
Each Passing Dawn

VEGA_H23 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs


I was walking in an empty street. I'm in so much pain. I could hardly breathe because of my unstoppable sobs. I've ran, walked, and shouted. No one heard me.

I don't know how long I've been crying and I couldn't care less. I've lost them...

My lovely family...  I lost them. My brave father died just yesterday because of an accident... and now my beautiful mother died along with my sweet little brother because of an accident too! The plane they're on, crashed.

Mom and Troy were about to be here— in province, so that we can hold a funeral just like what my father requested to my mom.  And this morning they flew to get here... And their plane crashed.

I think someone is playing trick on me! The fate is punishing me! I don't know what have I done to deserve this all!

I stayed in this province to manage our resort and to take care of my grandmother who was sick. I chose to stay here and they left... sadly, they'll leave me forever.

I cried more, thinking that no one will hear me. I am alone now, tomorrow, and the next.

Tomorrow morning, a seventeen year old Thalia Phoenixia Rockell, will mourn for the dead body of her parents and her little brother. My chest tightened because of the thought of watching either their cold and indistinguishable body, or just their ashes.

Maybe this is just a dream! I must wake up! My father is just working in his huge law office, and my mom is managing the main branch of our resort, and my brother... He's just playing chess with his friends! They didn't left! They didn't left me! I am their princess! And they knew I am just seventeen to be this situation!

I tried slapping my face and cried more when I feel a pang of pain. I wasn't damn dreaming. This is the reality I know I couldn't accept. Losing my beloved family was a bitter pill to swallow.

While crying I felt someone was following me. I turned to see who's behind me without wiping the tears in my face.

Right there, I saw the tall man with a handsome look, Phoenix Magnus Cervientes— a man who work in our resort as a waiter.

Why is he here? It's already past midnight, I think. I've been miserable since the news reach me, and I can't stop crying. There were times where all my tears ran out, but eventually polled back in my eyes.

I wipe my tears and avoided his pitiful and tender eyes. Don't show pity on me, Phoenix! It'll make me cry more! It'll only tell me that everything is happening for real.

He offered a handkerchief. I just look at it with a blurry sight.

"I heard about... what happened, Ms. Rockell..." He paused. "Condolence..." He said gently.  

I bit my lower lip hard enough to hold my sobs... but I couldn't stop it completely. Without thinking I took his handkerchief to wipe another batch of tears. I can't even talk!

"It's okay to cry out loud when you feel like you need to. You shouldn't stop your emotions from showing." He said.

With a puffy and teared eyes, I look at him. I probably look like a zombie, but should I care?

"I-I lost t-them..." I said with a shaking and tired voice. "I-I lost my f-family..." I cried again.

He hushed me and come closer to me. I can say that he's really tall because I'm only below his chin.

"Shss. I know it's hard for you... Really hard for you." I saw how gentle he is with his words.

Tears polled up again in the side of my eyes. He took the handkerchief in my hand and he, himself, wiped the tears that rolled down to my cheeks. I don't know how but I somehow felt a warm feeling... A comfortable feeling from what he did.

We're still in the middle of an empty street. It's empty because this street is just near our hacienda not near in the resort. I came here to wait for them... and they never even land to our province.

"Cry to me, Ms. Rockell..." He slowly hug me. I let him. I let myself feel his warm and comfortable body. "Cry on my shoulders, Ms."

So, I cried more.

I know Phoenix Magnus Cervientes. Everyone in the resort liked him. He's a good employee. I've seen him serve the costumers with his killer smile, he even serve me once I was eating breakfast there, but I showed him my strict side, like I always show to the other employees. Now I wonder if he hated me. If he does, he might be here to see me miserable.

But I couldn't let go of this comfortable feeling. I need this, as of now. After this I'll be ready to fight against his hatred.

I cried and didn't restrain any of my sobs just like what he said.

Eventually, when I feel much better, I let go of our hug. "T-thanks." I briefly said.

He smiled a bit without removing the worry drawn to his handsome face. "It's almost dawn. You should at least rest for a while." He suggested.

I shook my head, "O-our house has memories of them... I can't sleep in that big house with just memories with them." I don't want to suffer more. "You can now go. Thanks for comforting me." I said trying to smile a bit.

He shook his head, "I'll stay here with you, Ms. Rockell." He said with finality in his voice. "Sit there, Ms." He pointed at a wooden chair under a tree at the side of the street we're in.

I did, because I feel exhausted and worn out because of crying. He sat beside me. He's really a good accompany.

We sat there quietly. I'm still sobbing a bit but he didn't mind it. He just stayed quiet and watch me sob. While sobbing I remember my grandmother who's probably unaware of what happened. She's taken care at the hospital. The resort is currently manage by our resort manager. The rest house... It's empty. Just maids and security guards.

"The dawn is almost here, Ms. Rockell." The guy said, breaking the silence.

I look at him and saw that he's looking above. It gives me a chance to memorize his feature. He has a long dark eyelashes, his skin is a bit bronze but has no trace of pimples. He has a long pointed nose, a thick eyebrows, and because of the light near us, I can see that he has a gray eyes. His jaw was well-sculptured. He's definitely the man with perfect features. I find him so handsome. I wonder why he work as a waiter instead of being a model.

I almost choke on my own when he look at me. I diverted my gaze above to avoid the embarrassment.

"Y-yeah. Sorry If I took so much of your time." I responded not looking at him.

"When the sky is in its darkest, the closer the dawn comes." He ignored what I said so I look at him. He's still looking at me!

I feel so stupid for not understanding what he is saying. I think he's just saying it literally, but there's a part of me that says that he's saying it figuratively! I just look at him and wait for what he's going to say next.

"Ms. Rockell, remember this saying... 'Our eternal message of hope is that dawn will come'." He trailed off. I'm now getting where he's coming from. He's comforting me with words, again. Dawn– stands for a new beginnings. "This time, you probably feel the darkest midnight in your life, but always remember that, dawn never leave the last word for darkness... Its invincible. And you're also invincible, Ms. Rockell." He said with his baritone voice.