

"Princess Theodora’s sheltered existence is shattered when she encounters Tristan, a man whose enigmatic presence ignites an undeniable attraction within her. Little does she know, Tristan harbors a secret that threatens to unravel their burgeoning love—he is the offspring of a formidable demon lord, sent to the human realm to orchestrate its downfall. As their relationship blossoms, Tristan is torn between his allegiance to his kin and his growing affection for Theodora. Tristan's choices will determine the fate of both worlds. Will he forsake his demonic heritage for the chance at love with Theodora, or will he succumb to his destiny and betray her? And even if they defy the odds, can their love endure the relentless onslaught of enemies determined to see them torn apart? Embark on a journey of passion and peril in this sweeping saga of love and betrayal, where the boundaries between light and darkness blur, and the fate of kingdoms hangs in the balance."

Bekky85Ray · História
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


Tristan wandered through the dense forest, his thoughts swirling like a whirlpool. Lost in his musings, he almost missed the woman on the forest path.

She seemed lost and alone. Drawn to her, Tristan approached.

The woman jumped her eyes wide with fear. But then, something shifted.

''Are you hurt?'' Tristan asked, noticing the way she cradled her arm.

The woman hesitated then gave a slight nod. ''please help me ''

Tristan hesitated, he had never been a helping type but something in her eye drew him in. ''come with me he said, gesturing towards the deeper forest.

The woman nodded, relief washing over her face.

Tristan led Aura deeper into the forest towards a small hidden cave. ''Sit down, he said gesturing towards a large, flat rock.

As she settled, Tristan saw the full extent of her injuries. Her arm was bruised and bleeding, and her face was smeared with dirt and grime.

''who did this to you?''

''Highwaymen, she replied weakly they took everything I had''.

''What your name?'' looking at her bruise


Tristan regarded Aura for a moment, taking in her disheveled appearance. She was young, maybe even younger than him, and the fear in her eyes cut him deep.

''Where were you headed?

''I am supposed to be meeting my sister in the next town over, she said as tears welling up.

Tristan felt something well up inside him, something he couldn't quite name. but something about Aura's predicament struck a chord

''I go with you'', he said surprising himself with the offer.

Aura's eye widened in disbelief ''Really?'' her voice whisper.

Tristan shrugged

''I can't believe it, why? Why would you do this for me?''

Tristan considered his answer for a moment, struggling to find the right words. ''I don't know how''.

Aura's gave a small smile.

Tristan helped Aura to her feet, and together, they made their way through the forest, towards the next town.

Aura was quite for a long time, lost in her own thoughts. Finally, she broke the silence ''I'm am glad I met you '' she said her voice tinged with emotion.

Tristan said nothing, but inside, something shifted.

As they continued their journey, Aura and Tristan encountered other travelers on the road.

 'You should be careful; highwaymen have been seen in these parts'' one old man warned.

Tristan's grip on his sword tightened, he was still a warrior.

Just as the sun was beginning to set, Tristan and Aura heard the sound of hoof beats behind them. Spinning around, Tristan unsheathed his sword, prepared to defend Aura.

Soon they were both surrounded by a group of men on horseback, their faces masked.

''Give us the girl,'' the leader barked ''and we won't kill you''.

Tristan's eyes narrowed his grip on the sword tightening. ''if you want her, he snarled, you have to go through me first''.

Aura watched in horror as the leader dismounted his horse, drawing his own sword.

The crackled with tension. ''You think you can take us all?'' the leader spat.

The leader lunged forward sword raised. Tristan parried, their blades clashing with a deafening ring. The men on horseback closed in, but Tristan was relentless, his movements swift and deadly.

Aura scrambled away, searching for somewhere to hide. The battle raged on, the forest seeming to tremble with each blow.

Tristan ducked and rolled, avoiding a deadly strike from the leader.

He leapt to his feet, slashing with his sword.

 Another man fell from the horse, his scream echoing through the forest. ''You pay for that. The leader snarled. Tristan locked eyes with him. ''You want me to pay? He taunted. ''Then come and collect it, the leader roared, lunging forward.

Tristan sidestepped the leader's attack spinning around to slice through the leader's arm. The leader howled in agony, his sword clattering to the ground.

Run! Tristan shouted to Aura.

She hesitated her eyes wide with fear.

''Go now! he roared.

Aura turned and fled, leaving him alone with the remaining highwaymen.

Tristan let out a guttural roar, launching himself into the fray. He was a force of nature, his sword a whirlwind of death. The remaining highwaymen, blood spilled onto the forest floor. Tristan stumbled his energy warning.

Aura dashed through the forest, the sound of hoof beats fading behind her. Her heart was pounding, her breath ragged she couldn't believe what she just witnessed the man she just met had saved her life, fighting off an entire gang of highwaymen.

Tristan slashed and parried keeping the remaining highwaymen at bay. He knew he couldn't keep this up for much longer, he needed to escape. Spying a gap in their ranks, he feinted left then dashed to the right.

The highwaymen cried out, giving chase. He sprinted deeper into the forest putting distance between himself and the enemy.

Tristan emerged from the trees gasping for breath, he scanned the forest, searching for any signs of Azura. Suddenly, he spotted her, hidden behind a bush.


She jumped she was surprise, you made it!''

Tristan nodded. '' Now we run, he said grabbing her hand and pulling her into the forest.

They reached the river and splashed into the icy water they waded across the current pulling at their legs. On the other side, they spotted a small cabin nestled in the trees. ''That my sister house! She gasped. They stumbled up the riverbank, their clothes soaked and their hearts pounding.

They burst through the cabin door, slamming it shut behind them.

Aura! A young lady in a long skirt and apron hurried over to them. ''My goodness, sister what happened to you?'' it's a long story sister but I wouldn't have made it without him she gestured towards Tristan.

They both collapsed into the chairs by the fire, their clothes steaming as the warmth dried them.

Her sister Marissa, bustled about the room, fetching blankets and hot tea.

Tristan sipped his tea, thanks he said.

Tristan couldn't help but notice the hustle and bustle around them. The cabin was cozy, it beams heavy with dried herbs and rushes for warmth. But it was also teeming with life. Travelers bustled in and out, their faces alight with laughter and conversation. Music drifted from the back room, where group of musicians were preparing for the night's entertainment.

Marissa returned with more tea, gesturing to the musicians. ''you are just in time for the evening's festivities,'' she said with a smile.

Tristan and Aura exchanged looks. ''He can't stay long Aura whispered glancing out the window at the darkening sky''.

Outside the wind had picked up, the trees swaying and creaking in the darkness. A chill settled in the air, a harbinger of the storm to come.

Tristan felt his eye began to burn he could feel the demon within him.

Aura noticed Tristan's eyes first, the way they seemed to glow with an unearthly light, she tried to dismiss it as a trick of the firelight, but something in the back of her heart screamed danger.

Tristan felt disturbed and not comfortable he turned to Aura his eyes glowing with an unearthly light. '' Farewell, Aura'' he said bowing his head he stepped into the shadows and was gone

Her heart racing, she knew she would never forget the man who'd saved her life, and whose true nature remained mystery to her.

Tristan had to go to meet Ariadne she was the only one who'd seen him through his transition from demon to mortal.

Tristan finally reached Ariadne cottage, deep in the forest. He hesitated at the door, uncertain of the welcome he would receive. he opened the door and saw her. She was standing in the center of the room, her hands outstretched and her eyes closed. The air was thick with magic, the candles flickering and the air humming with power. She opened her eyes, gaze piercing. ''Tristan''.

Tristan stepped into the room, his eyes blazing red. ''Ariadne '' he said his voice cracking. ''why is this happening''?

She nodded her face calm. ''You've been pushing your demon side down for too long, she said you cannot fight your nature. It will always find a way to surface''.

Tristan closed his eyes, his fists clenching.

Ariadne stepped closer, her eyes searching Tristan's face. ''You know today is the festival of demons, it is the time when the veil between our world and the demon would grow thin, and you Tristan you are no longer purely Human. You are a demon in a human's body, you cannot ignore your nature.

Tristan sank to his knee, his head in his hands, ''what am I supposed to do? His voice low and desperate I thought I could suppress my demon side but its stronger than ever''.

Ariadne knelt down beside him, placing a hand on his shoulder ''you must learn to embrace it, you cannot fight your nature''.

Tristan took a deep breath, feeling the magic of the festival swirling around him. He looked up at Ariadne his eyes still glowing red. ''If I embrace my demon side, what will that mean for me? for the people around me?

''it means you would become the man you were meant to be.

Tristan stared at Ariadne his face twisted with anguish. ''But I'm no longer a demon, I am human I thought that was the point of my transformation!!''

She shook her head ''you are both, Demon and human, Darkness and light. You cannot ignore one without destroying the other''

Tristan felt the weight of Ariadne's words settle over him like a heavy cloak. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm the storm raging inside him. ''If I embrace my demon side, he said slowly will I become a monster? will I hurt the people I care about?''

Ariadne placed her hand on his cheek, her touch gentle. '' You area not your demon side and you are not your human side she said softly you are both and you are more, you are Tristan you must learn to balance the light and the dark within you. Only then will you become the man you were meant to be.

 Ariadne was quite for a moment her eyes distant. '' If they do not accept you, then you will have to decide how much their opinions matter to you

Tristan sighed.

The front door burst open. A small boy rushed inside his eyes wide with wonder. ''Tristan!! Your eyes are red! Did you get into a fight?

Tristan froze, a blush spreading across his face. ''N-no he stammered it's... it's just the light''.

He peered at Tristan skeptically, clearly not convinced by his explanation. But before he could question him further, Ariadne intervened

''Hey Lad she said scooping him up why don't we get you snack? I've gotten some cookies fresh from the oven'' The boy eyes lit up his focus shifting from Tristan's red eyes to the promised treats.

Ariadne whisked the boy away, leaving Tristan alone by the fire. He took a deep breath his thought still racing.

Marie burst into Ariadne's cottage with her breath shallow Tristan!!'' I heard something important

Tristan turned to her his face expectant ''what is it?''

Marie expressing grew more serious '' I heard about the highwaymen, and there was a man Marie took a deep breath steadying herself'' There was a man, she continued a man who saved one of the victims from the highwaymen and he fought with incredible strength'' and also this man had a certain… quality about him'' Marie said, her voice growing quite'' A strength and a power that were almost otherworldly ''

Tristan gaze grew distant, his thought turning inward

Do you know who this man was she whispered.

Tristan swallowed his eyes flickering from Marie to the floor. ''I don't know him from Adam, Marie''

Oh OK''

Tristan became to feel uncomfortable he can feel his body boiling his eye began to become red again

Marie realized the sudden change in him she was afraid Tristan! what happened

Tristan grin faltered, a look of confusion crossing his face. ''What…. what's wrong with my eye? He asked touching his hand to the crimson orb.

''your eye is glowing

Tristan forced a weak smile to appear as normal as possible '' it might be when I hit my face on the wall, don't panic

''Well, if you say so'' she said staring at his eyes. Well fine if you won't tell me the truth, then at least teach me how to fight with sword.

Tristan's eyebrows knitted together his face painted with concern. ''Marie'' he began his voice low and hesitant you are not trained for fighting its dangerous.

Marie squared her shoulders, determination etching her features. ''The bandits are dangerous. And you cants protect me forever, teach me how to fight Tristan. If you can't trust me with the truth, at least trust me with my own safety''

Tristan lips pressed into thin line, his silence his silent betraying his warring thoughts. ''Marie I…I don't know if teaching you is the best idea. But if you are determined, I'II do what I can.

With a determined nod, Marie stepped forward, her eyes alight with purpose. ''thank you, Tristan '', she reached out and took the practice wooden sword, her grip firm and steady. ''Then show me how to defend myself''.

Tristan sighed, his eyes meeting hers, revealing a glimmer of admiration for her tenacity. He took up a stance and began demonstrating basic sword techniques, his movements flowing with an effortless grace. His movements were deliberate, yet fluid, almost hypnotic in their precision, his feet shifted like a dance, each step landing with a soft, rhythmic tap. With every flourish of his arm, Marie could almost feel the wind he created, as if his sword was an extension of himself.

''Keep our balance, remember a sword is only as effective as the wielder. Be one with the blade''

She watched him with a mixture of admiration and apprehension.

Tristan steeped closer, gently adjusting Marie stance, his fingers lingering on her arms.

A sudden blush spread across her cheeks, warmth flooding her chest. ''Like this, he said with his voice soft and low. Their gazes met, both of them momentarily lost in a silence exchange. He cleared his throat, his hand quickly withdrawing ''Now try Parrying my strikes'', he continued the sword slicing through the air with a swift, practiced swing.

Marie brought her sword up, deflecting his attack with surprising accuracy. The clang of their wooden swords filled the air as the lesson progressed, each strike and parry adding to the growing intensity of the training. With every successful defense, Marie confidence grew along with her admiration for Tristan's skill.

As the day wore on, the sound of their swords slowed, their muscles aching from the exertion. Tristan lowered his sword and smiled at Marie, the corner of his mouth turning up ever so slightly. 'You're a quick learner,''.

I guess I am she replied, she held the practice sword in front of her, admiring the sweat-slicked handle. '' so, you think I'd stand a chance against those bandits now?''

Tristan smile faltered, his gaze turning around serious. ''don't underestimate them, but with more practice you 'II be able to hold on your own ''.

Marie enthusiasm got the better of her, and in her eagerness to parry Tristan's next blow, she lost her footing, stumbling forward. The wooden sword came crashing down on her head with a thud, the force of the impact sending a blinding wave of pain through her skull.

''Ow!!! Dropping her weapon and pressing a hand to the tender spot where the hilt had struck her.

Oh Marie! Tristan exclaimed dropping his sword and rushing to her side. ''Are you alright?!

''I'm okay just…. a bit dizzy''

Tristan frowned, concern etching his features. ''here sit down gently guiding her nearby a stool, I should have been more careful, I didn't mean to hurt you''.

Marie laughed weakly, struggling to suppress a smile. It's okay, it's not your fault. Well, I'm not about to let a little bump on the head stop me'', Marie declared, a brave grin despite her throbbing head.

Tristan expression softened, a faint smile playing at the corners of his mouth. ''Alright, then, he relented reaching for his sword. Let's try this again, but a bit slower this time okay!

Marie nodded her determination reignited ''Alright''.

The wooden swords clashing with a rhythmic clatter. Marie movement were more careful this time, her feet firmly planted on the ground as she matched Tristan strikes with increasing skill.

That is, it, keep your balance, keep your guard up''

Well, I'm about not to let you win just because you are my teacher, she shot back the playful glint in her eyes belying the exhaustion she felt.

Tristan chuckled shaking his head, '' Fair enough but I hope you are not expecting me to take it easy on you, either.

And with that he launched into a flurry of strikes, forcing Marie to focus all her attention on defending against his onslaught.

The clang of the wooden swords filled the air, a rhythm of strikes and parries that seemed to match the beating of Marie heart, she could feel the sweat trickling down her face, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. But she held her ground, her focus unwavering as she matched Tristan every move. It was almost like a dance of two fighters testing each other's limits.

''You are doing well Tristan panted his eyes alight with admiration.

Marie footing Faltered the dizziness from her earlier knock on the head returning with a vengeance. She stumbled her leg giving out beneath her. Tristan reacted quickly, his reflexes lighting fast as he caught her by the waist, his arms encircling her as he pulled her against his chest. Their eyes met, their gazes locking in a moment of unexpected intimacy.

''Are you okay? Tristan asked his voice low and husky, his eyes searching Marie for any signs of injury.

She nodded but made no move to pull away. She could feel the heat of his body against hers, the strength in his arms as he held her.

Marie Tristan Murmured his breath caressing his check, I…'' Marie, I think we should take a break, we have been training hard.

After the training They both set off back towards Ariadne cottage, the sun already setting over the horizon. The air was cool and crisps the shadow of the forest lengthening around them.

Suddenly, a shrill whistle pierced the silence, and before Tristan and Marie could react, a group of rough men burst from the trees, their faces hardened and their swords drawn.

Wow such a beautiful girl I found myself a prize the lead bandit said.

Tristan beside her his word drawn, his stance protective and ready.

They began to fight as the bandit's exchanged glances, a flicker of doubt crossing their faces. '' I can see you've got some fight in you girl, the leader spat, but let see how you fare against my blade ''.

Before she could respond, the lead bandit lunged forward, his sword slashing through the air in a victorious arc. But Marie quick on her feet, darted to the side, avoiding strike with a fluidity that surprised even herself. ''Nice, try she equipped her heart hammering in her chest. Tristan seeing his opening, rushed forward his sword connecting with one of the other bandits. You wont touch her, Tristan growled his stance fierce and defensive.

They battled as their sword clashing against theirs with a resounding clamor. But despite Tristan skill, the bandits had the advantage of numbers, their blades finding openings in Tristan defense.

Tristan! Marie cried her yes widening as one of the bandits lunged at him, driving his sword into Tristan side.

Marie rushed forward, helping Tristan to his feet, even as the bandits began to retreat, sensing their advantage was slipping away, Tristan face was pale, his breath coming in ragged gasps but he managed a weak smile. ''I', okay he murmured his hand pressing against the wound on his side.

''We have to get back to Ariadne cottage Tristan!

Arm in Arm they hurried back towards Ariadne cottage, Tristan stumbled the loss of blood slowing him down, but Marie refused to let him falter

Finally, the small cottage came into view, as they stumbled through the door breathless and exhausted. Ariadne jumped into her feet, her expression. turning to one of horror as she took in Tristan's injuries.

''We ran into a highwaymen Marie explains, worry evident in her voice. Tristan tried to protect me, but…. Her voice trails off as she helps Tristan to a nearby chair

Tristan grits his teeth against the pain

 '' Marie '', Ariadne said gently her hands gently touching Marie shoulders. '' I need to focus on Tristan's wound now, and we need some privacy.

Marie nodded her gaze still fixed on Tristan, '' I be outside if you need me '' with a final glance at Tristan, she slipped out of the room, the door closing behind her with soft click.

Ariadne took a knife she uses for her shamanic rituals she cuts her palm allowing blood to dip onto Tristan wound

''A demon wound must be healed with blood''. I hope you don't get into danger again.

Tristan eye was fixed on the ceiling takes a deep breath. '' Ariadne why do you use that?

''Tristan you are in danger if you get endangered, your nature must be saved by blood.

Soon Tristan eyes flutter closed, Ariadne sits by his side, watching over him as he falls into a deep sleep.

Outside, Marie stands in the sunshine, her mind racing. What is Tristan to her, really? A friend? A companion? Something more? Why does she want privacy.

Tristan having a dream, he finds himself in a dark, hellish landscape the air thick with smoke and the stench of brimstone, and there looming before him, his father with skin of molten lava and eyes like burning coals.

'' you are a disappointment ''the demon growls his voice like a thunder' 'weak and human you are not worthy of my legacy''.

Tristan feels a rage boil within him, fierce and primal anger with a snarl, Tristan lunges forward grabbing his father arm. The demon howls in surprise, but Tristan grip is like iron. '' I'm your son he roars his eyes blazing with fury ''and I will not be cast aside I will not be denied my place in this world''

The demon laughter is like the shattering of a thousand glass shards. ''Foolish boy'' he says his voice dripping with contempt. ''you are nothing you will never be anything.

The demon word cut deep tearing away at Tristan resolve like a vicious blade.

Soon Tristan wakes up shaken, sweating and panting from the intensity of his dream.

Tristan rose silently from the bed still feeling from the encounter with the dream, he slipped off into the chilly night, he leaned against the cottage wall, the cool air chilling his bare skin staring up into the starlit sky, he wondered if he would ever be able to conquer his father.


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