
DxD: This Chicken isn't a Gacha Addict!! I Promise!

6Shikikan9 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Birdies fourth flight (2)

[Lilith, New Capital of Underworld.]

[Satan Sirzech "Lucifer" Office.]

"Hmm, I see," Sirzech Lucifer said, tapping his index finger on the table before looking at Grayfia. "Is there anything you would like to add, Grayfia?"

"None at all, Lord Lucifer." Grayfia performed a modest curtsy, befitting her station.

"I see, but still..." Sirzech paused before speaking. "I didn't think that Riser would propose a [Rating Game] himself. I guess I gave him less credit than what he's really capable of."

Despite his words, Sirzech does not give it any further attention. A random third child from some [Pillar] clan is not a concern for him. The [Rating Game] match has no purpose other than to demonstrate Rias' shortcomings to her.

His true plan was the match at the engagement party.

Manipulating a recently resurrected devil is a relatively simple task.

Sirzech can convince Hyoudou Issei to give up an arm or his heart in order to obtain a partial [Balance Breaker] with a little bit of convincing. There's a reason he's a satan.

Was he not scared to face the wrath of the Red Dragon Emperor [Ddraig] and his successors? He's just a huge lizard stuck in a cage. Sirzech could not help but sneer.

"That new [Red Dragon Emperor], what do you think of him, Grayfia?"

"Lady Rias' newest pawn?" Grayfia thought for a time about the brown-haired boy before speaking."He has not a single ounce of talent to boast about. His [Demonic Power] is pitifully insufficient, less formidable than a newborn devil of common birth. The distinguishing feature that he has is his ownership of [Boosted Gear]. His lecherous nature makes him a suitable fit for the role of a devil. He excelled only in that specific area, devoid of other gifts."

Grayfia expressed a severe and honest view. But can anyone blame her? It was the truth.

"Hahaha." Sirzech laughed at her response, pausing for a time before speaking. "But I have a feeling he can do more"

Of course, he can do more; after all, Sirzech will ensure that Hyoudou Issei does his best. For his adorable little sister's sake. No matter the cost.

Regardless, Sirzech had a backup plan in case the young [Red Dragon Emperor] lost the match.

He can just suppress the [Phenex] clan himself. However, this would render his political position precarious.

Meanwhile, Grayfia did not respond since she did not feel the young lad possessed the necessary abilities to defeat the young phenex.

With nothing else to say, the room fell silent.

Sirzech smiled wryly as he looked at Grayfia. She never changes and remains cold to him.

Sirzechs then stood up and approached near Grayfia, attempting to put out his hand to caress her face gently.

But, before his hand reached Grayfia's face, she blocked his arm with her own and took a few steps back.

If anyone else had been present, they would have been shocked. After all, it's widely known that the two of them are happily married. At least, that is what the general public knows.

"My Lord Sirzech, I bear the title of your wife before the public, but our marriage is a mere pretense and a deception." Her countenance remained unyielding as she fixed her gaze upon him, delivering her words in a frigid manner. "I implore you to avoid any unwarranted physical advances towards me. Your spouse and child are depending on you to maintain the sanctity of your family."

Yes, despite the fact that Grayfia and Sirzech were publicly married. It was all just propaganda to help the present Lucifer and other devil kings solidify their positions.

People would assume that Sirzech, Ajuka, Serafall, and Fabium do not require such a thing, but the political atmosphere is far more fragile and turbulent than anything else in the world. You ought not to underestimate it.

After all, when they originally took over as the four devil kings, there were still a few devils who were disgruntled and wary of them. Mostly noble devil clans, particularly those in the [Great King] or [Great Royal] factions.

So they can't just ignore them because that tiny discontent and apprehension will grow more than they can handle.

But with the assistance of a [Lucifuge] approval. Sirzech and the others assumed their individual roles as the new devil king with little effort. Relaxing the hearts of common devils out there.

"Come on, Grayfia." Sirzechs smiled wryly. "Why can't you still accept my feelings for you?"

"Lord Sirzech, it cannot happen under any circumstances." With a chilling rebuke, Grayfia refused to acknowledge his presence, keeping her eyes averted. "Our sham matrimonial alliance serves merely as a bargain for your forbearance in harming my brother, allowing him to elude capture."

Her younger brother was one of the reasons Grayfia remained with the current [Satans]. Grayfia would love to have him join the new devil faction. But his hatred for them is overwhelming. This made it difficult to happen, so Grayfia let him go instead of staying with her.

The other reason is that she is well aware that Rizevim Livan Lucifer has no desire to head the devil race, and that man is a different type of devil. Even the [Lucifer] clan's previous supporters refused to join that person and instead decided to live as hermits in one of the mountains near the [Familiar Forest]. Waiting for the day of a new rightful ruler to take the throne.

He does not perceive the devil's race as living beings, but rather as useless and dull objects that have lost their value.

Grayfia cannot follow such a person. As a [Lucifuge], she was taught that a [Lucifer]'s words are absolute, no matter what, but this only applies when they are the true ruler of the devil race.

Which Rizevim is not, and will never be.

Although there's still the [Leviathan], [Asmodeus] and [Beelzebub] heir and heiress, the last Civil War proved their lack of talent in ruling the devil race.

They reign with an iron grip, similar to the previous [Devil kings]. Despite their lofty ambitions, they lack the might of the new [Devil Kings].

As such, they are no better than Rizevim. No, they are far worse than him. Rizevim, at the very least, possesses power that they lacked.

"I would appreciate it if you would confine your relationship with me to the strictly business role of employer and employee."

"I…" Sirzech's face sank. He said with a strained smile. "Very well, I won't pursue this matter any further." "For now," he thought.

But Sirzech was not one to give up easily; his yearning for Grayfia had not faded over the last century. A little rejection like that won't diminish his feelings for her.

[Riser PoV]

"You know what you did wrong, right? Riser?"


When I returned to the [Phenex] Mansion, I quickly explained what happened during the meeting, and now I'm being punished by my father, while my mother stood by his side, saying nothing.

"Haa~, Riser, although… Zeoticus and I expected it somewhat..." He massaged his temple. "We still wished that it did not happen at all… I thought you would be more mature than this and not start the trouble yourself … but I guess we can't have everything."

I responded calmly, "Sorry? I mean, what do you expect? Rias hated my guts a hundred percent." I'm not complaining. Definitely. "So, I thought we just need to settle it like this."

"I know that…" He sighs. "I just wished that we didn't have to… do it like this."

"Anyway, we can't do anything about it anymore… What's done is done" He narrowed his eyes and looked at me earnestly. "Don't lose the match even if you wanted to, Riser," implying that if I ever lost the match, a nice ass beating would follow.

"Yes, I won't," I said immediately.

"Good." He says, waving his hand. "You may rest now, I'll need to talk with the Gremory."

I nodded solemnly and stepped up to leave.

"Brother!" As I entered my room, an eager bundle of energy hugged me.

"Ah, Ravel." I softly held her back and asked. "Why are you in my room? Do you need something?"

"Nu-uh." She replied lazily, her head buried in my neck. I then felt a tingle on my neck. Wait, is she licking me? Nah, it's probably just her hair.

She then glanced up and spoke. "I just want to see you."

"See me?" I was perplexed by her words. I was gone for only about an hour. I smiled at her, softly pinching her cheeks. "Eh? Did you miss your big brother that much?"

How adorable of her. Is she concerned about me? Oh, I'm very happy to have such a kind and caring younger sister.

"Of course!" she said cheerfully. I couldn't help but ruffle her hair, which made her giggle.

"Anyway, wanna watch Magical Sera-tan's Adventure II: The Garden of Sinner movie?"