

freakofntur · Anime e quadrinhos
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5 Chs

Catching the queen

A/N: my stories are more in the style of journal than a scene/play. so most of the time I will be paraphrasing dialogue instead of writing charcters. if any of you think of a dialogue line that would fit my paraph

asing to be either funny, badass, dramatic or cool in any way or form, please set the dialogue (quote) in paragraph comment.



I had spent quite a bit of resources and my changes spies to find out about a nekomata named Fujimai. She was a concubine to a human magical researcher under sponsorship of Naberius clan.

What was important about her was that she was the mother of shirone and kuroka. My clan had much higher standing than Naberius clan , so we were able to poach the researcher without much effort.

I was able to develope a bond with the family by participating in their research into super-devils from time to time. So much that when time came for the couple to participate in a particularly dangerous experiment, they sent their daughters to my house for safekeeping/babysitting.

Their caution proved nessasary when I heard the news of their lab exploding, with them inside it. Both daughters were very upset at the loss of their mother, while kuroka was indifferent to her father's loss.

Me and my friends were able to console them. As i hugged shirone to comfort her, my AI spell detected some magical-digital signature from her hair pin , after checking through it, i found out that it was compilation of all of their father's research into super-devils.

After downloading it's data, I revaled it's content to kuroka and my elder brother. My brother was disgusted by it's crudeness but suggested that methods implied in the files are inhumane but sufficient extrapolation from it could result in super-beings, not just for the devil race but almost any.

Ofcourse the path would be filled with danger, as recent explosive deaths have proven. Kuroka didn't like her father much but accepted the research as her inheritance and was going to use it to become a powerful being.

I warned her of it's dangers and offered my help to help her achieve her goals at a slower, but much safer pace. Shirone crying that she didn't want to lose her sister like her parents assured that kuroka accepted my help with caution.


Time skip- 4 years


After years of training and cultivating our relationship, we were all much stronger and shared a much closer bond. I and my fiance were 12 years old now , while rias and Sona were 10. kuroka was now 16.

For these 4 years, kuroka tried to extrapolate her father's research into devil's energy to her own natural chakra and her practice of senjutsu. It basically boiled down to compressing the energy to make it denser and replacing your own energy with this denser energy. It was very similar to cultivation from Chinese novels/mythology.

Kuroka , Me, Sona , Rias and Valarie have also been using a very low compression ratio compared to one suggested in research, to keep caution. While Akeno and Tsubaki have also been using an even more inferior version due to limitations of their race , specially with Akeno refusing her fallen angel Heritage.

It has already shown massive result. 3 out of 4 of the pawns I used for both Rias and Sona have mutated, showing that they have almost completely broken the limits of their evil pieces.

But we were still children limiting our growth due to lack of physical growth at same level. Kuroka was the one to gain most from this training due to her puberty. She gained both physically and magically from her cultivation.

On my twelfth birthday, kuroka surprise me by sneaking into my bed at night. she explained that as a yokai in heat she wanted to mate with the strongest male she had access to.

Although I was nowhere near as strong as my brother, I was on my way there (and maybe beyond) and she much more appreciated my help in making her stronger. After all the strength requirement in mate is to gain security and to have strong children, both being achieved by increasing her own strength.

That night i lost my virginity. Now that she had offered herself to me, i was obliged to fill all her holes. I had a hard time keeping up with her strength and stamina, but I pushed trough, matching her enthusiasm at every step.

Next morning i asked her to become a member of my peerage and she agreed. It took the Queen piece to reincarnated her as a devil, but it was well worth it. She was an expert with magical energies and senjutsu , while also being an expert in physical combat, she was the perfect Queen for me.

Once Kuroka became my Queen, I asked her to become my trainer in art of physical combat and senjutsu. I also increased the training of my peerage despite Rias's lazy protest.

After a year of training with kuroka, I was finally able to convince Akeno to use her holy Heritage, if not for her own benefit that atleast to help us gain a resistance to it. I presented her with logic that making us stronger against that whole race is same as making that race weaker.

After cultivating under her emitting holy light, all my peerage would feel head ache and weakness, but by repeated exposure to it with increasing dosage, we were building up an immunity to it.

Me and kuroka have even developed a taste for it, much like one does for bitter and poisonous alcohol. we just have to mix it with senjutsu for optimal taste.



I have books based on :-

Warhammer fantasy (x2)

Percy Jackson

Harry Potter

One piece

Game of thrones

