
chapter 1

Dear mama, I hope you are okay .. I miss you and wish I could really see you . Mama this is a very important letter.. I was given a task in my workplace to create a problem and a solution. I just want to stand out and make you proud mama.. you know I won't hurt a fly intentionally. I was deceived mama..

I am sorry for what I have done and maybe by the time you receive this letter i will be dead or be in big trouble .. mama I need your prayers and want you to be strong by the time you get any news about me ... And most importantly I want you to protect the items In the safe box that comes with this letters... You always know my secret code number mama. I love you and am sorry for causing worries.. Thank you for giving me this amazing life ..

Your sincerely


With tears from her eyes she neatly folds the letter and kept it back inside the big bag ... She smiled when she saw the picture of her son smiling brightly.. she couldn't hold back the tears as she let herself go and release all the pain in her... Two months ago she was visited by the police and some corporate officers .. Mrs Esther osagie is a very known persona in the city, she is a single mother and the biggest jeweler in the city... She sells valuable jewelry, and owns many shops.. All her life she focused on her son, sent him to the best schools, provided the best for him and even sent him overseas for his master's.. where he later got a very promising job ... Mrs Esther could remember how happy she was when she got the news about her son's employment... Now she has visitors in her living room, looking at her strangely .. what is it Mr officer. Mrs Grace said trying to break the silence..

My name is officer Emmanuel Obo. I am from the area command and these are mr Ade and Miss joy. He said this as he pointed toward them .. ok welcome everyone. How can I help you, she asks smiling lightly .. Mrs Grace asked as she began to feel uneasy and weak.

She could not ignore the strange Aura that came with the presents of this visitor.. but she told herself to calm down and listen to what they have to say.. Mrs Grace , we are so sorry to inform you about the death of your son Daniel Osagie... What she shouted loudly. She felt as if she lost control of her body and stood still... She could hear them calling her name but her vision became burry. In an instance she completely lost control and fell to the ground.. she didn't faint but she became too weak to move a muscle or react to her surroundings..

Mrs Grace lay on her bed and was surrounded by her family and love one's... She was still, her eyes were swollen and she couldn't cry, eat or do anything.. she remembered when Daniel was leaving the country how happy and excited both of them were .. she reminisce on every event she had to attend to receive different awards with her son.. she wasn't sure of anything anymore and kept asking herself one question.. why will her son be accuse of selling company secret and commiting suicide, she got this information from her friends who came to console her.she definitely didn't believe any of this...

Mrs Grace stayed in her home without crying, unwilling to eat or do anything but her family and friends tried to take care of her ...And her personal help and right maid called Oti never left her side

After a month of this incident she was rushed to the hospital when her situation because worst.. the only time she spoke,she asked about her son corpse and was told that it's can't be sent back to Nigeria because he committed a crime and has be taken care of by the state authority...That worsen her situation and she became sick...

She stay at the hospital for weeks....

After she was discharged she came home, stopped all her business and all she did was stay indoors.because she started that business to support her son, he was all she had and now he is gone she has no reason to live or make a living ..

She sat on the armchair facing the window when she saw someone enter her compound she reluctantly stood up and walked toward the door..

Goodday mummy Daniel the young man greeted her brightly.. how may I help you John.. He gave her the big bag in his hands.. ma I am sorry about what happened to your son but this came to our office yesterday Evening from your son.. it was among the shipment from two months ago.. John owes a small office in the city where he received shipments from overseas and delivered it to who ever it was sent to.. He has been the one receiving and sending items between the mother and son since he travel... Thanks Mrs Grace said and received the big bag.. wait let me bring your payment.. No need ma he lightly smile and left ..

She went back in and open the big she saw his certificate and medals in the big, by this time her eyes became tearing up.. and she saw a small safe box with a key lock and a letter attached to it.. she read it word by word and then she couldn't hold back the tears. All the tears she couldn't cry she burst out and cried so bitterly.. Oti stood from afar and watch she cried...

she cried and hit herself so hard. She blames herself for expecting too much from him she could have stopped him from going overseas maybe he will still be alive and live long... She lets go of all her emotions and cried until she pass out holding onto the safe in her hands..

The next week she was really weak, very sick she ask Oti to invite her family. When they came she told them that she knows she won't last long and she doesn't want them to treat her... She told them to bury her in the middle of her living room and also with all her remaining jewelry she has after closing down her shop...

They agreed with a bitter heart and won't dare to go against her knowing how spiritually powerful she is..

After she gave the order two days later she died and all her wishes were fulfilled..

She became a story for everyone in and out of the city... She was buried with tons of gold and precious stones .

For many years Mrs Esther's story became a Household story, which was given a name, the woman buried with gold. Many wonder if it's true or false, How can someone be buried with gold and many valuables. The compound became a little tourist attraction. Oti was left in charge of the place. so as years went by, he opened a craft shop in front of the compound, He sold the amazing work he did by himself and business was good .. every time tourists visit he sells his goods and gets paid for telling them the story behind the woman buried with gold..

For many years Oti family has grown and so the business and soon even students came for excursion. Mrs Esther's family left the compound for Oti because she gave them all her landed properties and asked them to leave the compound where she is buried for Oti..