
Dxd: The Tormented one

A Tormented soul wakes up in a familiar reality to start a new. ... you know the drill. English ain't my first language, and the following series or games mentioned are not my property. and the cover art source: brianna ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

Daan_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
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6 Chs

Dating advice, asking for a friend

As I said before, I dabble with the ways of the arcane.

Destruction, creation, darkness, knowledge, enlightenment. I tried to learn all of them.

But, the main idea in my mind right now is darkness. Said to be the domain of an obscure dirty: that is the god of the depts.

Unlike the god of destruction and creation, I don't know the true name of the god darkness. And, unlike the previous god mentioned. The god of the depts has a true physical body.

Gro-goroth wears the skin of both men and women, and sylvian looks like an octopus-- if my memories of her are still correct. The problem with this is the bodies they poses are merely temporary, we cannot truly comprehend their true form(basic cosmic god trope)

But the god of depts' body although the mouth is the only thing visible, it's its true form. I remember when I finished cutting all of its organs, the mouth open, and I can either jump down or throw my comrades in the abyss. Although I never really bother to do the ladder.

So yes, why am I bringing him up.

It has to do with the ascension of a new god. The little girl who's pure but only knew suffering and fear in her life.

The little girl that I interminably protect, but no matter how much I try it all leads to the same conclusion.

Her ascending to a new god. The god of fear and hunger.

It hurts a lot, that all my efforts basically led up to nothing. But there's a silver lining in my eyes. You may ask why I think fondly of a manifestation of human suffering.

When I ascended as a god, I was able stay in that reality for a long time, I never really tried to meddle with the mortal world anymore. Cause, I'm just extremely exhausted.

But I was able see the girl as a god. She was the reason why humanity didn't remain stagnant, she in my eyes, was inspire or motivate the human race to progress.

The more I watch, the more similarity the girl had with the biblical son of God.

Though in this reality there's almost a carbon copy of the king of Jews. 


But I'm not gonna talk about him for a while.

So where are we? Ah yes. 

Like the son of God, the girl became an icon of 

hope. What I mean by that, her understanding surpassed that of the old gods, and due to this she's able understand or even sympathize with their suffering.

Through her, humanity was able to compromise or embrace the struggles just lil' bit.

They understand that If they don't learn they'll never leave the stagnation. They'll never move past with their weakness.

Tldr, she became a christ like figure for this reality.


-wake up master-

My eyes opens. Looking at the side I small cockroach just staring at me.

"What time is it?"

The cockroach Caresses its antenna.

-it's 8:40 in the morning master.-

I get off my bed and proceed to the bathroom.

And the little bug who wake me up skitters away

Finishing my shower I look on the mirror, my dead looking face stares back at me.

"Looking dead as always." I grabbed my toobrush and begun brushing teeth.

It's Saturday, so I have lot time to finish the hexen on the basement.

I stopped brushing for a moment.

"Shit, I promise Issei's with that date of his." The first I heard that it feels like the world rotated backwords for a minute.

Cause. Ain't. No. Way.

Issei having the game to actually pull a woman without even knowingwho she was nearly impossible.

So obviously I got suspicious.

I told Issei I'm going to help him with his date by preparing and giving him advice.

The problem is. I don't have, what the kids called this days "rizz"

I don't have that shit. Finding a woman who's not crazy or heavily mutated in the dungeons is a snowball's chance in hell.

And my social skills are shit because of the solitude.

Arghh. I guess I just have to wing it. Or. I can ask one of the girls on the school.

But who?

I guess I just have to ask the popular ones. Like Akeno or Rias or whatever their name is.

I'm popular right?

Now where should I find them? I heard they usually hung around their club building. So I guess that's were I go.


"Oi. nice morning," I greet the old janitor taking the trash out.

The janitor wrinkle but welcoming faxe look at me. Smiling he throws a greeting.

"Oh, hi there young man!" The janitor said, "what brings you here? It's Saturday right, you younglings usually don't hang around the school."

"Just trying to the find theeee- what's its name again? Oh yeah," I slammed fist on my other palm, "occult research club, yes do you know where it is old man?"

"The old building? It's right beside the basketball court," the janitor point out the direction, "Say, what business do you have with them."

The janitor paused, before smiling, "I guess it's pretty obvious why a young man like yourself want to talk with them."

My droopy eyes turned sharp, "it ain't anything weird gramps, just asking for dating advice that's all."

"Hahaha~ sure, sure, say, I haven't got your name yet," the janitor paused, "Oh yeah, I forget I also need your school ID to, can't be too trusting."

I took out my ID(I still hate that picture) and give it to the janitor.

"Name's Kurushime Shijō, third year student." I say.

The janitor nods his head and gave back my ID.

"Go on now, I still have to clean yard." The janitor bid farewell.


I walk around the courtyard, though pretty peaceful I did see members of the student council.

I guess they have this much free to put all their attention on the council.

You know I never really notice how goddamn big this school is, the owner must be pretty rich huh.

It has a pool, a gym, and a bunch clubs, makes me question how I was able to get in her in the first place.

For a guy who lives in the woods, my budget is pretty huge. Oh yeah. I forgot to mention my house.

When I got here, I didn't have a house first, so I roam the streets to find temporary shelters. Got into fights with the local homeless men, and got bored so I choose go to the woods. Surprisingly there's an abandoned house in butt-fucked nowhere.

Renovated it, fixed a lot furniture, and "buy" a generator, and yes I did my own plumbing and wiring.

If you go to my house, it's pretty barren for now. I'm planning to buy a tv and connect to wifi, but I don't have the money for now.

So yeah, I don't live on the streets.

I eventually reach the old building. Analyzing it for a bit, it's in fact pretty old.

Of course, I didn't immediately go inside, I knock first.

*Knock, knock*

I waited for a bit, before I heard a soft voice.


The door open revealing a short stack… white haired girl. I smell a mystical around her. Must be a monster.

"What do you want?" The soft yet monotone voice said, with a hint of annoyance.

"Are you by any chance Akeno?" I question the mystical girl.

The white haired girl tilts her head in confusion, "No, my name's Koneko Tōjo."

The girl continues, "What business do you have with Akeno-kun?" The monotone now carries cautious.

"Just asking her dating advice, asking for a friend." My droopy eyes looks at her small figure, "whould she be willing?"

The white haired girl once again tilts her head in confusion. The two stares at each other for an uncomfortable amount of time.

Before the girl now named Koneko slammed the door shut.

Really. Am I that awkward?

"That's pretty rude of you." My voice said in a robotic manner.



"So Rias, is there any updates on the pervert sacred gear?" A bespectacled pixie cut girl said while drinking a tea.

The Rias in question was organizing what looks to be figurines.

"Yeah, Hyoudou-san was approach by the fallen angel," Rias finished her organizing, "If we let him be, there might be a chance of him awakening the boosted gear."

"I still don't think it's a safe risk to take Rias..." the other girl put down the cup, "there's still a chance for it to be not the sacred gear you're hoping Rias."

"I know Sona, but it's a risk i'm willing to take. Even if it isn't a boosted gear it's still a sacred gear after all, " Rias massage her tample, "If it increases our chances of winning the rating game, then I'm taking it."

"Here's your tea Buchou," a purple pony tailed girl put a cup of tea on the table.

"Thank you Akeno," Rias stressed look immediately dissolve, "how's the training going Akeno?"

Akeno patted her apron, "it's progressing really well Buchou, Kiba and the other are doing well," Akeno gently smile.

Rias sigh, "Good, I'm planning for a day off the training tomorrow, what place do you think we can relax Akeno."

Akeno held her chin, "hmmm, how about the beach Buchou? It's been a long time since we actually go out for a swim."

Rias turn toward Sona, "What do you think Sona?"

"It's your choice Rias," Sona straightforwardly answer.

"Su-" Before Rias can replay she interrupted by Koneko.

Akeno look at Koneko confused.

"Umm.. Buchou there's a strange guy outside our door." Koneko said.

"A guy? That's strange I didn't notice his presence, Did you answer him Koneko-chan? If so what's does he want?"' Rias asked the nekomata.

Koneko nods her head, "he said, he want to talk Akeno-kun."

Akeno rise her eyebrow, and point at herself, "What does he want with me."

Sona is just listening.

"He said he wants dating advice from you."

Akeno "..."

Rias "..."

Sona "..."

Akeno was the first break the silence, "... Is that all?"

Koneko nods her head.

Akeno's bewildered face turn erotic for some reason, "ufufufu~ take me to him~"

Sona and Rias, "What's is this now?"



-MASTER! ask me instead! Back in my day I was the hottest raven around, I laid all the ravussy in my block- 

A raven said to me.

"Would you shut your beak for a minute; a raven and a human are completely you worm eater," my annoyanc boiled the more I listen to this goddamn bird.

Sometimes I wonder, why I even learned {MASTERY OVER VERMIM}.

Like for All-mer sake, how can the insect be more gentle then the damn birds.


I turned towards the door, I hear many footsteps coming, 1 2 3 4, four "people" are coming.

A patted my combat coat. And adjusted my hair.

The finally opens, revealing Koneko, a purple haird girl, who I assumed is Akeno, and the other girls. The red haired who is Rias I assumed, and the pixie cut is the student council president.

"Ara~ a big one, what business do you have with me?" Akeno said in a teasing voice.

The red haired girl, Rias step in, "Umm. What's your name? And why do you want to talk to my club member?" Hmmm, strange. Gro-goroth's magic seems to like her.

"Name's Kurushime Shijō, and I'm

here for dating advice," I said.

Akeno eyes curved upwards, and her smile follows, "ufufufu~ then come on in~ I apologize for Koneko rude behavior she doesn't like strangers. Right Koneko?"

Koneko nods her head with looking from me.

My eyes didn't weaver.


Ma! I'm out of creative juice!