
DxD: Primordial Chaos

Just day for a normal guy, but he died due to some mistake, and got transmigrated to a new world (I don't own Anime plot and Character only My OC ) [EXPECT THE WRONG GRAMMAR ENGLISH IS NOT MY MAIN LANGUAGE I DON'T REALLY NEED POWER STONE I JUST WRITE FOR FUN SHARING MY WORK]

Doist_Snow · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Chapter 06

Blake created a sofa for Serafall to sit properly and not on the floor, Serafall sat on the sofa warily due to tingling sensation in her pubic area as if someone marked her in that place.

Due to that uncomfortable feeling, she knew that this shouldn't be the case in every pact the person made with the devil she asked him "I'm too uncomfortable with this tingling sensation, can you tell me what did you do"

"I assume you're familiar with Ars Goetia, It's the same concept but I made a modification on thst magic which is unbreakable even after death, basically if you die for some circumstances or sealed away. I can pull your soul from any part of world you're in it's also a win-win situation for you, I assume you're the weakest Devil Kings in underworld" Serafall was offended by his words but she did retort back as it might endanger her race.

"Don't be scared of me, just be yourself and say what you want say" Blake said with carefree expression.

Serafall still silent, few seconds she spoke "Since I belong to you now, I ask a favor from you?"

"Sure, feel to ask anything, I'm not into slavery" Serafall nodded, she's glab that Blake is not into slavery, she she began stating what ahe wanted "Can you protect my little sister So-tan? Also please don't take any offense if she tried to recruit you into a peerage"

Blake agreed with her, since Sona is a good student that can manage a paperwork, it's a waste to leave her he's determine to her plot armor.

" So what's the name of your sister? With just So-tan I can't easily find her" Blake asked pretending not knowing her to avoid something troublesome.

"Her full name Sona Sitri, she's currently studying at Kouh Academy" Serafall said

"What a coincidence, she's a good student in my school, so fret not I won't hurt her or someone else hurt her" Blake assured her by patting her head. Serefall is really like a child except for her boobs.

After patting her, he restore everything back to normal, they're back to the real world. The people waited for their arrival, they're taking pictures of him and Serafall.

"Can I have a picture with two of you?" Girl asked, she's a cosplayer too a female knight. Blake and Serafall blink to each other and nodded, the girl happily took a picture with them. Then, many more followed the suite and take a picture with them.

That day they become a sensation, their popularity went high surpassing most famous hollywood celebrities. Blake took advantage of his popularity and profited from it.


Weeks later after the thst encounter with Serafall, he's back to being a normal principal doing a paperwork. Then at night is training, he doesn't need to eat and sleep, he only do it to relieve his stress.

Right now it's night, Blake at the hills training his power, and physical body he's topless he's showing his slender muscular body every muscle fibre were showing under his pale skin. He materialize a black shady looking book on his left hand and by waving the other hand the book opened every page of the book are showing different kinds of symbols.

"Good thing that ROB leave a small hint how to do an original reality Manipulation, I was able to comprehend and create many different applications from the, small hint" Blake happily muttered, while reading the book, due to Reality Inducement , he can induce reality/realness onto concepts/objects/places, allowing them to turn things that are not real, or are fake, into real things such as statues, art, videos, representations, conceptual things.

That's why he's able to have a Murasame Blade, and the magical gun he created last time. It's same concept used to create the book Known as Darkhold from Marvel universe.

At first Blake have hard time deciphering the language it took him a week, just just comprehend what's inside. Even, after he got the school he's still continue to read the book as it provide him many type of information, but it's trying to corrupt him, but it's failed, reason the type of element use to corrupt the reader it's chaos energy, which is an inferior version Primordial Chaos the rusult no no effect. This also cleared his doubt why only good got corrupted and not the evil ones.

Blake got interested in opening a limbo, he begins to follow the instruction from the book, Blake become disappointed after it failed to work.

'Hm? Why it didn't work, I' m sure I followed the instructions properly. Maybe, because of the world difference in this world devils live in Underworld. As for the limbo it's from different realities where demons resides, I'm thinking bullcrap again'


Blake to go back to the academy as the sun is about to raise, but before going back to the academy he use appraisal on himself.

Name: Blake"Nero"Snow

Race: Primordial Entity

Title: [Transmigrator] [The Chaos]

Gender: Male

Age: 14(Irrelevant)

Attack Potency: Big Town, Using Reality Erasure(Universal+)

Speed: Supersonic

Lifting Strength: Superhuman

Striking Strength: Small Building

Durability: Varies

Stamina: Irrelevant

Range: Ten of Meters(10-100m), Reality Erasure (Universal+)

Standard Equipment: Muramasa, Darkhold(The Bible of Black Magic)

Intelligence: Super Genius

Weaknesses: Primordial Order, Primordial Light

Physiology: Primordial Umbra-Chaotic Physiology

Skills/Abilities: Self-Appraisal, [Primordial Umbra-Chaotic Manipulation: Fear Inducement, Chaos Attack, Darkness Attack, Chaos Empowerment, Darkness Empowerment,Blindness Inducement, Shadow Stealth, Dimensional storage, Disintegration,Chaos Regenerative Healing Factor, Darkness Healing, Spatial Slash, Flight], [Primordial Reality Manipulation: Reality Immunity, Reality Restoration, Reality Inducement, Reality Collapse, Erasure], [Darkhold Magic: Modified Ars Goetia, Limbo, Lycan Creation, Vampire Creation, Summoning Malevolent Entity, Psionic Energy Siphoning], Master Swordman, Master Gunner

"My months of training my power alone made me so powerful, plus accumulation of different ability applications that came out from mind, with teaching from the book I reached Universal+" Blacke said with slight surprise, even him didn't knew what did he do to become powerful only he did is training and killing strays. Then, sleep, or meditation, and exploring the town buying anime merch that's all he do.

'Is it because of plot armor? Damn ROB can you to tone the plot armor down with this set alone, I'm unkillable and pretty OP already'


Somewhere in the void a middle age handmose man with blonde hair sneeze, 'Did that guy curse me? Nevermind he's going to have a hard time dealing with my son as he also wanted to experience real adventure like those Isekai anime' ROB thought with tired face after he reincarnate Blake, into DxD his son also wanted to be reincarnated so his son kept pestering him everyday.

"Father! Please let me reincarnate too Please! Please! Please!" The 10 years old blonde haired child said while humping around his father.

ROB sighed "Son, you can't how many times do we need to argue? When I said can't you can't wait until, that guy become a powerful entity"

The son with downcast expression, started to get confuse "Father, do you need him if I'm already powerful?"

"You aren't powerful, thst guy I reincarnated can erase you from existence" ROB said giving him a warning not to be arrogant.

The blonde kib gasp then showed a mischievous smile "Are you sure father? Then, he's good if he have that kind of power right father?"

"Wha-You... Alright you win, I will give you a Dimensional Chat group and seal your power and abilities you'll live like a human, like a Protagonist while having adventure you gain companion"

The blonde kid eyes glimmered, he's getting excited, ROB felt he said something wrong.


[New Character Unlocked, I'm now following the ideas from my imagination]