
Echoes of the Unseen Hearts

"Echoes of the Two Unseen Hearts" In the parallel narratives of 'Echoes of the Two Unseen Hearts,' two intertwining tales of love, betrayal, relationship and mysticism, unfold. In the bustling city, Maha, a young woman who has left her past behind, finds herself adrift in a sea of strangers. However, fate intervenes when she crosses paths with Aban, a kindred spirit with his own secrets. As their bond deepens, they embark on a journey of self-discovery, guided by the mystical teachings of Sufism, leading them to uncover the true meaning of love. On the other side of fate, Palwasha's world is shattered when Osman, her beloved, inexplicably abandons her. Palwasha, a sincere and devoted soul, grapples with the pain of betrayal and heartache, all while holding onto the hope of reunion. As the chapters alternate between Maha and Aban's evolving relationship and Palwasha's pursuit of answers from her enigmatic past with Osman, the novel explores profound themes of Sufism and mysticism. It delves into the depths of human connection, the consequences of betrayal, and the enduring search for soulmates whose destinies are forever entwined. The narrative culminates in a heart-wrenching climax when Maha becomes the target of her vengeful ex-husband's violence, and Aban and Palwasha, two kindred spirits forged through pain and love, find solace in each other's arms. 'Echoes of the Two Unseen Hearts' is a poignant exploration of the human heart's capacity for both darkness and light, and a testament to the enduring power of true love.

Warda_Farid_2059 · Urbano
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29 Chs

Chapter 11

The girl who never paid attention to boys and didn't trust them at all. But amazingly, many good-looking and great guys were drawn to her. The whole village admired her beautiful eyes, and the entire university was eager to hear her magical voice. Some people would follow her all day long, while others would travel from far away just to catch a glimpse of her. This girl, who never showed any interest in good boys before, is now completely infatuated with a guy who is so mysterious that nobody even knows who he is. She doesn't really know him or what he's like, but she's become obsessed with him in a way that's never been seen before.

Talking about this Sara said, Esho looked at Palwasha "Isn't it strange?"

"Okay, Sara, enough now. It's not like that. I've actually started falling in love with him. You guys used to say, Palwasha, why don't you have any feelings? Why don't you like anyone? Why is you still single? And now that someone has come into my life, you all have a problem. What exactly do you want? Will you let me live in peace or not? Instead of supporting me, you're scaring me, demotivating me. What kind of friends are you?" Palwasha said with a pout.

"Alright, sorry, we didn't mean it that way. We don't mean to hurt you. But you know, we care about you, which is why we said that. But come on, if you're happy, then what can we say? We're with you everywhere. Let's celebrate our tomboy-like friend falling in love! Ohooooo, come on, let's party and rejoice in this happiness."

Merely two days have slipped by, and there is no sign of Osman. Not a single message from him has graced my phone's screen. How could this be? He, who would send me messages every day, has vanished without a trace. All of a sudden, he's gone, leaving me to ponder where he might have disappeared to. Could he be engrossed in some project or venture? However, he had promised to keep me in the loop, and he was supposed to return to Pakistan. Yet, his phone seems utterly unreachable. What in the world is happening?

Amidst all this uncertainty, I find myself wrestling with perplexing emotions. Once, I was impervious to the allure of romantic entanglements. Yet now, having fallen in love, I am beset by fears. Why does he repeatedly instill the fear in me that he might depart, as if he will vanish into the ether? Do my thoughts betray the apprehension that he may have left or will leave? I barely even know him, and the prospect of finding him seems like an insurmountable task. I possess neither his address nor a photograph; all I have is his name, a name that belongs to countless others. As I contemplate these matters, suddenly comes to mind, recalling that I also has an assignment to complete.

Suddenly, her mind became an echo chamber for Sara's words. She found herself ensnared in the affection for a person she had never laid eyes upon, someone she didn't know at all – their origin, their identity were shrouded in mystery. How had this come to be? If indeed this person had departed from her life, leaving her behind, she feared she would never manage to reach them. These thoughts began to perturb her tranquility.

Yet, seeking solace within herself, she whispered reassurances, "No, this cannot be. Osman is a good soul; he wouldn't deceive me. He confessed that he had carried a crush on me since our childhood days. He eagerly awaited the moment when he could finally make his way to me. In his words, in his inflection, I sensed love. He wouldn't play with my emotions. He truly loves me."

Reflecting on the past, she recalled those initial days when she had blocked him, when her demeanor had been curt. If he had harbored intentions of abandoning her, he would have done so then. But he hadn't. This in itself spoke volumes of his sincere intentions. Yet, this time, she felt compelled to request a glimpse of him – a photograph – a piece of the puzzle she longed to complete. She yearned to see the face behind the emotions she had fallen for, to visualize how he might appear when speaking so softly, with a voice that held such beauty. How could she envision his demeanor? These contemplations swirled within her, ultimately finding their focus in her thoughts about his eyes.

Her heart whispered that she needed to see him, even if it were only once, to truly solidify the bond that had formed. A sentiment resonated, "For love's fullness, a glimpse of the beloved is an essential need."

Palwasha, are you not going home this weekend?One of her romate Horia asked.

Why not Horia I am going.

Well, you didn't pack your bag, so I thought You might not go.

Oh, I see Horia . I had prepared my bag already. My bag is all set. I packed it last night. And you know, the packing style of us poor hostel residents when we go home from the hostel – dirty clothes, empty boxes we bring from home, and that not-so-clean bedsheet. Hahaha, you're so right, Horia.

Absolutely Palwsha! Our life as hostel students is quite something, isn't it?

You're right, in a way, it's good. From a studying perspective, hostel life makes it easier because friends are around, and there's a studious environment. Unlike at home, where you might get bored studying alone, discussing with friends here covers a lot of ground.

Absolutely, it's true Palwasha. Each thing has its own pros and cons. Hostel life is no different; it has its ups and downs.