
DxD: The Uchiha Family

Defeated by Naruto in their final battle, Sasuke found himself trapped in a new world teeming with angels, fallen angels, devils, yokais, and gods. Within this unfamiliar realm, he was confronted by his haunting past, prompting him to embark on a quest to find a way back to the Shinobi World. However, as Sasuke delved into this new reality, he grappled with a profound dilemma. Did he truly desire to return to the Shinobi World, where he had been branded a rogue shinobi, and the village that had inflicted immense suffering upon him? These questions sparked a fierce determination within Sasuke to seek true happiness, no matter the cost. Yet, as he pursued his quest, a lingering doubt plagued Sasuke's mind. Did he believe he deserved happiness after all the choices he had made? Could he truly find the contentment he sought and, more importantly, bring his beloved family back to life? Only one person held the key to unlocking Sasuke's path to happiness, but whether he would ultimately achieve it remained uncertain. - - - - - - - - This novel takes place before canon. Therefore Cannon will be loosely followed as the Uchiha family is the protagonist of this world. Also Sasuke will not be only the only one with harem. Obviosuly the Uchiha needs to repopulate somehow. Though the harems will be less or max 4 people. The word count for chapters vary from 950 - 1100 words. Release of chapters will be one chapter everyday from Monday to Friday. So expect five chapter a week, However, I may release one or two extra chapters for some weeks if the novel is well liked. If you like my stories you can show support through reviews, comments and powerstones. Also if you like my stories check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure." Note: I do not own the cover art or DxD and Naruto. This novel is purely fanfiction.

NovaCloud · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

Chapter 3: Sasuke's Confusion

As Sasuke's eyelids fluttered open, he was greeted by the soft morning sunlight that bathed the room in a warm, comforting glow. An incessant throbbing in his head and an overwhelming weariness weighed him down, heightened by the unfamiliarity of his surroundings.

Noting the fresh bandages encircling his arm, Sasuke quietly acknowledged his survival with a mix of relief and an unsettling uncertainty that plagued his thoughts. The proximity to death still haunted him, leaving him disoriented. His mind raced, grappling what to do.

Thoughts of Konoha, Naruto, and the aftermath of the Infinite Tsukuyomi swirled in his consciousness, yet answers remained elusive. What had transpired during his unconscious state? Had his former village and comrades been freed from the confines of the genjutsu? And where did he fit in?

A whirlwind of confusion, frustration, and a faint sense of purpose tugged at Sasuke's emotions. His existence had long been consumed by vengeance and darkness, making it difficult to grasp a new sense of direction. Should he persist on his solitary quest for redemption and atonement?

As the door swung open, Sasuke's eyes met a woman with flowing blonde hair, captivated by her beauty. There was an air of elegance around her, reminiscent of his mother. Their gaze locked, and though Sasuke maintained his usual impassive expression, he couldn't deny the pleasantness her beauty brought him.

The woman confirmed that she had indeed treated him, her eyes filled with relief. She introduced herself as Yasaka and spoke softly but concernedly. "Are you all right? Your injuries were severe, and you nearly died from blood loss." After a pause she said "You've been in a coma for two days since I nursed you back to good health" Her voice had a soothing quality to it that Sasuke couldn't help but notice.

While he rarely showed it, Sasuke was not oblivious to the kindness Yasaka had shown him. She had provided untmost care during his unconsciousness, sparking a subtle curiosity within him. As she continued to speak, detailing his condition and recovery, Sasuke listened intently, hoping to glean some understanding of this unfamiliar world he now found himself in.

Amidst their conversation, Sasuke's curiosity grew too strong to ignore, and he finally voiced the question that had been troubling him. "Where am I?" he asked, his voice tinged with confusion. Yasaka met his gaze and calmly replied, "You are in Japan."

Sasuke's confusion deepened, as this was a place he had never heard of before. Seeking further clarity, he inquired about the Fourth Ninja War, hoping for something familiar. However, Yasaka shook her head, revealing that she had no knowledge of any war.

Disappointment etched itself onto Sasuke's face, prompting him to probe further. "Do you know where Konoha is? That is my hometown," he explained, a glimmer of hope in his voice. Sadly, Yasaka confessed that she had never heard of such a place, further dampening Sasuke's expectations.

A sense of shock enveloped Sasuke as he realized the magnitude of his situation. When he requested a map, Yasaka handed one to him, and the unfamiliar world depicted on it left him astounded.

It was a world entirely different from the Elemental Nations he knew. In that moment, Sasuke cursed his fate, understanding that he had been transported to a new world or dimension, much like Kaguya's abilities.

The reality of his predicament sank in, and Sasuke's mind swirled with disbelief. The memories of his Rinnegan's power, the pain, and the purple mist resurfaced, making him suspect that his ocular abilities had somehow brought him here.

However, his current weakened state prevented him from taking immediate action. With depleted chakra and a frail body, he knew he had to be cautious and observant, especially when it came to Yasaka. While grateful for her kindness and assistance, Sasuke's ninja instincts compelled him to remain vigilant, recognizing the potential dangers of being a foreigner in this world.

His past attachments may have waned, but the lingering fear of encountering hostile forces in this unfamiliar world weighed heavily on Sasuke's mind. He understood the importance of protecting himself and preventing any potential threats from reaching his homeworld. Keeping his guard up became a necessity for survival.

As Sasuke contemplated his next move, a realization dawned upon him. Tomorrow, he would be fully recovered, and in this new world, he needed information. However, the question remained: How could he gather intel without arousing suspicion?

The idea of using genjutsu or the Human Path crossed his mind, but Sasuke couldn't bring himself to resort to such manipulative tactics. After his encounter with Naruto, he had come to understand the consequences of his past actions, vowing not to repeat the mistakes that nearly cost the lives of Karin and Sakura. He refused to become that person again, causing harm to the innocent.

Examining Yasaka, Sasuke couldn't help but acknowledge her physical beauty. There was a certain allure about her that reminded him of Tsunade, but he sensed something distinctly different. She seemed almost non-human, which sparked a flicker of concern within him.

However, he couldn't deny the genuine care and emotions she had displayed during his recovery. If she was indeed non-human, Sasuke hoped that she wasn't some malevolent person preying on humans.

Yasaka realized she had neglected to ask for his name. Curiosity mingled with a tinge of guilt as she inquired, "What is your name?" Sasuke deliberated, torn between revealing his true identity or providing a false one.

Ultimately, he opted to disclose only his first name, maintaining his stoic demeanor. "My name is Sasuke," he stated firmly. Adding, "By tomorrow, I will be fully recovered, and I will no longer intrude." Sasuke couldn't help but notice a hint of heartbreak in Yasaka's reaction upon hearing his intention to leave.

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Enjoying the story you can support me by giving reviews, comments and powerstones. Also check out my other story "Naruto: Yukari Otsutsuki Adventure."