
DxD: Shattered Legacy

Noble house Vesperion. After they were betrayed and purged everyone thought that they went extinct. What nobody knew was that 2 individuals managed to flee and hide. They had a child who inherited everything that the Vesperion bloodline could offer.

failurebydesign · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
26 Chs

Order of Nihility and Phenex

"So we can assume that there will be more groups of people who join, so it would be logical for each group to have a representative. Yasaka, I assume that you are not against being the representative of the youkai." said Kaiser.

"I will gladly take on that position husband" said Yasaka.

"I'm thinking about moving here for the time being to make things easier. I assume the fighting forces will need to be organized because of what happened there might be internal problems between them and that's not good. Furthermore, I'll probably need to meet with the Shinto gods in the future to explain the current situation to them." said Kaiser.

"Excuse me, but is there anything we could help with?" asked Arisu.

"What are you girls good at?" asked Kaiser as he turned his head towards the 5 nine-tailed foxes.

"We don't specialize in anything. We have gotten an all-around training regarding administrative duties." said Kayo.

"That will surely come in handy in the future, but firstly we need to figure out how to detoxify the poison in your bodies and we also need to get Phenex tears. I think for now it would be for the best to move Harumi to my family's home until we are finished with our business and then I can move back here alongside my parents and the other people who are currently living there." said Kaiser.

"I shall remain here. Even though I wish to accompany you and my mother I need to organize the youkai. And with that Arisu, Kiyomi, Kayo, Tsukiko and Eiko could help tremendously." said Yasaka.

"You don't need to worry Yasa, I'll make sure that your mother is safe." said Kaiser.

"Yasa?" questioned Yasaka.

"Yeah, I mean you call me husband, so I figured it would be nice to give you a sort of nickname as well, even if it's just your name shortened I think it doesn't sound bad." said Kaiser with a smile.

Yasaka smiled back at Kaiser and moved to hug him and caressed him with her tails.

"Thank you, husband. Then I'll be leaving my mother in your capable hands. Let's go girls we have got work to do." said Yasaka and left the room followed by the five foxes.

"Master, shall I notify the Phenex family that we will be shortly arriving?" asked Grayfia.

"Yes please, tell them that we are going there to conduct business." said Kaiser as he stood up and looked at Fayeth.

"Do you want to come with us or would you rather stay here Fayeth? You can also stay at my family's home if you want to." said Kaiser.

"I would like to stay here for now." said Fayeth.

"Do as you like." said Kaiser and turned to Albedo.

"Albedo, I know that this tour didn't exactly turn out the way we planned, and I would like to apologize for that." said Kaiser.

"Lord Kaiser please don't apologize, I'm enjoying myself and I have seen quite a lot of things. I would like to keep accompanying you on your journey if you don't mind." said Albedo.

"I don't mind! You are welcome to come with us." said Kaiser.

Albedo smiled and nodded and in turn Kaiser also smiled back at Albedo.

Kaiser turned to Grayfia.

"Have you notified them?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes master, they asked for some time to prepare. I believe after we take Lady Harumi to master's home it will be an appropriate time to go to the Phenex mansion." said Grayfia and Kaiser nodded and went to pick up Harumi again the same way he did before giving his short speech.

"Then see you later Fayeth." said Kaiser as he stood next to Grayfia and Albedo and they teleported away.

***Underworld, Vesperion family home, Kaiser's study***

The four people appeared in Kaiser's study room. Albedo went to exchange a few words with her mother and Kaiser entrusted Harumi to Grayfia to place her in a good room and get her anything she might need and Kaiser himself went to meet his father.

Kaiser arrived at the door of his father's study and knocked and once given permission he entered. Once he entered he looked around but this time only his father was in the study.

"My son! How is it going?" asked Michael.

"It's going well. I have brought the Youkai faction under my banner successfully. The faction is going by the name Order of Nihility and I have plans for everyone in this house to move to the youkai dimension to make everything easier. And I also got a wife." said Kaiser.

Michael was dumbfounded, by the amount of information that had just been unleashed upon his brain. Not only has Kaiser begun forming his faction he already has people under his banner and has planned for the whole household to move. And a...wife?

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GOT A WIFE?" questioned Michael borderline shouting.

"It's a pretty weird story and I would love to tell you, but it would be better to do it after we have moved there. She is called Yasaka and she is a nine-tailed fox. Her mother is currently in the house, but she is injured and her magic abilities have been kinda sealed or something like that. You can go talk to her while we are out doing business with the Phenex family for some of their tears. She is called Harumi." said Kaiser.

"You move at an extreme pace my son. Alright, I will visit and talk with her alongside your mother. A word of warning, the Phenex family believes that high-class devils are atop the pyramid and thus any offer they get from someone who isn't a part of the high-class devil society they will reject or name some ridiculous price." said Michael.

"Yeah, I guessed that much and since I announced that I cut myself off from the devil society and I'll be meeting them as the leader of the Order of Nihility they will say some dumb stuff." said Kaiser.

"Then good luck my son, I'll tell your mother about everything that you told me here and we will get ready to move. By the way, I handed over the position of head to you while you were away. You only need to sign the paper if you could do that now it would be awesome because I'm afraid it will be forgotten." said Michael as he took out a paper and pen and placed it on the table.

Kaiser read the paper and signed at the bottom, thus officially becoming the head of house Vesperion.

"Thank you, Father. I shall not disappoint. I'll be back with the Phenex tears." said Kaiser as he left the room and looked for Grayfia's energy signature and after he found her in his study room he made his way there. Albedo and Grayfia were already waiting there for him, ready to go.

"Master, we are ready to go." said Grayfia and Albedo nodded.

"Then let's see what kind of preparations did the Phenex family make." said Kaiser as a teleportation circle appeared below them and they arrived at the front gate of the Phenex mansion. Kaiser quickly put a barrier around the three of them and they approached the gate guards.

Once the guards noticed them they opened the gate for them and let them pass through. On the other side of the gate, a maid was waiting for them.

"Please follow me, young lord." said the maid with a bow and started walking towards the mansion. Once inside the maid led them to a meeting room. She knocked on the door and announced the arrival of Kaiser as he entered.

"The heir of house Vesperion has arrived!" said the maid and bowed and left.

"Greetings everyone." said Kaiser with a smile. The moment they entered the room he could tell that there were 3 ultimate-class and 1 calamity-class hiding in the shadows.

'I wonder where they got the calamity-class from.' thought Kaiser.

"Before we begin I would like to correct your maid because the position of the family head had been handed down to me, thus I'm no longer the heir but the family head." said Kaiser.

"In that case, we would like to apologize. We weren't notified of this. But it would probably be more correct to also call you the leader of the Order of Nihility, right? Since it was mentioned that you are here to conduct business I assume that you are here to get Phenex tears." said Isaac with a small smile.

"That's right. How much would a dose of Phenex tears cost?" asked Kaiser getting straight to the point.

"Well, you know we don't really conduct business with someone who isn't a part of the devil society and you made your stance clear. Of course, there is a price that I could accept for a few Phenex tear drops." said Isaac.

'I have a terrible feeling about this.' thought Kaiser.

"You see, when your maid contacted us I was seriously considering what I could ask from you, and I believe I've got the perfect idea!" said Isaac.

"What would that be?" asked Kaiser.

"Your maid, Grayfia Lucifuge." said Isaac.

"No, name another price." said Kaiser.

"Now, now don't be hasty. Just imagine she is a powerful ultimate-class devil and my bloodline has extremely potent regenerative abilities. Our child would be monstrous." said Isaac.

"I'm trying to imagine where could your bloodline possibly surpass mine? If I had children with her wouldn't they be even more monstrous? Even from this point of view this is a terrible offer. Let's not mention the more important things. She is very important to me so you gonna have to think up something else." asked Kaiser.

"Alright, I'm willing to compromise. You don't have to give her to me permanently just until she gives me a child then you can have her. I hope you understand my point, everyone wants a strong child." said Isaac.

"Yeah, I see your point, but I have an even better offer. I'm even stronger than her so how about I myself fuck you up until your tears run dry?" asked Kaiser.

Isaac narrowed his eyes at Kaiser's words.

"Are you really offering a relationship between men or are you threatening me?" asked Isaac.

"I'm threatening you of course. Excuse my poor choice of words." said Kaiser.

"You come into my home and dare to threaten me?" asked Isaac.

"I have a better question. Do you honestly think that those insects hiding in the shadows could stop me from doing so? We came here with business in mind and we were ready to pay with money and resources. Yet you can't appreciate it, so the only option left for me is to traumatize you enough so that merely hearing my name is going to cause you to have a panic attack." said Kaiser.

Suddenly 4 people appeared in the room in full-black clothing and stood in front of Isaac. Kaiser put a barrier around to room to stop anyone from entering or leaving. Same with sound.

"Grayfia would you like to have a go at them?" asked Kaiser.

"I wouldn't be able to fight against them without causing damage to the environment so I would like to pass on this opportunity master." said Grayfia.

Kaiser nodded and used <Annihilator's Grasp> to erase the four guards from existence while successfully absorbing their energy through the dark tendrils.

Kaiser only recently discovered that he can absorb energies through those tendrils which came as a surprise to him, but he still didn't understand why. He only tried it out on a whim and was pleasantly surprised when it worked.

'I should have done this with that 3 youkai as well, but I was too focused on displaying my might properly it slipped my mind. What a blunder, I'll have to find beings to kill and absorb their energies to keep advancing in power.' thought Kaiser.

"I was quite confident this much would at least cause you some troubles, but I greatly underestimated your power." said Isaac.

"Happens." said Kaiser and black lightning started dancing around his left hand.

'I'm not sure if something is wrong with me but I have been using quite a lot of violence in the past few days. It is also a possibility that they are the problem, a chance was given to both Isaac and the youkai leaders and they blew it so I guess me being upset is justified.' thought Kaiser.

"What's next?" asked Isaac.

"I plan on torturing you until you are willing to hand over the Phenex tears. Also, I'm quite irritated about you trying to take Grayfia away from my side so I guess that kinda fuels the fire as well." said Kaiser.

After his speech, Kaiser proceeded to torture Isaac for close to an hour. His injuries were being healed constantly at a rapid pace, but the pain he felt left a dent on his mental state and he gave in.

Isaac was currently lying in a pool of his own vomit, blood and sweat.

"Enough please, I'll give you what you want, just stop. I'm begging you." said Isaac.

"Took you long enough, but I still have a question. Have you learned your lesson about eyeing what's mine?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes, yes I'm sorry for the way I spoke about Lady Grayfia, it won't happen again. I can give you 10 Phenex tears that's all that we currently have, I can give more later." said Isaac hurriedly.

'No way he said Lady Grayfia. He dropped his pride and submitted instead of being tortured. he still later almost an hour, that's pretty decent will-power right there.' thought Kaiser.

"Then hand it over and we will be on our way." said Kaiser.

Isaac stood up wobbly and walked over to a wall. He placed his palm on the wall and a magic circle lit up. A small compartment with a flask appeared. Isaac took the flask and handed it to Kaiser. Kaiser took and gave it to Grayfia and she used her space magic to store it.

Kaiser nodded to Grayfia and she summoned a teleportation circle.

Before Grayfia teleported them away Kaiser brought down the barrier that was around the room.

"Thank you for your cooperation." said Kaiser to Isaac as he disappeared from the room and reappeared in his study.

"Lord Kaiser, may I excuse myself? I wish to talk with my mother. said Albedo.

"Sure, go ahead. We will go and give Harumi a Phenex tear and get ready to move. We will tell you when everything is ready." said Kaiser and Albedo nodded and left.

Kaiser and Grayfia left for the room where Harumi was staying at. After a short walk they arrived, knocked and entered the room. Michael, Alicia, Morgana and Harumi were present in the room.

Alicia instantly went to Kaiser to question him about Yasaka and he said the same thing he said to his father.

Grayfia took out the flask that contained the Phenex tears and handed it over to Kaiser and he approached Harumi.

"Please open your mouth so I can give you a drop of Phenex tear." asked Kaiser and Harumi did as she was asked. Kaiser carefully spilt a drop of the tears on her lips and she swallowed it. After a few seconds, Harumi's face contorted in pain, but it disappeared quickly.

Kaiser handed back the flask to Grayfia who stored it.

"So can you feel your legs?" asked Kaiser.

Harumi moved her legs around a little bit and nodded with a smile on her face.

"Yes, thank you." said Harumi.

"No problem. Now everybody let's get packing because we will be moving to the youkai sub-dimension." said Kaiser.

"Son, how did you manage to get the Phenex tears?" asked Michael.

"I can be very persuasive when I want to be." said Kaiser.

"Alright, I won't pry into the details too much, I just hope you didn't go too overboard." said Michael.

In the meantime, Albedo and Elysia were having a mother-daughter conversation.

I'll post character sheet

failurebydesigncreators' thoughts