
Echoes of Fate: Spirit's Journey

"Born into the harsh reality of the slums, Sylven's heart burns with the flames of resentment and vengeance. At just five years old, he watched helplessly as the world snatched away his mother, leaving him alone to navigate the unforgiving streets. But when a near-fatal encounter at age seven jolts him to the brink of death, Sylven's world is upended once more as forgotten memories from a distant past come flooding back. In a parallel realm, he once lived a life of innocence and warmth, surrounded by love and safety. Now, as these memories resurface, Sylven is confronted with the stark dichotomy of two selves: one hardened by pain and bitterness, the other shaped by compassion and hope. Caught between two worlds and torn apart by conflicting emotions, Sylven grapples with the enigmatic reappearance of his former self. Alongside him stand two individuals of polar opposite demeanor and principles, each vying for dominance within his fractured psyche. As the lines between reality and memory blur, Sylven embarks on a tumultuous journey of self-discovery, navigating treacherous terrain where past and present collide. Will the reawakening of his memories bring solace and understanding, or will it unleash forces beyond his control, propelling him towards a destiny he cannot escape? In this gripping tale of inner conflict and redemption, Sylven must confront the demons of his past and the shadows of his present, forging a path towards a future defined by the choices he makes and the memories he embraces."

R_Stark · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs


As Satoshi stood at the entrance of his new high school, his heart raced with anticipation. Graduating at the top of their class from middle school had given him confidence, but the prospect of reuniting with Serena filled him with both excitement and nerves. He scanned the bustling corridor, searching for her familiar face among the throng of students.

And then he saw her.

Serena's smile lit up the hallway as she chatted animatedly with a guy. His heart sank as jealousy prickled at his senses. He watched them from afar, his throat dry, unable to tear his gaze away. Why did she seem so happy with him? Did she even remember their promise?

"Come on, Satoshi, don't be a coward," he muttered to himself, trying to muster the courage to approach her. But doubt crept in, whispering insidious thoughts of rejection and disappointment.

With a heavy sigh, Satoshi made his way into the auditorium for the opening ceremony, the weight of missed opportunities heavy on his shoulders. Maybe he'll talk to her after classes, he reasoned with himself, clinging to a sliver of hope.

As days stretched into weeks, Satoshi's anticipation turned to frustration. With each passing moment, his regret deepened, a heavy weight pressing on his chest. He roamed the halls with a sense of aimlessness, wondering where Serena had disappeared to, her absence a constant ache in his heart.

"Where are you, Serena?" he murmured, the words lost in the empty corridors.

Satoshi visited her parents regularly, hoping for news of her whereabouts, but they too were left in the dark. It was as if she had vanished without a trace, leaving behind only memories and unanswered questions.

Years slipped by but he still remembered her everyday. He threw himself into his studies, hoping to distract himself from the gaping hole in his heart, but she remained a constant presence in his thoughts.

As Satoshi sat on the metro one evening, lost in a sea of melancholy, he felt her absence like a physical weight. Beside him, a girl he recognized from his daily commute glanced in his direction, her eyes filled with curiosity.

"Must be wondering why I always look so glum," he thought bitterly, forcing a half-hearted smile in her direction.

But as the train rattled on, his thoughts drifted back to Serena, to the promise they had made so long ago. Would he ever see her again? Would she even remember him?

Suddenly, the world lurched and spun, darkness swallowing them whole as the metro derailed. Panic surged through Satoshi as he reached out for something, anything to hold onto. But it was futile.

In those final moments, as the darkness closed in around them, he whispered Serena's name and after some time the darkness clears and light comes to his eyes.