
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
125 Chs

Unexpected Attack

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. There is no paywall. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Leave some stones if you like the fic.

Word Count 1340


Another night out. Another church on the list finished. I got lucky and found some of the people on my list. But it was mostly the grunts.

Most of the low-level thugs involved with the Holy Sword Project are dead. They were surprisingly easy to find as they were excommunicated.

Those excommunicated members hang out in old and worn-down churches.

The Church still kept a lookout for them. But didn't engage them. The hope was that these 'excommunicated members' could still kill a few devils or their contracted magicians before they die.

I have sneaked into many of them. The good ones. The rare ones. I leave alone after finding where they keep all their supernatural documents.

Tonight was quite good. I got a lot of good info. There is a meeting next weekend. A lot of excommunicated members will gather there. They meet up once in a while when they need to give out information to a big group of people.

This is good news for me.

I can clear out a lot of people this way. Even if they are not on my list I'll still kill them all. I can't leave any survivors. If I get to find out before I'm strong enough. I'm screwed. Azazel was one thing. He regularly breaks the rules and does give a damn. I mean we are talking about the dude who fell out of heaven because he wanted to see Gabriel's tits.

So I'm not really worried about him.

~ Next Week.

I use the same tactic I have always done. Merge with the shadows and slowly enter the Church. I go into one of the blind spots

"Good evening brothers. As you know this meeting will be happening in many locations at the same time. "

Damn. They made countermeasures against me.

"This is to prevent a full-on attack. We have suffered many losses over the last few months. Each time a red pentagram was left at the scene. Tensions between us and the Five Clans are rising by the day. And we don't know for sure if they are the ones responsible. They are denying it, but at the same time are happy for our misfortune"

... That's just wow. Instead of completely stopping any doubt about this and save face across the supernatural world. These idiots are making things worse for them. I mean they are being framed for an attack on a Worldwide Faction. A weak one. But still what do they do? They laugh in their face.

Idiots. But it helps hide my actions so I'm totally fine with that. Onmyōji's always were a prideful bunch. And they constantly make stupid decisions.

"Another main point. We have begun scouting out the location for Excalibur Fragments. We have run into some problems right away. This mission will take time and preparation. It doesn't help that half of the swords are constantly on the move. So we are focusing on the ones that have no current wielder" The head priest finished his point and the other members started talking among each other, raising ideas on how to accomplish this. Such as ambushing one of the wielders while they are on a mission.

What the fuck. Did they plan that thing this early? I thought it was a desperate move made by Kokabiel. But apparently, they started planning it a year ahead.

Now that I think about it.. it does make sense. There are only 6 swords in the church's possession. It's obvious that some of them are well protected. They must have spies inside the church. What kind of dumbass sends 2 Excalibur fragments straight to the enemy.

Irina and Xenovia's situation always seemed off.

So maybe some of the corrupt Church Members. Pulled some strings to make it happen.

Well, I've heard enough.

I can't exactly kill this many with just regular weapons. I mean I can. But its going to take a while. And since I'm trying to be quick, I'm going to have to use my Gear. Which is fine by me. I'll just have to torch the place, later on, to get rid of any magical traces.

I slowly exit the church. Just so they have a delayed reaction when I use Sword Birth. They will definitely feel my Demonic Energy.

'Sword Birth'

I use the Shadow Sword and stab it in the ground

~ Inside the church

All of the priests turn to the front of the church.


"Quickly! Get Him!!"


"What that sound?"

A second later.

*Crack, Boom. Boom*




Countless swords rose up from the ground and impaled the Priests. None of them could react fast enough to save themselves. Just about what you would expect from Low-Level grunts. Even those that could dodge the first few swords were impaled by the rest.


No one got away. It would have been a pain to chase them down


I heard some noise behind me and quickly turned around to block the incoming attack.


My shadow sword collided with a light spear. Making it a bit weaker

"Well, well. So you are the one messing up our plans" The Fallen angel looked down on me. He was dressed in a grayish trench coat. He had black hair and dark blue eyes

Two more fallen appeared behind me. One on the left side, the other on the right.

"You won't be escaping little Devil" The one in front of me mocked.

Do these delusional fucks really think they can take me on? I mean I am excluding a Mid-Class aura. And all 3 of them are Mid-Class. But anyone with a brain can tell that I'm suppressing my power.

Mana Suppression only works when you are not in combat. When you use any of your magic or Sacred Gear. Ripples start to appear in your 'aura' breaking the 'Illusion'.

Anyone who calls himself a decent fighter should be able to sense these ripples.

How disappointing. I don't even need to use my Gear against these guys.

"Get him!" The one in the front yelled out as he pushed with his Light Spear hoping to keep me in place

The other two dashed. Raising their Light spears aiming for my back.

When they arrived near me I made my move.

'Touki. Mana Enhancement'

My body swelled with energy.

I let go of my sword and grabbed the light spear of the one in front of me with my bare hands.


I pulled his spear and stabbed the one on my Left behind me. Grabbed his spear and stabbed the one on the Right who tried to stop his Momentum but was still speared through.

The one on the front saw that he had no choice and took to the air hoping to escape. I grabbed the last remaining spear and threw it before it Dissipated. I hit the Fallen in the air, piercing his chest. Making a big hole.

Well, that was easy. When the difference is this much, I don't know what else was I expecting.

Well time to torch the place

"So you are the one killing the 'excommunicated priests'. I knew the Devils were involved." I hear a voice from above.

A man was sitting on the church, right below the cross. He had shoulder-length blond hair and was wearing white robes. But they were the kind Roman Nobility used to wear.

"Greetings. My name is Armaros" He said with a small smile

That name.. So he is one of Ureils Commanders.

SCORE! I can't believe one of them showed up in front of me. Lucky~~

"I was in the area and I thought it would be a good idea to check up on their 'secret' meeting. And take care of them if any cross the line. I didn't expect to find you. Looks like Luck is on my side."

On the contrary. I believe luck is on my side. This is gonna be fun.