouldn't make it become a habit though, I chuckled as I began walking towards the mountain.

As we walked, I realized someone was gazing at us from afar. I looked at Absol who noticed our intentions to approach the cave and shook its head in disappointment and annoyance and disappeared from my vision.

For the next few hours, we walked and walked closer towards the dormant mountain.

I noticed that a lot more Pokemon were now looking at us some with confusion, weary and some with absolute fear as they saw where we were headed. Most of them were over level 100, some even above 150. Slowly but surely Pokemon began to follow us, many even trying to tell us to not go in, but we ignored them. Corvisquire was become increasingly more and more scared and Aggron seemed to understand the gravity of the situation we were putting ourselves in as it had a solemn yet dead serious expression.

We could be walking in what seemed to be a death trap to most, but my gut is telling me to not ignore this. Pokemon.

As we got closer and closer, I could feel an immense Aura in that cave, far eclipsing anything I felt. Possibly surpassing even Aggron who seemed to become worried as he felt the power of the entity hidden in that cave. 

As we got closer and closer, the thunderstorm above seemed get more intense and disastrous as it struck the terrain continuously, countless corpses of humans and Pokemon lay around the volcano.

I gulped as we stood in front of the Dormant Volcano, behind us maintaining a safe distance were thousands of Pokemon, all who seemed be shivering in fear and terror as they shook their heads at our stupidity as the Aura had gotten so strong I doubted even Aggron as he is now could do anything to it. 

" That power! Unbelievable....." I shivered in fear as this power seems to be that of a ridiculously powerful Pokemon... as it rose into Champion - Level Pokemon territory, the entire Pokemon Graveyard shook in fear as the atmosphere became so dense you could barely stand. My heart beating faster and faster as I realized how much trouble I was getting myself by getting closer to the Gigantic Dormant Volcano that stood as the highest peak in this entire Mountain range that was far larger than a continent in my old world and possibly the planet earth itself.

I felt a gaze more intense than the others as I saw the Absol looking at us from atop a massive mountain in a safe distance as it shook its head.

The entire skies of the Kanto Region felt a massive impending storm hovering over it as people across all towns and cities went inside their homes, hotels or emergency shelters.

~ Somewhere very far away~

" Oh, what in Lord Arceus's name is happening over there.....Ayron what are you doing?" Questioned an Ancient Crystalline Shiny Steelix as it stood atop its mountain watching a chaotic event unfold before its eyes as massive storm clouds echoed with thunder above its mountain, dozens of Steelix, Onix and countless other Pokemon watching behind it.

~ Back with Ayron~

We were currently extremely close to the Dormant Volcano's cave, I stopped momentarily, the Aura making me feel really uneasy as it was somewhat comparable to Mega Aggron's and continued to grow with each passing second as if though something is slowly waking up from its slumber as we got closer.

Corvisquire looked pale at the amount of power it was feeling, Even the usually strong willed and fierce Aggron was looking somewhat scared as it felt uncomfortable, it wasn't Yveltal this Aura felt different, yet it was still overwhelming.

" Aggron..... I think we should Mega Evolve, just in case this thing is violent...." I said as I rose my arm.

Aggron lost its unnerved attitude as it released a wild grin, Aggron jumped as it created a distance between me, Corvisquire and him as he looked at the Cave and the Aggronite in its wrist began to shine alongside mine as I stepped forward.

" Aggron! MEGA EVOLVE!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, as Aggron roared as it began to undergo Mega Evolution. His power tripling and entering uncharted territory and rivalling the mysterious powerful Aura coming from the cave.

The Light of Mega evolution stunned all the onlooker Pokemon as Aggron unleashed his full might on the world, shaking the entire Pokemon Graveyard, possibly the entire Mountain Range with his roar alone. 

Inviting Awe and Shock from the Pokemon that looked from afar witnessing Aggron's true power.

Even the Absol looked surprised, as it didn't know we had this kind of power.

Aggron's Mega Evolution light show ended as Mega Evolved into Mega Aggron and stood in front of us.

" Aggron!" Yelled Aggron challenging whoever is inside the cave to come out.

Suddenly the atmosphere and thunderclouds above went silent as the Pokemon all Looked absolutely stunned and then adopted a look of absolute fear.

I didn't understand what it meant until it was too late, I felt a bright light above and looked to see a Massive Pillar of Thunder fall down upon me and Corvisquire and everything around us. This attack alone had enough power to rival Mega Shiny Aggron.

Me and Corvisquire couldn't react fast enough and get out of the way, but someone did.

I felt a shadow come in front of us and wrap me and Corvisquire arounds its arms as it took the full brunt of the attack head on!

" AGGRON!!!!!!!!!" I yelled alongside Corvisquire who shrieked in absolute fear for Aggron as we saw Mega Aggron hold us in its arms as the attack reaches us, Mega Aggron focused all its energy on us as it shielded us from the attack.

A massive explosion erupted, creating a massive cloud of destruction as the once Massive Dormant Volcano and surrounding mountains was nearly destroyed in full brunt of the brutal attack. The Pokémon's who had maintained a safe distance looked at the massive explosion with pity and fear in their eyes, not expecting us to survive whatsoever.

As the light from the explosion covered the entire Pokemon Graveyard and could be seen across the Massive Gargantuan Mountain Range the light blinded all Pokemon who stood in the distance silently watching.

Once the dust cleared, I groaned as I felt like a train had hit me. I looked beside me and saw Corvisquire looking hurt and injured as it used Roost, I looked above us and saw a completely charred and wounded Mega Aggron shielding us, looking close to death as he had taken the whole brunt of the attack.

" AGGRON! CRAP, HERE! LET ME GIVE YOU SOME POTIONS!" I quickly used some super potions on Aggron, which ended up healing most of his wounds, but Aggron was completely spent as he collapsed on the floor reverting back into his original form as I gave him the potions.

Corvisquire immediately went to help Aggron as she helped him sit.

Once we were visible, the onlookers looked absolutely shocked as we survived from the colossal attack.

I looked at the now barely intact cave.

" Come out you coward! You dare attack us without any warning?" I said fiercely as I held the Master Ball in my hand prepared to unleash Groudon at any moment.

Suddenly a Massive Roar had come out of the cave as the whole Mountain Range shook.

I went pale as I felt a new more powerful aura fall upon us as it doubled, no tripled... No... it kept going higher and higher.....

" ROOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Roared the extremely powerful being once more.

I felt thunder boom in the sky endlessly as the Atmosphere became increasingly more and more heavily, I was shaking from all the power I felt, as the entire Volcano collapsed making it collapse within Itsel as magma erupted out of the fallen rocks with a gargantuan lightning pillar shooting out and landing in front of us, creating a massive crater around 50 meters in diameter and an explosion as it landed. 

The dust immediately became wind as the being roared revealing its appearance as the world itself seemed to obey its roar as the clouds began circling above us with thunder.

The beings power felt comparable to Groudon's.

" No way.... Is that a?" I gulped as this being's power finally made sense as I saw the appearance of the Pokemon that unleashed the earlier attack that had K.O'd Mega Aggron, a Champion Level Mega Pokemon in one hit.

I brought out the Pokedex as I scanned it.

" Raikou, The Thunder Pokemon. A Pokémon that races across the land while barking a cry that sounds like crashing thunder. Raikou embodies the speed of lightning. The roars of this Pokémon send shock waves shuddering through the air and shake the ground as if lightning bolts had come crashing down. The rain clouds it carries let it fire thunderbolts at will. They say that it descended with lightning. This Pokemon is a Legendary Pokemon of unparalleled Thunder Power. This Pokemon is affected by Yveltal's Aura due to being exposed to high amounts of it for too long." As I gazed at the being in front of me with Absolute shock. I couldn't help but gasp as I heard that it was possessed, I looked at it eyes and noticed that it had the same unintelligent violent and rageful look the other Pokemon affected by Yveltal had.

How the hell did a freaking Legendary Pokemon who is far beyond the limits of ordinary Pokemon give in to Yveltal's dreadful aura? there must me be some sort of story behind it.

" ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!" Roared the Raikou making me cover my ears as the sound was louder than everything I heard, making my ears bleed. I watched as it stepped forward towards me, its roar causing the world itself to go silent as the atmosphere grew heavier, The Storm Clouds above obeying its commands and crackling with thunder and striking all the Mountains around us at same time.

All the nearby Pokemon paled at the sight of Raikou and its unbearable aura, they ended up evacuating, all of them except for Absol who silently watched. Aggron merely grunted as he looked at the Pokemon responsible for its injuries and the sorry state its in, Corvisquire looked at me worried as it looked pale at feeling Raikou's aura which was beyond anything it sensed Aggron looked at Raikou in frustration as he grits his own teeth at his own weakness.

' Raikou really lives up to its name as the Personification and God of Storms and Tempests' I gulped feeling my body tremble at the aura that warned of an unparalleled peril and calamity.

I observed the Raikou to see its stats, it was incredibly very massive in size but surprisingly smaller compared to Groudon and Aggron, I thought with a shiver still affected by its tremendous Aura.


Pokemon Name: Raikou

Species Name: Thunder Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #243

Height: 6.5 m

Gender: N/A

Age: 140 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: UX [ Mythic]

Pokemon Ranking: UX - Mythology Class Pokémon [ 4,112x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Electric Type

Ability: Inner Focus

[ Hidden Ability: Pressure]


Level: 452


Health: 5,839,040/5,839,040

Aura: 6,353,040/6,353,040


HP: 1420

AURA: 1545

ATK: 1435

DEF: 1350

SP. ATK: 1723

Sp. DEF: 1395

SPD: 2050

Total Stat Points: 10,918


Pokemon Status: Uncaught Wild Pokemon and Mind Controlled Pokemon.

Special Traits: Unknown.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Unknown

Current Moves: Unknown

Total Moves: Unknown.

Likes: Unknown,

Dislikes: Unknown.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: This Pokemon is not captured by any trainer.


My eyes widened in absolute fright as I gazed upon this Raikou's stats, he was higher level than Groudon and 140 times older than him. It was a Legendary Pokemon that had lived for over a century.... Which explains why it was way past over the average 300 range level for its species. Just imagine a Raikou that has been around for a thousand years or more...

These stats.... Comparing them to Groudon.... this thing is definitely faster and had more Atk and Sp. Atk than him... But we had an undeniable advantage.....

It was an electric type and Groudon was a Ground type.... 

" ROOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!" The Raikou roared once more forcing me to cover my ears once again as its body crackled with lightning that charred everything it touched as it prepared to attack, it had a mocking expression on its face as if saying ' What are you going to do now? run? Both of your Pokemon cannot beat me'.

" You want to play it that way, huh? Fine you asked for it!" I said as I threw Groudon's Masterball. Awakening the beast hidden within, the Masterball let out a massive red light that dwarfed everything and momentarily turned the dark clouds red as it shone a bright light, unleashing the beast within.

Shiny Groudon materialized as it let out a massive roar shaking the skies and earth itself as it made its appearance to the world as it landed in front of me causing an earthquake, towering over everything including the Raikou who had been momentarily stunned by the appearance of the newcomer, as Shiny Groudon cast a massive shadow on the terrain.

" ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!!!!!" Roared the Shiny Groudon as massive air currents shook the land and clouds, The atmosphere shifted as it was split into two different sides, one side in which radiated a divine calm aura that brought serenity to all living things and the other brought endless thunder and destruction as it permeated the air with the throes of death which was amplified by Yveltal's residual Aura.

All the nearby Pokemon's eyes opened like saucers at the appearance of another powerful Aura rivalling that of Raikou's, causing most of the Pokemon who had left to come back to see what was going on.

As they witnessed the scene before them, they paled as they were bearing witness to was perhaps the greatest confrontation that they will ever have the pleasure of witnessing in their lifespan. Two Legendary Pokemon were about to clash in a battle that was about the shake the very foundations of the Kanto Region.

The Pokemon looked absolutely shocked at Groudon's unexpected appearance as they looked at me in a new light, which was awe and respect for having the power of an esteemed Legendary Pokemon on my side, and even more so as it was a Shiny Pokemon though I doubt colouring means much to Pokemon as it does with humans. The Absol seemed the most shocked one out of them all as it gazed on me with curiosity.

Aggron looked on confidently as he smirked at Groudon's appearance, Convisquire looked at amazement at Groudon's majestic and soothing presence that helped the Pokemon residents of this Graveyard feel a comfortable dominant aura in this region for the first time in centuries.

Groudon the moment he appeared took a look around and noticed all the Deathly Aura that permeated the air as a result of Yveltal's onslaught and the pungent smell of blood, which had stained this land for centuries and saw the sorry state Aggron and Convisquire were in and narrowed his eyes and sighed.

" What a mess, this is what I get called into after not being called or summoned for so long? You guys sure landed yourself in a huge mess." Groudon said as his voice boomed across the land, the air becoming silent before Groudon allowing his voice to be heard to even the nearby Pokemon. as it looked at the massive Aura of the figure in front of him.

" And you, you're the person in the centre of all of this aren't you? Well, I hope you're ready for the smackdown of a lifetime for hurting the two Pokemon and Human who are important to me." Groudon growled as he unleashed his Aura in full brunt force, making the land and earth tremble in fear and anticipation of his words as the God of the Land and Earth had descended.

Raikou growled as his expression tensed seemingly fazed and shaken by Groudon's appearance as if though it knew that this was not going to be easy for it at all.

" Good to see you Groudon, about this guy you're facing you see this Pokemon in front of you is a Legendary Pokemon, just like you and he is currently being controlled by the aura of another Legendary Pokemon." I said informing Groudon of who he was facing.

" I see, sounds like a huge mess alright. I was getting bored sleeping in that Masterball all day. So, this perfect, an Opponent whom I could finally get serious whilst fighting with." Groudon said as it grinned wildly in anticipation as Raikou growled at seeing us converse right in front of its eyes and unleashed the full brunt of its power.

Two gargantuan powers clashed shaking everything as time seemingly stopped for a moment as a result of their clash of Auras.

Groudon's Ground Type Aura seemed to have the upper hand against Raikou's Electric Type Aura as they clashed for dominance.

All Wild Pokemon nearby gazed at awe, fear and reverence at the power of the two titans that shook the whole Mountain Range and possibly extended to the entirety of the Kanto Region.

It was a battle of wills as they both auras continuously collided in the air.

The clash of power ended in a statement as the auras died down a as both Pokemon gazed at each other in the eyes. 

Raikou began by transforming into electricity and attacking Groudon with a Zap Cannon.

A massive explosion emerged as though a thousand nuclear warheads had gone off at the same time causing me to fly back, but I was caught by both Aggron and Corvisquire as they helped me create a shield to defend us as the Lightning hit Groudon head on, its intensity ten times worse than the attack that hit Aggron. 

Even the nearby Pokemon seemed to have been affected by the clash as most of them fell down.

Seconds passed as the dust revealed a completely unfazed Groudon who looked unimpressed,

" Is that all you have? I didn't even feel a thing!" Boasted Groudon looking at Raikou.

Raikou Growled in anger as it continued throwing massive pillars of lightning at Groudon which had no effect, the countless attacks causing endless devastation to the lands around us.

It powered itself with Electric Terrain and used Rising Voltage even threw a massive, condensed ball of storm that possessed the power of a thousand storms! That attack.... it's an Electro Ball!

" You fool, are you so mind controlled that you can't figure out that Lightning doesn't have an effect on me?" Groudon taunted the Raikou who got even angrier before it smirked.

I was glad that Raikou's main weapon, lightning wasn't effective on Groudon I even thanked both Osiris and Arceus!

Raikou Roared changing the weather.... Making it... rain?

I widened my eyes in realization it used Rain dance!

" Groudon use sunny day!" I shouted at Groudon who tried to use Sunny Day as the weather above cleared for the first time in centuries to reveal sunlight to the Pokemon residents of the Pokemon Graveyard who hadn't seen the sun in many years.

All Pokemon gazed at the sun at awe, astonished by the sight of the sun after so many years.

Raikou roared once more as the sky became split between Dark Clouds of Rain on one side and a Sunny Sky on the other. It was something out a fairy tale as they constantly fought for dominance.

Raikou roared as it used..... A Water Move?

I brought out my Pokedex, the moved said that the move's name was Scald....

Shit that Raikou knows a water move!

The water attack seemed to rush towards Groudon.

I used my Aura to telepathically tell Groudon to use Lava Plume to counter the immense powerful water wave. He did as I said, and a massive steam cloud erupted from the collision of water and fire. 

A more seconds passed, and the steam was pushed by a massive Air current as Groudon and Raikou clashed in a close combat fight, Raikou constantly using his superior mobility and speed to his advantage as he hit Groudon from different angles, Groudon however had a superior defence as it stood its ground tanking and using protect against these physical attacks that created massive shockwaves that shook the land and air.

It was a battle between an Unstoppable force and Immovable Object.

Raikou roared as it used Rock Smash against Groudon making it stagger a bit, I told Groudon to use Dragon Claw, however he was too slow however as Raikou dodged it.

' Damn it.... Raikou is too fast; we need a plan....' I kept brainstorming as I watched as Groudon was laughing as he was having fun summoning dozens of Precipice Blades, wherever Raikou went Precipice Blades emerged as Groudon kept spamming the ability, some of them even grazed Raikou's fur making it hiss in pain.

Raikou was too fast, it kept dancing all over the place avoiding the massive onslaught of gigantic Precipice blades which were all Mountain-Sized.

Even after Groudon used Double Team it still lacked in comparison to Raikou's. speed.

" Groudon! use Bulk Up, Protect, Safeguard and Endure at the same time! Keep powering yourself up!" I ordered the Groudon as he momentarily stopped trying to attack Raikou and did as I asked.

It's basically a fight between speed and durability, Raikou couldn't injure Groudon and Groudon couldn't hit Raikou. If Groudon was the same level as Raikou, it would be a totally different story as Groudon was a superior Pokemon by nature.

As Groudon kept powering his defence and strength up eventually even Raikou's brute force and strength had no effect as it roared in anger but calmed down as it used Calm mind to sharpen its attacks and speed.

It stopped moving for a moment but that was enough time for me to act.

I withdrew Aggron back into his Pokeball flew on Corvisquire's back and gave Groudon new commands.

" Groudon! Use Hammer Arms now! and then knock it down with Precipice Blades!" I ordered and Groudon acted fast, slamming down on the Raikou making him let out a howl of pain as he was sent off flying Groudon Roared as he shook the Ground and used Precipice Blades which was super effective injuring the Raikou badly and causing sizeable wounds on its body. The clash of the constant attacks has completely decimated all the Mountains, Skeletons and even the Dormant Volcano completely as the whole world seemingly froze at the power and consistency of these attacks.

As the dust cleared it revealed a Raikou who looked quite injured but still capable of fighting.

I jumped from Corvisquire and landed on Shiny Groudon's shoulder.

Groudon nodded at me as he used his 'Protect' move on me, shielding me and holding me in place as I withdrew Corvisquire back just as I did with Aggron.

Raikou roared in frustration as it attacked Groudon with Scald. 

" Groudon, Use Lava Plume and then Giga Impact coupled with Double Team.!" Groudon used Lava Plume cancelling out the water move once more before using Giga Impact and Double team as he clashed with Raikou who retaliated with a Discharge mixed with Extrasensory, flattening all another chain of giant mountains with the collision.

All the Pokemon had evacuated the Pokemon Graveyard by now as seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into hours and eventually it had become nighttime as both Groudon and Raikou continuously clashed. 

" Groudon, let it come close and hit you. At that moment, I want you to grab him and smack him down on the ground with all your strength and end it with a Rock Tomb." I said as I spoke from his shoulder, wanting to finish this battle why did this Raikou have to be so high levelled and resilient?

Raikou wasn't easy to trick however as he kept dancing around Groudon and retaliating with swift attacks which pushed Groudon enough.

Raikou roared in absolute rage having enough of this battle as it charged and used Extrasensory mixed with Giga Impact on Groudon, still powered up by the rising voltage, rain dance and electric terrain. 

" GRAH!" Groudon let out a shout of surprise at the pain, that definitely hurt. It seems like the Raikou is finally taking this battle a bit more seriously.

" Groudon, use Overheat and Eruption." I said as we should also get more serious too.

Groudon roared as it enveloped the entire land in magma and lava and causing a massive pillar of Magma and Flames to hit Raikou, effectively burning it.

Raikou roared in pain as it glared at Groudon and summoned a massive ocean of water.

" Groudon now!" I ordered as Groudon used Dig and dug underground as the Water clashed with the Ground as the hole entrance was covered the moment Groudon dug deep enough.

Raikou looked around looking for us, it was suddenly hit with a Dragon Pulse breaking a few of its ribs and sending it crashing into a mountain as Groudon and I came out of the Ground.

Raikou seemingly on his last legs stood up as its eyes seemingly shimmered in and out showing hints of sanity once more.

" I have had enough of this; I am actually going to get serious now." Groudon said as his aura increased in power once more as he used a full scaled earthquake move and this time knocking Raikou out completely as the scale of the attack was far more deadly than the previous ones making the entire world shake for a few seconds.

I sighed.

" It's finally over.... That Raikou was quite strong and experienced." I said as I couldn't believe how strong that Raikou was.

I looked and saw total destruction around us, and all the mountains have been levelled including the giant dormant volcano, the land was scarred and overflowing with magma and death as the dark sky echoed with thunder.

" Hey Groudon, could you somehow fix this landscape?" I asked as Shiny Groudon snorted.

" Easily." Groudon said as he used his powers as a God of the Land and Earth and the entire Pokemon Graveyard, and the surrounding mountains that had been restored. Leaving me at awe at Shiny Groudon's powers, thankfully the destruction didn't go too far beyond this massive Pokemon Graveyard and reach the Steelix Mountain.

I walked towards the Raikou who was knocked out, it managed to push Groudon to actually getting serious for once. It was a really strong Pokemon, but it won't be long before Shiny Groudon becomes higher levelled than you, the biggest problem was not his attacks or strength but rather its speed considering it can literally move as fast as lightning which equates to light speed and could reach even higher speeds by powering itself up.

Legendary Pokémon's were really a pain to deal with, especially ones that are far more experienced due to their age.

This one had the advantage in Speed, Aura [ Which didn't mean much considering the massive Typing disadvantage it had and the fact that its biggest weapon was Lightning.] and Experience.

Meanwhile we have the advantage in Défense, Health and Stamina. 

This Legendary Pokemon was literally a rank higher in both Potential and Pokemon Ranking than what I was supposed to be. 

This tells me that Legendary Pokemon can advance through higher ranks and potentials with no difficulty by simply getting older and no training.

How broken.

I wonder how powerful these Groudons from mythology spoken of thousands of years ago? They must be atleast Level 700 to 900 or even over a thousand by now.....

Arceus was stated to create the Universe, what was his level? The Pokemon world is far more dangerous with all these monsters roaming about.

How high was the Yveltal's level? I sighed at these unanswered questions.

" Since you gave us so much pain its only fair, I catch you..." I said as I chuckled bringing my Ultra Ball out. Having this powerful Raikou on my team would be quite a fine addition.

Using him or Groudon in leagues would be totally unfair though, I have to admit. Can't a guy dream though?

" I - I a-accept...this f-fate...." Raikou said with a weak voice as he worn out from the battle.

" So, you can speak after all? I guess your finally free from the mind control?" I asked surprised, realizing that this voice was what I had heard before asking me for help.

" I-Indeed, I-its a very long s-story I am a-afraid." Raikou said with a weak chuckle.

I gave the Raikou some potions in order to heal it to full health.

" I will hear it later." I said as I threw an Ultra ball at Raikou, the Raikou went inside.

The Ultra Ball shook, once.... twice..... and caught....

I have a freaking Raikou on my team! Another Legendary how cool is that?


Your Character Status Trainer Level has increased!


Your Affinity with Electric Types has greatly increased!


I was interrupted by the screen.

You have successfully finished the hidden mission [ A Legendary Capture!]

Description: This mission requires the user to catch a Legendary Pokemon with their own skills through a Pokemon battle! The rewards of this mission depend on the Legendary Pokemon, the method of capture and how long and how many tries it took to catch. 

Objective: Catch a Sub - Legendary Level Pokemon : 1/1

Bonus Objective: Catch a Hyper - Legendary Level Pokemon : 1/1

Extra Bonus Objective: Catch a Shiny Legendary Pokemon: 0/1


Rewarding user appropriately...



3x Master Ball

[ Item Rarity: EX - Legendary]

Description: This Poke Ball can catch any ordinary Pokémon with ease, it has the highest success rate of catching Pokémon, but it can be easily deflected if the Pokémon on the receiving end is a powerful Legendary / Mythical and unwilling.

- 100 % catch rate



100x Rare Candies

[ Item Rarity: SS - Heroic]

Description: Extremely Rare Candies that can grant one level each! They can grant levels no matter how high your level is, use them wisely!

- You currently have a total of 200x Rare Candies.



1x Random Mythical / Legendary Pokemon Summoner.

[ Item Rarity: Z - Divine]

Descriptions: Summons a random member among of the two groups: Legendary, Mythical Pokemon in front of you. May cause confusion to Pokemon who is summoned.


- Automatically set: Pokemon to maximum difficulty for capturing no matter how strong you or your Pokemon become.

- Pokemon may appear hostile depending on what kind of Pokemon they are and their morales.

- The Pokemon is guaranteed to be above level 500.

- Possibly explain to the pokemon how it appeared in front of you out of thin air.


All reward Items have been added to your inventory!


That last reward sounds like real trouble, summoning a random Mythical or Legendary. It also freaking summons them at levels above 500? Are you kidding me? 

I am avoiding this one like a Plague until my Groudon and Raikou both hit level 500.

But at the rate I am currently going I feel like I am going to have a full team of Legendary Pokemon.

I mean its not like I am against it or anything, there are many trainers in the anime who have Legendary Pokemon up their sleeve, like Tobias that dude has a full team of Legendaries and Mythical's.

There was that trainer with the three Regis from the Regigigas movie and that anime arc. Another trainer with Articuno and another with a Silvally / Type: Null.

Point is, many trainers out there hiding have Legendaries up their sleeves, I was simply one of them now.

But now I had two Legendaries.

I thought as I walked back up to Groudon who unlike Raikou was mostly uninjured from the battle except for a few minor scratches.

" Thanks for the help, buddy, you can go back inside your Pokeball now." I said withdrawing Groudon as he snorted.

" I am just happy I finally found something that doesn't go down in one hit as easily as the others do." Groudon chuckled as he went back inside the Pokeball.

I chuckled at Groudon's statement.

After he was sucked in, I put him in my belt and watched as I gripped the Raikou's Pokeball in my hands.....

Before jumping high in air and cheering! I fucking have two Legendaries now!

I saw a notification of Groudon's new stats and saw that he had levelled up from taking Raikou down.

I allotted the points and nodded to myself after reading his stats.


Pokemon Name: Groudon

Species Name: The Continent Pokemon.

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #383

Height: 162 meters

Gender: N/A

Age: 1 year old.

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: UX [ Mythic]

Pokemon Ranking: UX - Mythology Class Pokémon [ 4,112x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Ground Type

Ability: Drought


Level: 404

Exp: [ 7%, 93% till next level.]


Health: 6,209,120/6,209,120

Aura: 5,789,696/5,789,696


HP: 1510

AURA: 1408

ATK: 1314

DEF: 1505

SP. ATK: 1301

Sp. DEF: 1500

SPD: 1200

Total Stat Points: 9738

[ Important Note: Ordinary Pokemon have an average of 35 Total Stat Points at level 1, Regional Starter Pokemon have an Average of 42, Pseudo Legendries have an average of 48. Ultra Beast Pokemon have an average of 56, Mythical Pokemon have an Average of 62, Legendary Pokemon on the other hand have an average of 70 at level 1. A level up also grants 2 points on top of each of its inherent stat on top of granting 10 AUSP per level.]

Available Usable Status Points [ AUSP]: 0

[ RE- Note: 10 AUSP per level up.]


Pokemon Status: Caught Pokemon.

Special Traits: Shiny ★, Fast Learner and Above Average Size.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: Primal Groudon Tooth.

Current Moves: Ancient Power [ Egg Move], Lava Plumes [ Egg Move], Precipice Blades [ Egg Move], Scary Face, Take Down, Sandstorm, Mud Shot, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Hammer Arms, Earth Power, Rock Tomb, Fissure, Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Rest, Protect, Fire Blast, Solar Beam, Eruption, Roar, Sunny Day, Hyper Beam, Iron tail, Thunder, Dig, Safeguard, Thunderbolt, Double Team, Brick Break, Shockwave, Flamethrower, Rest, Overheat, Focus Blast, Endure, Giga Impact, Dragon Pulse and Shadow Claw.

Total Moves: 41.

Likes: Friends & Comrades, Napping, Eating Valuable Metals, Stones & Gems, Heat and Swimming in Hot Magma.

Dislikes: The Cold, Snow, The disruption of its nap and Water.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: [ 100/100]


That's awesome, we finally hit the Level 400 mark with Groudon. I can easily go ahead and use rare candies and make him Level 500 right now.... But I should save them up for higher levels. As far as I am aware of, there is no level cap in this world. Means that theoretically you can keep going higher and higher.

I should Observe that Raikou now that I have caught him, I looked at his Pokeball and used 'Observe'.


Pokemon Name: Raikou

Species Name: Thunder Pokemon

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #243

Height: 6.5 m

Gender: N/A

Age: 140 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: UX [ Mythic]

Pokemon Ranking: UX - Mythology Class Pokémon [ 4,112x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Electric Type

Ability: Inner Focus

[ Hidden Ability: Pressure]


Level: 452

Exp: [ 42%, 58% till next level.]


Health: 5,839,040/5,839,040

Aura: 6,353,040/6,353,040


HP: 1420

AURA: 1545

ATK: 1435

DEF: 1350

SP. ATK: 1723

Sp. DEF: 1395

SPD: 2050

Total Stat Points: 10,918

[ Important Note: Ordinary Pokemon have an average of 35 Total Stat Points at level 1, Regional Starter Pokemon have an Average of 42, Pseudo Legendries have an average of 48. Ultra Beast Pokemon have an average of 56, Mythical Pokemon have an Average of 62, Legendary Pokemon on the other hand have an average of 70 at level 1. A level up also grants 2 points on top of each of its inherent stat on top of granting 10 AUSP per level.]

Available Usable Status Points [ AUSP]: 0

[ RE- Note: 10 AUSP per level up.]


Pokemon Status: Caught Pokemon.

Special Traits: Monstrous Constitution, Fast Learner and Berserker.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: None.

Current Moves: Rising Voltage [ Egg Move], Shadow Ball [ Egg Move], Scald [ Egg Move], Agility, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Zap Cannon, Weather Ball, Discharge, Charge, Body Slam, Extreme Speed. Leer, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Spark, Bite, Roar, Thunder Fang, Howl, Crunch, Calm Mind, Extrasensory, Rain Dance, Reflect, Electro Ball, Sunny Day, Fire Fang, Hyper Beam, Light Screen, Protect, Iron Tail, Iron Head, Double Team, Charge Beam, Giga Impact, Volt Tackle, Volt Switch, Rest, Psych Up, Endure, Electric Terrain, Eerie Impulse, Aura Sphere and Rock Smash.

Total Moves: 45.

Likes: Storms, Rain, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Thunder, Clouds, Powerful Opponents and Food.

Dislikes: A certain 'Yveltal', Mind Control and Corrupted Aura.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: [ 20/100]


I was extremely surprised by all the moves this Raikou knew it sure had a wide range of abilities. Raikou will definitely prove to be a valuable Pokemon on my team.

With Aggron and Mega Evolution I already had an undeniable powerhouse on my team that will rank me very high in this world's Pokemon Trainer rankings but with both Raikou and Groudon? I think I enter the big leagues were the true monsters lay, trainer with the power of Legendary Pokemon I am one of them now....

Both Groudon and Raikou completely thrashed a Champion - Ranked Pokemon using its Mega Evolution like its nothing... That already speaks volumes about their strength.

I chuckled, not noticing a new Pokemon arriving in front of me.

I suddenly heard a howl and looked to see..... Absol? What does it want?

" Absol?" I asked confused as the Disaster Pokemon came in front of me and sat, meeting me closer to eye level.

I saw the Absol Point at my belt.

" What?" I asked confused.

" I wish to join you as your Pokemon, Powerful Trainer." The Absol said, catching my attention.

" HUH?" I questioned shocked as I was NOT expecting that. 

In response Absol pointed at the belt carrying all my Pokeballs.

I sighed.

" Are you sure?" I asked for conformation.

" I am more than sure, joining a powerful trainer who defeated and captured Raikou, the God who had ravaged these lands for over a century after the cataclysmic event that occurred over two centuries ago at the hands of Yveltal. These lands have never seen peace in a very long time. You the one who freed and saved these lands with the help of the Esteemed Mighty Deity Groudon, are more than worthy of my aid and power." said the Absol as I sighed and took out another Ultra Ball.

" Okay, then. My name is Ayron Stellarknight welcome to the team." I said as I went towards the Absol and touched it with the Ultra Ball, effectively catching the Disaster Pokemon.

The Pokedex rung out a new notification, revealing my two newest captures and the system also had notifications of its own.


Your Character Status Trainer Level has increased!


Your Affinity with Dark Types has increased!


That makes it five Pokemon now...

Shiny Groudon, Shiny Aggron, Corvisquire, Raikou and now Absol.

I already have five freaking Pokemon on my team, what's more impressive is the fact I got two of them in a single day.

Raikou and Groudon is something I can't freely use though, should I try to put on a disguise? I really don't want all the attention.

Questions for later.

I am really close to having a full team now, and they had interesting typing's so far.

1 Ground Type, 1 Electric Type, 1 Flying Type, 1 Dark Type and 1 Dual Steel - Rock Type.

Who should I get for the last one? A dragon type sounds nice... Or maybe a Fire Type? You know what..... I will let fate decide. For now, I need to sort through my stats at the moment.

I want to see how much my Affinities improved.

Pokémon Affinities:

You have the following Affinities:

Normal: B [ Rare]

Fire: EX [ Legendary]

Water: C [ Uncommon]

Electric: A [ Very Rare]

Grass: C [ Uncommon]

Ice: AAA [ Epic]

Fighting: C [ Uncommon]

Poison: AAA [ Epic]

Ground: Z [ Divine]

Flying: AA [ Super Rare]

Psychic: D [ Common]

Bug: D [ Common]

Rock: SS [ Heroic]

Ghost: D [ Common]

Dragon: C [ Uncommon]

Dark: C [ Uncommon]

Steel: SSS [ Heavenly]

Fairy: D [ Common]


Dark went from D to C after catching Absol, a Level 171 Dark Type Pokemon.

Electric had a much bigger jump though, from D to A in one go... Not bad. I guess catching a Legendary Pokemon helps affinities increase dramatically.

I am satisfied with the changes on this.

Now let's move to Character Status, new levels and points that need to be allotted....

Okay, I think I am done adding points.

Character Status:

Name: Ayron Stellarknight

Age: 17

Birthday: 1st January

Gender: Male

Title: Are you a cheat?

Level: 112 [ 50 % EXP, 50% Til next level.]

Trainer Rank: [ F - Civilian]


HP: 2,100/2,100

SP: 2,240/2,240

AURA: 1000/1000

PSY: 850/850


STR: 100

DUR: 108

END: 112

VIT: 105

SPD: 125

DEX: 121

INT: 150

WIS: 145

CHA: 85

LUK: 82


Total Status Points: [ Original Stats: 113] 1233


HP = VIT X 20 SP = END X 20



Current Available Status Points: 0

Current Pokémon Party: Groudon, Aggron, Corvisquire, Raikou and Absol.

Pokémon Caught Count: 5

Pokémon Affinities: 18.... (Highest Ranking Affinity: Ground: Z [ Divine])

Poke Dollars: 25,215,512


16 levels..... Not bad, today was a huge day. It's amazing how much I gained.

So much progress..... Oh God!

.....I just realized, its been a while since I have last checked Skills.

You have 16 skills:

Observe [ Lv. 69/100]


Cooking [ Lv. 92/100]


Exercising [ Lv. 75/100] 


Language Translation [ Lv. 44/100]


Meditation [ Lv. 88/100]


Aura Sense [ Lv. 58/100]


Aura Manifestation [ Lv. 40/100]


Aura Control [ Lv. 41/100]


Hiking [ Lv. 99/100]


Cold Resistance [ Lv. 80/100]


Aura Manipulation [ Lv. 24/100]


Tracking [ Lv. 50/100]


Heat Resistance [ Lv. 56/100]


Aura Enhancement [ Lv. 32/100]


Telepathy [ Lv. 22/100]


Aura - Flight [ 17/100]


Psychic Manipulation [ Lv. 5/100]


Nothing much levelled up it seems, at least from my point of view.

I have been working on Flying and Enhancing my body with Aura a lot recently, its been going really slow but progress is still progress I suppose.

I am very exhausted; this was a very rough day. I literally almost got killed by a freaking massive lightning attack.

Speaking of Lightning I should probably bring him out later to ask some important questions, for example:

'Who or what pissed off that Yveltal so much that it turned this whole place into a radioactive zone filled with the dreadful aura of death.'

It's as if Yveltal cursed this disastrous land.

Speaking of curses and disasters, I haven't seen the Absol's stats yet.


Pokemon Name: Absol 

Species Name: Disaster Pokemon.

Nickname: N/A

Pokedex Entry: #359

Height: 3.6 m

Gender: Female

Age: 12 years old

Growth Stage: Full Grown Adult

Pokemon Potential: SS [ Heroic]

Pokemon Ranking: S - King Class Pokémon [ 256x]

Pokemon Inborne Affinity: Dark Type

Ability: Super Luck

[ Hidden Ability: Justified]


Level: 171

Exp: [ 19%, 81% till next level.]


Health: 148,224/148,224

Aura: 153,600/153,600


HP: 579

AURA: 600

ATK: 570

DEF: 553

SP. ATK: 630

Sp. DEF: 547

SPD: 700

Total Stat Points: 4179

[ Important Note: Ordinary Pokemon have an average of 35 Total Stat Points at level 1, Regional Starter Pokemon have an Average of 42, Pseudo Legendries have an average of 48. Ultra Beast Pokemon have an average of 56, Mythical Pokemon have an Average of 62, Legendary Pokemon on the other hand have an average of 70 at level 1. A level up also grants 2 points on top of each of its inherent stat on top of granting 10 AUSP per level.]

Available Usable Status Points [ AUSP]: 0

[ RE- Note: 10 AUSP per level up.]


Pokemon Status: Caught Pokemon.

Special Traits: Fast Learner and Tactical Genius.

Held-On Items [ Can hold up to 3 Items]: None.

Current Moves: Magic Coat [ Egg Move], Zen Headbutt [ Egg Move], Hex [ Egg Move], Leer, Quick Attack, Double Team, Knock Off, Detect, Taunt, Slash, Night Slash, Focus Energy, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance, Future Sight, Perish Song, Assurance, Baton Pass, Bite, Curse, Double-Edge, Feint, Mean Look, Megahorn, Play Rough, Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam and Blizzard.

Total Moves: 29.

Likes: Comradery, Order, Balance, Honesty and Duty.

Dislikes: Natural Disasters, Manipulativeness, Evil and Chaos.

Pokemon & Trainer Bond: [ 33/100]


Looks good on the moves and stats department and it also has a really decent Potential. 

Overall, its not a bad catch to have, a Level 171 Dark Type Pokemon with SS - Rank Potential is not bad at all. It's very close to being a Champion - Ranked Pokemon yet so far.

I reached for one of the Pokeballs on my belt and held it on my hand.

" No time better than the present I suppose." I threw the Ultra Pokeball unleashing the Pokemon inside of it, revealing Raikou who roared as he appeared, seemingly healed and back to full health as the clouds swirled on top of us in the dark sky and boomed with lightning, Raikou's roar creating powerful air currents.

He looked like a massive tiger that dwarfed even dinosaurs.

" It's nice to finally meet you in person Raikou, you know free of that mind-controlled state you were in." I greeted the Raikou who chuckled.

" It is nice to meet you as well, young human. I must thank you for listening to my pleas of help and rescuing me of that accursed fate." Raikou replied with thundering laughter that boomed across the terrain.

" No problem, as for why I brought you out I was hoping to ask you a few questions." I told the Raikou, going straight to the point.

" It's a very long story." Raikou replied with a sigh.

" Okay, I am listening." I said as I sat down on the ground.

" You see, it all started when an evil human Organization tried to capture a Yveltal and use it to manufacture weapons imbued with its dreadful death aura to conquer to the world, the plan the humans used backfired greatly and instead brought upon this region the wrath of Yveltal, do you know that there used to be a human city in this Pokemon Graveyard ? but it all vanished instantly as Yveltal turned this land into a land of death and terror, cursing upon this land for all of eternity." Raikou explained with a stern expression.

Why am I not surprised its the fault of humans? Humans always have a tendency to fuck up.

" During my younger years I had tales of this land from my peers and came across this land back when I was a mere Juvenile, I was merely a few months old at the time. I had come across this land foolishly and had been tainted by Yveltal's dreadful energy for most of my life. I had been stuck in this land for a century and a couple of decades." The Raikou continued,

" Back then, the energy here used to be so potent that the only Pokemon capable of resisting it were Pokemon who were on par with Yveltal itself. At the time I was extremely weaker than I currently am, so I had been easily tainted by the Yveltal's residue Aura. As a result, I had been causing endless terror and havoc upon this land, despite me being mind controlled I had the misfortune of watching all my terrible deeds." ended the Raikou with a Gloomy expression.

Hold on..... You're telling me this Raikou had been under Yveltal's control for roughly 139 years and a half.... That's absolutely wild.... Most of its life was spent being possessed and influenced by the mind controlling aura.

That made me both sad and happy, happy at knowing I saved a Legendary Pokemon for what could have been an eternity of being influenced by Yveltal's Dreadful Aura.

" That sound's really bad, I am sorry you had to go through all that." I said feeling sympathetic for the Raikou.

" Don't worry about me, young human. I have long accepted my fate, until you came along. I must thank you again for helping me out of that situation." Raikou said as it lost its Gloomy expression and it replaced with a joyous one as it laughed.

" Yeah, by the way sorry about capturing you when you were weakened, I would understand if you left. You deserve freedom after all." I said, feeling really sympathetic and sorry for the Raikou.

Spending most of your life unable to control your body or mind is beyond terrible, I don't want to force this Raikou to join me after all its been through.

Raikou adopted a surprised expression before adopting a thoughtful look.

" Tell me something human, what is your name?" Raikou asked.

" Ayron, Ayron Stellarknight, who do you ask?" I asked the Raikou who grinned.

" Ayron Stellarknight, huh? tell me Ayron. How did you manage to convince a Groudon to join you? I was really shocked at seeing you bring out a Pokemon such as him, Groudon's are usually known for their explosive attitude, Groudon's are one of the most powerful among us deity Pokemon, though admittedly that Groudon was quite young which is extremely rare to see. What shocked me most was the fact that it had been a Shiny Variation Pokemon which should have been impossible, how did you do it?" The Raikou suddenly asked.

" Ah, he is my Starter Pokemon, I had him since he was an egg." I said rubbing my neck nervously.

Raikou's eyes widened before he boomed in laughter.

" I have no idea how you managed to pull that off, Groudon's are extremely protective of their eggs, and are prideful creatures that do not take kindly to offenses such as stealing and being not shown the respect they are due. Even Legendary Pokemon such as I, know better than to invoke the wrath of an Upper Class Legendary Pokemon such as them." Raikou said with a shiver as if recalling memories of ages long past.

" Then again I couldn't help but notice that you do indeed have somewhat of an unbelievably monstrous affinity with Ground Type Pokemon, its not an exaggeration to say that your affinity with Ground Type Pokemon is so miraculously high it is out of this world, no wonder you have the favour of Groudon." Raikou said as he shook his head.

I sweat dropped at his statement, if only he knew.

" I have another question, what do you plan on doing from now on?" Raikou sent another question my way.

" I plan on going to Viridian city and register as a Pokemon Trainer." I told the Raikou.

" I see, a Pokemon Trainer so you are one of them. Doesn't that mean you will travel a lot and see all kinds of places? alongside participating in tons of Pokemon battling? " Raikou asked as he grew more excited.

" Yes, I am actually planning on visiting all known regions, and there is undoubtedly going to be a couple of powerful Pokemon to face, we might even run into a Yveltal." I told the Raikou.

" I see, I have decided that I will join you on your adventures as part of your team. Just like that Shiny Groudon had done, I am intrigued by the prospect of a journey to new lands I hadn't seen before." Raikou said with a smile.

I widened my eyes in surprise before smile back.

" You will not regret it, partner." I said as I made a fist bump motion.

" Hm? I suppose we are indeed partners from now on. I look forward towards working with you and fighting alongside you Ayron." Raikou said with a grin as it returned my first bump with its massive Paw that was vastly larger than my arm.

We spent the next several hours talking to each other and getting to know each other and getting more acquainted, I eventually brought Groudon, Absol, Aggron and Corvisquire out.

Aggron seemed on Guard, Corvisquire was scared and Absol seemed to have a neutral expression at the presence of Raikou.

Raikou eventually apologized to them for all the trouble it had caused involuntarily and Aggron decided to be chivalrous and accept the apology, Corvisquire reluctantly did the same as Aggron seeing as he accepted the apology. Absol however, maintained her distance from everyone and stood quietly in the corner as Groudon was the one who got along with Raikou the most.

This was undoubtedly going to be a fun second chance at life.

Thank you for this opportunity, Osiris.


Chapter Ten - Ends

Author Note: What did you all think of this chapter? The majority picked the Legendary Pokemon Option. Which was a chapter that gave the MC two Pokemon.

If the majority didn't pick the Legendary Pokemon Option, he would have gotten One Pokemon, which is neither Absol nor Raikou.