

freakofntur · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Setting up the board

A/N: my stories are more in the style of journal than a scene/play. so most of the time I will be paraphrasing dialogue instead of writing charcters. if any of you think of a dialogue line that would fit my paraphrasing to be either funny, badass, dramatic or cool in any way or form, please set the dialogue (quote) in paragraph comment .



I was hanging out with my friends for my 7th birthday party when we were disturbed by Riser phenex " Oi Gremory, if you want to be my wife, then you better grow your boobs " , huffing angrily, he left the party.

We were about to be angry at him for rudely interrupting our time but Rias started crying, so we started consoling her. She told me that her father was in talks with Phenex clan for a marriage. She thought it was just maids' rumours but Riser just confirmed it.

I ask if she thinks the deal is already made and she said that they were going to meet this weekend to sign some contacts.

I show her my evil pieces and offer her a place in my peerage. I told her that if she became my servant, I would become her lord and no deal regarding her could be made without my express permission.

Seekvaira and I were already betrothed to each other and latia was a member of my branch family, she didn't have the status to arrange her marriage. So i made the same offer to Sona, if she ever faces something like this.

Rias is easily on board and even forces Sona to come on board with the plan with her sheer cuteness. Of course Sona's fear of arrange marriage that she knew would one day come played a big role in it.

I took out 4 pawn pieces each and reincarnated rias and Sona as my servants. when we revealed this to all our parents and older siblings, everyone was mad.

Thank God (ouch) ,they choose see it as children acting on their fears and not as me masterminding something. They had a lot of time to assess my character as one of the best friends of their child, so they knew i cared for them very much.

My parents and my brother had to make some assurances, and finally everything was settled.

Rias and Sona will live at their own house but come to my house instead of school for their training and education. Seekvaira and Latia both agreed to skip school to come to my place as well.

I'm able to turn our phisical training into playing sports and educational training into projects. Like for Rias, to help her gain control over her POD, she is tasked with instilling that power into the lazer beam attack of her mecha 'crimson'.

For history and culture, we would invite a guest from any of our parent's or sibling's peerage who have lived through those history's and have tell their tales.

Sometimes, we would even recreate those stories as small performance play, like one where we played a historical drama of the devil civil war. Me, Rias And Sona often Played our siblings in those. Sona is always embarrassed when i ask her to act more cheerful to already try to get in character.

4 years pass-by in bliss of friendship. In the meantime i had broadened my friend circle in the name of finding more peerage.

We had toured Japan to learn more about Japanese magic in an exchange program of sorts with yokai of kyoto. To expand our knowledge even further, we started looking for any humans who could teach their version of Japanese magic.

On such quest we found discarded Akeno, and isolated and abandoned Tsubaki. of course they think it as a fate encounter, not knowing how much planning it took me to 'stumble' upon them. I didn't reincarnate them yet, just to show them that I didn't save them to get more servants.

I even found Gasper Valdi and Valerie Tepes on a 'unplanned ' trip to Romania. Gasper is much better settled than in original serise due to Valerie's influence. Valerie herself is extremely grateful for the rescue and insisted on doing something to repay, swearing her life to me with a blush.

i of course made her my bishop, it took both pieces to reincarnate her but her sacred gear is THE holly grail, of course she would have boundless potential


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