
DxD: Self made system

A being in the void made himself a system and travelled to dxd world

transcend_salt · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1: Finally

"Finally! I finally did it! With this I'll be able to leave this forsaken place" A voice was heard, It was a being who was stuck in a place akin to the void.

The being has been stranded in this void for a long time that he was able to gradually collect the energy around him and made a system.

"I've been stuck here for so long I can't even remember who I am, but now the system is finished" Even though the being don't even remember their name they were able to build this amazing piece of work.

"System, initiate world travel!" they were finally gonna leave this place and start anew.

[World travel initiated, selecting a random world]

[A world has been found, launching towards destination in…]


"Goodbye void" The being smiled as they closed their non-existent eyes.


"I won't miss this place" And with that, a new story has begun.



[DxD world]

[Kuoh Town]

[Background created]

[Name: Riku]

[Gender: Male]

[Biography: Riku is a high schooler who has no family or close relative and lives alone, Because of this Riku has learned cooking and cleaning as well as kendo due to being in kendo club but later quit the club]

"Nice and simple" In a 3 storey building, a teenager with dark black hair and black starry universe-like eyes was seen inspecting himself and his room.

"System, how much energy is left after traveling to this world? And please convert the remaining energy into system points, beginner package and other necessary stuff" After Riku has finished inspecting his surroundings he realized that he had spent a large amount of energy from world travel.

[Remaining energy: 10%]

[Energy converted to Sp: 300]

[Energy converted to Beginner package: 1]

[Open the beginner package?]

[Shop has been unlocked]

[Gacha has been unlocked]

[Inventory has been unlocked]

"Open" Riku sits on his bed with anticipation and opens the BP.

[Gacha ticket: 5]

[Random Dungeon card: 1]

[Humanoid language: 1]

[Gacha ticket]

[Allows user to use gacha, once per ticket. Using 10 tickets increase the chance of getting better loots]

[Random Dungeon card]

[Use to get a random dungeon suitable for the user]

[Humanoid language] [Lv-0]

[Skill allows user to understand all the humanoid languages and basic supernatural languages, doesn't include magical or spell related stuff]

"Hm, not bad, now let's check my status" Riku was quite satisfied with the language skill.


[Name: Riku]

[Race: Human(?)]

[Level: 0]

[HP: 50/50]

[EP: 50/50] [Energy point, can use any type of energy, magic, etc]

[Vit: 5] [Health and Regen]

[End: 5] [Durability, stamina and endurance]

[Agi: 5] [Agility, dexterity and speed]

[Str: 5] [All type of physical strength]

[Int: 5] [Intelligence, Ep, Ep regen and mental strength]

[Luc: 5] [Luck]


[Humanoid language] [Lv-0]

[Cooking] [Lv-10]

[The skill necessary in order to cook edible and delicious food]

[Cleaning] [Lv-10]

[The skill allowing the user to stay hygienic]

[Kendo] [Lv-20]

[Modern martial art mostly used for sports]


[Random Dungeon card]

[Gacha Ticket: 5]



[Sp: 300]

"So that it" Riku listened as the system explained that the average human has 50 Hp and no Mp or Ep, most humans have somewhat unequal status like 6 vit or 4 end and not one has a perfect 5 on all statuses like him.

"Use the gacha tickets" Riku watched intensely as the items and loot appeared and 5 gacha tickets disappeared from the system interface.


[Unraveling the mystery]


[Quick learner]

[Eagle eyes]

[Adrenaline] [Lv-0]

[Actively use adrenaline and boost user overall statuses except for Luck.]

[Unraveling the mystery] [Lv-0]

[If users actively call out the name and revealing the details of the spells, skills, ability, etc, will increase their potency]

[Boxing] [Lv-0]

[The skill allows the use of boxing style and techniques]

[Quick learner] [Lv-0]

[Ability to quickly learn and master. Has a slight chance to double the exp you get]

[Eagle eyes] [Lv-0]

[Allow user to see like an eagle from above]

"Not bad, better than nothing" Riku smiled warily, 'unraveling the mystery', 'eagle eyes' and 'Quick learner' were good stuff in his opinion but the rest can be easily obtained.

"Alright, let's move on to shop" Riku was still optimistic that the situation would be better, once he started grinding.


[Observation] [Lv-0]

[Reveal the target status and info]

[Sp: 200]

[Zone] [Lv-0]

[Higher state of concentration and focus than regular state. Drain stamina depending on the user and can be used actively]

[Sp: 100]

[High quality Shinai and Bogu]

[A bamboo sword and training armor used for Kendo. Give the wearer +2 in str and +2 in end]


"Uhh, free stuff daily?" Riku asked the system about the free Shinai and Bogu. The system explained that the shop will give out a free stuff every day.

"Buy all 3 then" satisfied with the shop, Riku buys all three and proceeds to the dungeon.

[A random dungeon has been opened]

[Flame contaminated city: Fuyuki] [Easy]

[The first singularity in fate grand order. The easy mode do not contain heroic spirit only skeletons]

[Available location]

[Unknown coordinates X-E] [Church of wandering corpses]

"Oh thank goodness, if the easy mode had heroic spirit, I might as well wait for a new dungeon" Riku felt relieved that he didn't need to face the heroic spirit, yet.

[Start the dungeon?]

"Start!" After preparing the necessary things like food, water and survival kits, Riku the dungeon.

[Fuyuki dungeon]

[Unknown coordinates X-E]

"There's a church nearby" Riku opened his eyes and looked around using 'Observation' and 'eagle eyes' for a bit before deciding to go to the church.

'I can use the church as a temporary shelter after clearing the skeletons around the church' Riku has already noticed the skeletons walking around the church.

[Mission: kill the skeletons around the church]

'Let see, 6 skeletons and 3 skeleton archers. All melee skeletons are around the church, 2 archer skeletons are inside the church and 1 archer on the rooftop' The last skeleton archer was a problem for Riku as he didn't have long range weapons or skills at the moment.

"Guess I have to improvise" Riku grinded, he approached the nearest skeleton to his position with stealth.

The skeleton seemed to not notice anything while Riku moved stealthily behind the skeleton's back, quickly equipping Shinai and Bogu, he then smashed the skeleton skull, killing it instantly.

Due to the sound the skeleton made when it died, the surrounding skeleton quickly approached Riku's location.

Noticing the skeleton approaching, Riku entered the church through one of the opened windows.

Inside the church 2 skelly archers greeted him with arrows. Riku acted fast and ducked under one of the seats.

Quickly, Riku threw the Shinai at one of the skeletons, breaking off the skeleton's boney arm, disarming it.

The second archer tried to shoot Riku but he blocked the arrow with the seat. He then threw the seat at the skeleton, knocking it down to the floor due to the impact.

Riku then used 'Adrenaline' and 'Zone', with 'observation' and 'Eagle eyes' still active. The combination of all four, increased his overall statuses. He grabbed his Shinai from the floor and bashed the first skeleton's skull.

Picking up the skeleton's bow and arrow Riku shot at the second skeleton, who was planning to get back up, which put the second skeleton back to sleep, this time permanently.

*Bone rattle sound*

The third skeleton archer came down the stairs and was met with a strike from Riku to its skull.

"Now let's get to the rooftop" Riku collected all the arrows from the skeleton archers and went to the rooftop, where he waited for the melee skeleton to approach before shooting and smashing them each with arrows and Shinai.

[Mission completed!]

[You have killed 9 skeletons!]

[Rewards: +450 exp, +100 sp, +1 gacha ticket and +1 luc]

[Due to the skill 'quick learner', the exp has been doubled]

[You have leveled up. Riku Lv-3]

[Kendol has leveled up. Kendo Lv-21]

[Adrenaline has leveled up. Adrenaline Lv-2]

[Zone had leveled up. Zone Lv-2]

[Observation has leveled up. Observation Lv-4]

[Eagle eyes have leveled up. Eagle eyes Lv-4]

As Riku saw the rewards he immediately checked his status and sure enough, he felt richer. Slowly taking out a water bottle, he took a sip and searched around the church for anything useful.

"What the-" after searching around for 10 minutes, he found...

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