
DxD: The Fight For Freedom

Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/ZBjyhdt3 Update Schedule: 1 Ch/week- ten days Most fanfic characters in DxD either have cheats, systems, special backgrounds, or know the plot for their SMOOTH plan. This story doesn't have ANY of that convenient plot. Well.... You can read other stories if you don't like this story. This story only has the OG MC with different thinking. What happens if Issei has a very cautious, grounded, but decisive mindset? What happens if you take off the anime and boob logic out of the window with simple common sense? What if... What if Issei never wished to be a Harem King? All of these what-ifs make this story born. . . A True Dragon of Domination who fought for his survival and freedom. "Heh...In the end, we all become who we are by the results of our choice. If this is my ending, then I can only accept it." This story is AU. (P.S. The general will follow the OG story. Although, the content WILL be different with different MC .) (P.S.S There's no reincarnation, transmigration, system, regression, nor knowing the plot for the MC. His special cheat is only himself and Boosted Gear, Period.) (P.S.S. I'm a complete beginner who writes fanfic for fun and scratching the itch on my brain resulting in this fanfic. forgive me if there's an obvious plot hole, grammar mistakes, or nonsensical logic.)

NikkeSimp · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 2: Behind the Scenes

"...." - A character's dialogue

(....) - A character's thoughts

{....} - Ddraig speaking in Issei's mind

[....] - Ddraig speaking openly to his surrounding


"...That's all from me, Buchou."

"I see. Good work, Koneko."

Night, Kuoh Academy Old Building.

In this old place, three girls wearing the same uniforms but very different body proportions gather for their activities.

One is a purple-haired ponytailed girl named Himejima Akeno looking at the other two's conversation with a perpetual beatific smile. She was standing behind the one who sat on the chair, just like an assistant. For some reason, she closes her eyes often during conversation too.

The next girl is the petite white-haired girl named Toujou Koneko. Or, as Yuuma dubbed "Disgusting Bat Stalker" in her mind. Whether said girl noticed Yuuma's contempt or not, no one could know.

As ordered by her club leader(Buchou), Koneko stal--- "Observe" the interested party, Hyoudou Issei. 

Looking at her master, Koneko is silent for a moment. Then, as if she couldn't hold it in anymore, she abruptly opened her small mouth that contained her curiosity.

"....What will you do now?"


This is interesting.

The last one who hums contemplatively to Koneko's question is the leader of these two girls, Rias Gremory. On an official note, she is just a normal 3rd-year Kuoh High School Student who manages the Occult Club for their hobbies. Well, as normal as the beautiful great ladies crowned by the students(especially boys). Her title is warranted as her shining crimson hair and....appropriate body proportion exude a great womanly charm that no normal high schooler could have.

This is a fact, as all three of them were never normal from the beginning.

Back to Koneko's inquiry, Rias only smiled mysteriously and folded her hands on the desk, unconsciously raising her abundant chest, which made Koneko subconsciously twitch her eyebrow for the low-key insult to her.

(...Just ignore it.)

What a sad fate for the eternal cute, petite mascot of Kuoh Academy.

As for what Rias thinks it's interesting, she's a bit amused that Koneko would even ask that as if she was oblivious to the danger coming to them.

"This is just for confirmation, but you could smell it, right?"

On that, two immediate but not positive reactions occurred to them. Akeno, the Yamato Nadeshiko lady still looks the same, but her aura changes considerably. As if her parent's worst enemy come to life, her anger was palpable radiating around the room. Koneko, whom Rias inquired, furrowed her brow as if she could notice the upcoming trouble inevitably too.


Not pigeon, not a bat, but a "crow" is spoken by Koneko.

To normal people, it may seem nonsensical or gaming code for teenagers. To them though, it was a code for "Yuuma" 's true identity.

After all, besides "friendly" bats, no pigeons nor crows are welcome to this territory unless explicitly stated. Rather, no fools willingly come to Kuoh Town if they knew who managed this town behind the scenes.


"Then you should know. My guess was correct."

They were forced to come for their agenda.

Rias, who looks as if the lottery prize is right in front of her eyes, proudly states her opinion to Koneko. The petite girl sighed wordlessly at her reaction but didn't refute her words.

After all, her comments about Hyoudou Issei's peculiarity from a year ago come back to this very moment.




As if saying the correct answer, Rias chuckled knowingly and snapped her finger. It was a bit exaggerated but every person has their own quirks, so nobody criticized her for the dramatic reactions. Rather, even Akeno found it cute for her master's reaction while chuckling lightly behind her hand.


This single word has a different hidden meaning, but the weight behind it far outclassed all three code words.

What's more outrageous is that Koneko implicitly stated that, with her nose, she could smell the scent of a dragon in the seemingly normal high school student. Not only it was ridiculous, but some people may even snort contemptfully at the sheer ludicrousity of it.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunate for Rias, that ridiculous situation came true for her. If she didn't care her image in front of her clubmates, she would jump in joy for this unexpected, but very welcome chance coming to her lap.

"What I---We'll do is simple. We watch them from the sideline."

Wait and see approach. As one of the rulers of this territory, it may be a smidge too passive approach.

As if expressing that, Koneko frowned worriedly while Akeno pouted visibly on her cheek since she couldn't play with her new toys anymore. 

But they won't refute her. Rather, they couldn't.

One, there is little to no information about this Yuuma. Although she may be illegally entering this town, she may not know who manages this area (which is almost improbable, really). Based on Koneko's observation, it's possible since crows have an instinctual habit of picking a fight with other races when interfering with his/her agenda. Whether she notices it or not, there is a small probability she's just hanging out with the 'dragon' smelled boy.

Two, worsening the current situation without having a backup solution. This is also what "Yuuma" worries about, but all three sides generally avoid the doomsday scenario that's possibly happening just because of the small skirmish. If that happens, Rias and the other ruler who manage this territory are helpless to do anything about it, even with the support from their respective families.

And finally---

"This is a one-in-a-million opportunity."

Both of them tilted their heads for not understanding this said opportunity. But after a few seconds, Akeno spoke "Oh" from her mouth and nodded in understanding while Koneko folded her hands perplexedly regarding this...." opportunity."


It wasn't a baseless worry. Rather, if anyone from the neutral side considers it from Koneko's side, such words inadvertently come out. She could understand Rias' intention and the reason behind it.


"...Hyoudou-Senpai is innocent."

It all boils down to basic compassion. 

Half a year ago, Koneko was requested to observe Issei's activity and find his nature if possible. Not a thorough one, but a basic surface-level search about him.

The result, he was absolutely normal on every side. Even on "this" side or on his family, there is truly nothing noteworthy to find.

Not to diss her senior (She's not that cruel), but Issei-Senpai is particularly uninteresting to her. In fact, she was close to indifference. However, she silently praised him in her mind after successfully educating those two double M&M idiots in basic decency for not frolicking like a monkey in school.

Perverts are one of the few things she couldn't absolutely tolerate.

Rias is not an idiot or emotionally dense. She may be a bit(?) lacking in experience compared to her esteemed brother, but she could notice Koneko's unquestioned worries.

"I understand what you are worried about, Koneko. If possible, I want to recruit Hyoudou-kun as naturally as possible too."

During the agreement for managing this territory, Rias and the current student council president have explicitly agreed to share the burden and possible chance that could benefit them fairly and equally. In these two years, such agreements have been kept faithfully as much as possible to avoid antagonizing each other. In fact, both of them are quite close in private too.

Moreover, Rias and the other person never really like the way to exploit people for their own benefit, which is different from their race's norms. 

But sadly, the situation has changed drastically for this year. Or rather, Rias' side is almost at the end of the rope.

Remembering the recent...news she heard from her brother's work partner, the club leader's face is filled with gloom and anger.

"Two days ago, I just got words from Grayfia-nee. She said, "Until the end of your school year." ...I don't think that needs elaboration, yes?"

Hearing that unexpected news coming from out of the blue, the pair also react horribly. Akeno gasped at the sudden changes with no preamble while Koneko grimaced at its shortened time limit.

As a person of Gremory, every member has a role needed to fulfill, small or not. Rias is no exception. In fact, her responsibility is far more heavy as the future successor of Gremory's house.

Rias hated it. She hated that shackle much more than any other thing she experienced in her life. Even though she was grateful to be born into the family, she couldn't stop the feeling of frustration.

Logic is always separate from Emotion. For a young girl like Rias, especially so.

It's not that she's blind from the need to fulfill her obligation. Considering the....endangered pure species of her race, she understood the necessity of it. That's why, even though she vehemently rebuked the news coming from Grayfia, she wasn't the least surprised her words meant absolutely nothing to her and her mother.

"...Can we try to persuade the other side of the 'family' ?"

Akeno softly proposed a possible solution, but Rias only chuckled mirthlessly after hearing that. While they are in a situation to borrow any helping hand even from cats, Akeno herself cringed from the sheer bullshit coming from her mouth. Koneko even shook her head hopelessly like she could imagine the only possible result coming from it.

"....No more option?"

"No more option."

It was final. If Rias, the main party involved in this situation said so in a matter-of-fact manner, then there's truly nothing that could be done anymore. Therefore, it goes back to their initial start.

Banking their hope to Hyoudou Issei.

"...Koneko, you don't need to observe "Yuuma" anymore. Since we know her hideout is in the abandoned church, that's already a plus. Instead, change your main target to Hyoudou-kun without him noticing it. In these few days, there's going to be a change. I guarantee it."

Koneko nods at that. It was a no-brainer anyway.

"I'll report it to the student council president for upcoming action."

On that, Rias opened her mouth, closed it, and repeated it again and again. Koneko tilted her head confusedly at that. After all, there's no need to hesitate for it. As agreed before, it was protocol to share their findings with----


---Something's wrong.

Koneko narrowed her eyes and looked at her club leader warily. She doesn't know what is specifically wrong. However, at least she knows her plan to report this to the student president is not mistaken.

So why is she reacting like that?

Koneko got her answer after tens of seconds.

However, she never said she had to like it.

"...Sona doesn't need to know about this."

For a moment, Koneko blanked out. She could hear the words coming from Rias' mouth but her brain lags to compute it. Even Akeno gripped her folded hands tightly while biting her lip.

After a few seconds, Koneko was able to digest it. She hopefully wishes it was just a hallucination. However, looking at the solemn face of her master, it looks like there's no mistake.

They are going on their backs from their partner.

"...Are you sure?"


There was barely any hesitation from Rias' mouth. In fact, she looks determined as if this is the best possible way for her to overcome this problem.


For a moment, Koneko is silent. She could understand Buchou's actions. She truly could. If she were in her shoes, Koneko would worry about it constantly too.

Still, this was...

However, the refutes coming from her mouth died at the tip of her tongue. She never has the luxury nor the privilege to doubt her master. Therefore, following Buchou's word and keeping the comment to herself is the smartest move. She told herself that countless times.

Said excuse sounds hollow even to her.

(...I'm sorry.)

Was it an apology toward the other side or to the innocent boy purposefully involved in this messed up situation? Or, was it both?

No one knows. Only she herself knows the true meaning of her apology. A servant doesn't poke their master's decision rashly.

As a good servant,


She will obey the order faithfully.

Accepting her words, Rias nods her head and smiles thankfully to her. Then, when Koneko asks if there's anything to do, Rias dismisses her immediately without any preamble.

Koneko stares at her master for a moment. Then, she moves her gaze toward Akeno who only smiles apologetically to her with lowered eyelids. After seeing that, the mascot of Kuoh Academy bowed her head as a sign of respect and then turned back towards the door.

(...The new sweet store. Maybe it could help.)

Expecting the blissful, wonderful taste of the bakery, the sweet lover hoped it could help reduce this bitter feeling stuck in her chest.

If Kiba Yuuto, the other member of this Occult Club looks at her current state, he will stare worriedly as if leaving her like this alone is good for her.

After all, he won't miss the remorse and pity shown in her eyes.


Sadly, the prince of Kuoh is busy with his contract partner, so nobody can point to this irregularity anymore. Well, his being here or not is almost irrelevant as he's always loyal to his master's wish.

"...Was it really the right choice?"

Hearing her insecurities, Akeno could only give a bitter smile. 

Right or wrong, that could only be seen clearly after making the choice, not before. That's why, Akeno could only pat her back softly to her conflicted friend with a comforting smile.

"You did your best. As someone who stays beside your side for 10 years, let me say this. You did everything you could do. So..."

---Don't think too much about it.

As if hearing the unspoken words, Rias slumped her shoulders in relief. In a way, she wants to hear that word the most for forgiving her action. She did feel sorry for involving the innocent boy in their circumstance, but there was nothing more to be done.

After reminding herself, her clouded eyes gained clarity, shining brightly. In her youthful but beautiful face, a strong smile appeared on her face shaped as a crescent arc.

...Yes, there's no other choice for her anymore. What she'll do is the most beneficial choice for everyone. Maybe she will cheat a bit here and there, but her species proactively follow that custom anyway. She just decided to follow it now.

(...This is going to be the first and last time.)

Apologetically she may feel toward Issei, what she is planning won't change. Saying that inside her mind by consoling herself, she ultimately concludes it'll somehow work wonderfully.

For her sake---

"---Please be of use to us, Hyoudou Issei-kun."

She's going to cross the bottom line.


Author Note: And cut. How is it? The last chapter was about Yuuma, so I want to show you all what Rias and her co's think about this whole situation. Most DxD I read who follow the canon either describe Rias as a good master and kind devil compared to the others. I won't say it's wrong per se, but the standard is just too low for me.

If I look at her actions objectively, she is a very flawed character. A flawed character or heroine is fine. It makes the story interesting too if the author uses it properly. Still, it ticks me off when the anime depicts Rias as the perfect master and that any of her actions could be forgiven and reasoned.

Well, fuck that noise.

I do follow the flow of the canon 95 percent of the time. However, I want to show something more instead of RIas' side being the best and the other is crap. No, what I'll show is that every action will have its consequences and Rias WILL eat her words in later chapters.

Remember everyone, any choice you make will always have consequences. Don't be a hypocrite and try to self-justify yourself if you know the wrongs of it. Lol, just a small advice. Don't take it to heart and just enjoy the story.

That's all from me, Ciao~~

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