
Eccentric Love

How will you feel when you come to know that your life till now is not true? You are not normal. You are introduced to the dark side of the world as a gift on your 18th birthday. That you never thought it really exists... My life turned upside down after I entered TESKA varsity. The things which should never be the truth turned out to be the reality of my life and my own family turned out to be unreal. Can you believe if I tell that my cousins who grew up with me are non- humans? Everything was on the track until I met him. One gaze of him changed everything. His eyes said more words. I can tell he isn't simple as he looks. As days go by weird things started to happen. I don't know what I did that made him hate me so much. But at the same time he is the person who comes first during my difficult times. I can feel some unknown pain and happiness when I see him... Who I am? What I want? What is happening to me? Why me? All these questions surrounded me.. Still, I don't regret meeting him.. Do you think I am eccentric? Or I am in love?

MEG7 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Austin's Secret

I followed the girl. I was sure that she isn't going to the office, she is not a normal girl. In fact, she isn't a girl. We entered the library block. No one was around.

"Austin? " I called.

That girl turned. I was right, that is Austin. My pain never lies. She converted into he.

"How you know? " He asked.

"Why are you here? " I dodged his question.

"Come with me" He took my hand and ran outside the block.

He went deep inside the forest. A board danger was written. He went forward, holding my hand.

"You believe me, right? " He asked me before crossing the board.

"Surprisingly, more than I trust myself! " I said.

He smiled. And we crossed the danger board. As we went forward, I can hear the sound of the water. My eyes were stunned to see it. It was very beautiful that I felt like my eyes can't handle it. It was like a dream. All the sides, it was covered with all kinds of beautiful flowers. The water in the waterfalls was so clear and sparkling. It was like I entered a different world.

"This is my secret! " He smiled.

We sat on the green grass.

"Kris!. I need to tell you something... " He started.

"It's strange, I never felt it before. My heart beats faster whenever I am with you... " He looked down.

" I can see people bad memories. I don't know whether that is a curse or blessing!. I know their dark secrets. I was able to see, what they really are!. Because of it, I always stay away from people. " He turned his gaze towards me. He saw straight into my eyes.

"But I can't forget when I saw you for the first time. It's weird, but I felt the same pain like you did. I don't know, but I felt like I know you for centuries. "

"In short, you are different and special to me, Kris! " He said, staring at me in a soft voice.