
Echoes of Destiny: A Douluo Dalu Tale

In the mundane existence of Earth, Felix and Maya, a couple lived a life filled with shared passions and love. However, fate takes an unexpected turn when a seemingly ordinary accident sends them into the unknown. In the wake of calamity, a mysterious force grants them a rare chance—reincarnation into the very worlds they cherished. Choosing Douluo Dalu as their shared destination, Felix and Maya have to adjust to their roles in Douluo Dalu as the threads of destiny are interwoven. They will carve new pathways, meet formidable opponents, and uncover the true meaning of their entwined fates, all while staying united by love and propelled by a desire to explore the depths of their chosen universe. Note: Please read the tag before reading. - English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. - Please give my story a proper review. - I accept a suggestion, but no spam! PS: I don't own the cover, and any characters or world in this story, except for my own OC (Original Character)

Arcane_12 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

Shrek's New Arrivals

Felix and Maya, having successfully navigated the trials, found themselves face to face with Tang San, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and Zhu zhuqing. 

Maya, her platinum hair cascading elegantly, offered a warm smile. "Hello, I'm Maya, and this is Felix."

Tang San, with a keen gaze, nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm Tang San, and this is Xiao Wu," he gestured towards his companion. "And these are Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing"

Rongrong, maintaining her composed demeanor, greeted them with a polite nod. However, her eyes betrayed a flicker of skepticism as they lingered on Maya. Felix, ever observant especially when it comes to Maya, noticed the subtle shift in Rongrong 's expression.

Felix, with a nod, spoke up, "Nice to meet you all. Shrek Academy seems like a place filled with surprises."

Zhu Zhuqing just nodded.

Tang San, unable to contain his curiosity, couldn't help but inquire, "Are you both from Nuoding Academy? It's strange we haven't crossed paths before."

Maya chuckled, "Indeed, we are. It seems fate had other plans for us until now." Tang San nodded thoughtfully, his mind whirring. 

While Tang San openly expressed his intrigue, Rongrong 's initial skepticism lingered. Accustomed to being treated as a figure of elegance and grace, Rongrong couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort in the presence of someone more striking than her.

As the group engaged in small talk, Tang San couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Maya and Felix than met the eye. His intuition told him that these two possessed a strength and mystery that went beyond their words.

Later at night when the moon cast its gentle glow over Shrek Academy, two figures can be seen sitting on the top of a house nearby their rooms 

Maya, seated at the rooftop, sighed softly. "It feels strange sleeping alone. Back at Nuoding Academy, we always shared a room."

Felix, sensing her vulnerability, gently took her hand. "I know what you mean. But hey, we're here to embrace new experiences, right? You'll get used to it."

Maya looked down at their intertwined hands, appreciating the warmth and reassurance. "You're right."

As they exchanged thoughts on their first day at Shrek Academy, Maya hesitated before voicing a more sensitive matter. "Felix, did you notice something during our interactions with Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong?"

Felix furrowed his brow, sensing Maya's apprehension. "What do you mean?"

Maya sighed, choosing her words carefully. "There's a subtle hostility I sensed from both of them. On the surface, they're sweet and friendly, but I can't shake this feeling."

Felix lifted her hand to his lips, placing a tender kiss on her knuckles. "Look, treat each person here as an individual. Don't let your thinking from the novel influence your interactions. If they're kind to you, reciprocate. If not, don't hesitate to stand your ground."

Maya chuckled, finding comfort in Felix's advice. "Haha, when have I never stood my ground."

As the night deepened, they both went back to their rooms while thinking about this new life that they got and what does the future holds for them